Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 289: finally come!

"Hey, it's actually a weapon made by Light Spirit Profound Stone, it's rare!"

There was a sudden sound of shock in the ear, but it was the little ball that came out at some unknown time.

The appearance of the little thing made Qin Shaofeng immediately understand that the blade in his hand must be a treasure.

This caused Qin Shaofeng to ask: "What is this little thing?"

Xiaoqiuqiu did not answer, but rolled his eyes and sneered: "Under such a situation, you still have the heart to think about this?"

In this case?

Qin Shaofeng's face was taken aback, and then he was surprised.

I rub, I'm on the battlefield!

Unconsciously, his eyes flashed over the surrounding situation, Qin Shaofeng realized that he had a few ill-intentioned gazes and cast them at him.

"Sister, don't care about him, put it away first, wait until the matter is over, then watch it slowly!"

As he said, Qin Shaofeng immediately put the blade into the storage ring, and slammed to the silver-level killer who had already been killed.

Of course, before leaving, the storage bag on the silver thirteen corpse on the ground was naturally also taken away by Qin Shaofeng.

A silver-level killer with ten peaks of spiritual veins must have something good on him.

Even if you can't use it, you can exchange points!


After the battle lasted for more than half an hour, this city lord mansion had already suffered countless casualties.

The assassins brought by Zi Hongming, Iron and Bronze were almost dead.

Even at the moment, there are only a dozen silver-level assassins left. There is no way someone has too much appetite. They are looking for these silver-level assassins, and they can still attack by sneak attack instead of direct violence.

Because of this, many of those silver-level killers died.

As for the twelve gold-level killers, two of them died.

Those are all powerful masters of the legendary realm!

And it's a killer, so there is no doubt about his strength.

But even so, facing the Lu family's counterattack, and the help of Beiyangcheng residents, two were killed.

The killer on Zi Hongming's side suffered heavy casualties, but the Lu Family of the City Lord's Mansion was not much better.

Especially in order to balance the strength of the two sides, plus Qin Shaofeng, who really didn't like the Lu family, secretly played a lot of black hands on the Lu family.

Many people in the Lu family were inexplicably killed in the battle when facing the assassination hall killer.

This situation is very strange, but no one noticed this phenomenon in the melee.

Even the only assassin who felt something was wrong with the situation was quickly killed by Ben.

Therefore, no one noticed this situation at all.

Therefore, before not knowing it, the Lu Family's Spirit Vein Realm masters suffered heavy losses.

Even if the Lu Family could survive this battle, they would probably be far less powerful than the one or two of the elevenths they won.

There are losses on both sides, and the only person who has gained a lot is probably Qin Shaofeng.

It's really rich!

In less than an hour, the number of silver-level killers who died in Qin Shaofeng's hands was probably more than fifty.

Even those iron rank and bronze rank killers, all add up to more than a hundred people.

This limit kill mission, the first condition has been more than half completed.

This is the first big gain!

The second major gain is experience.

Not only the killers, but also the Lu family that Qin Shaofeng secretly killed, the total number of people in this group has exceeded two hundred.

Killing one, Qin Shaofeng can gain four thousand experience points with the bonus of five times experience bonus card.

Two hundred is 800,000!

This is not far from the upper limit of Qin Shaofeng's ten-fold upgrade experience at the moment.

The only thing that made Qin Shaofeng regret was that he didn't kill any gold-level assassins.

Even a gold-ranked killer who died, Qin Shaofeng had a chance for one of them.

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng's hands and feet slowed down a bit, and when he caught up, the gold-ranked assassin just died out, so naturally he was gone.

Now that there are few silver-level assassins left, Qin Shaofeng has already begun to stare at the remaining ten gold-level assassins, ready to look for opportunities.

Finally, Lu Yuanshan, who was still fighting with Zi Hongming in the sky, discovered that his Lu family had suffered heavy losses, and his heart suddenly became furious.

Although he started to fight with that Zi Hongming inextricably, but in fact, both of them are in the seventh realm of the legend, and it is natural to be calm in hand.

But no one is desperate!

At their level, if you work hard, it is normal to fight for two or three hours in a match.

But the current situation clearly cannot be dragged on here.

"Zi Hongming, you are so cruel! You have caused my Lu family to suffer such a heavy loss, you are fine!" After a violent punch, Lu Yuanshan staggered and retreated slightly, and roared with hatred.

Unexpectedly, with his roar, Zi Hongming was also furious.

"Fuck off, Lu Yuanshan, you scumbag, you still dare to say that. If it weren't for you, would there be such a situation?" Zi Hongming roared.

With so many killers dead, this is a big loss for the assassination hall, and Zi Hongming is angry.

At this time, Lu Yuanshan already understood something in his heart.

He was sure that Zi Hongming must have misunderstood something and found him.

Even deep in Lu Yuanshan's heart, there is an extremely bad conjecture.

But even so, Lu Yuanshan no longer had the idea of ​​explaining to Zi Hongming.

The situation has developed to the point where both sides have suffered such serious losses. Lu Yuanshan knew in his heart that there was no way to look back.

Therefore, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, and Lu Yuanshan stared at Zi Hongming and said coldly: "It's useless to say more, Zi Hongming, you die!"

After all, Lu Yuanshan snapped out a palm, slamming a palm print, blasting towards Zihong.

"Finally it's real!"

Zi Hongming sneered and slammed, but it was the "Palm of Fury" from the Zi family!


The two palm prints collided in midair, and there was a loud bang, which slightly surprised the battlefield below.

This is the battle of the legendary realm!

Unable to look up at the sky, Qin Shaofeng sighed with emotion.

Unlike the battles between monsters and beasts that focus on strength, the battles in the human legendary realm are more battles with auras.

A palm was fruitless, and Zihongming suddenly took another palm.


Another aura of palm print whizzed away.

Na Lu Yuanshan's eyes flashed, and he shouted fiercely, "Bengyun palm!"

This is Lu Jiajiexue's "Broken Cloud Palm". Although it is only a two-star at the prefecture level, its explosive power is comparable to that of a three-star at the prefecture level.

Therefore, although Lu Yuanshan's palm sent out, although he didn't make any aura palm prints, it curled up with a strong palm wind, and suddenly the palm of Zi Hongming was blown away.

Seeing this, Zi Hongming was shocked and angry. He never expected that Lu Yuanshan would have left a hand.

From the situation at this moment, Lu Yuanshan has clearly reached the seventh pinnacle of the legend.

He thought that the other party was the same as himself in the late seventh stage of the legend.


Angrily in his heart, then a trace of determination flashed in Zi Hongming's eyes.

The assassination hall's assassin had lost so much, such a loss was against the Black Martial Kingdom, and it had never happened.

Even if he is the brother of the Patriarch, but for such a loss, I am afraid that others in the Zi family will be accused.

Then, Zi Hongming had only one choice.

That is to kill Lu Yuanshan and take down this Beiyang City!

Even if it pays some price!

"Lu Yuanshan, this is what you forced me!" Zi Hongming roared fiercely, and then a spirit gushing out from his body.

"Ziyun Jue!"

No matter who the Zi family is, they have practiced "Zi Yun Jue". Of course, as a member of the Zi family like Zi Hongming, the "Zi Yun Jue" he cultivated is naturally different from those of the killers.

One of them is particularly different, that is, a move similar to Zi Fen created by referring to "Zi Yun Wu Ji".

At this moment, Zi Hongming used this trick!

With a loud boom, after a roar, the breath of Zi Hongming suddenly rose.

It just passed the Seventh Legend in an instant and soared to the Eighth Legend!

Under such a skyrocketing, Lu Yuanshan's palm wind was blown away.

not good!

At the moment when he felt Zihongming's aura soaring, Lu Yuanshan felt a little bad in his heart.

It's a pity that he didn't give him time to react. After his strength skyrocketed, Zi Hongming roared fiercely, "Lv Yuanshan, you go to death!"

After all, Zi Hongming shook his hands, waved with one hand, turned his palm into a knife, and slammed down towards Lu Yuanshan.


With this palm of Zi Hongming, he cut out a huge sword energy with a length of ten feet, and slashed towards Lu Yuanshan.

Lu Yuanshan instantly puffed up the aura in his body, condensing a gas shield of the inner wall on his chest.

But after the huge sword qi, this qi shield had no effect at all, and was instantly smashed by that sword qi.


In the end, the huge sword energy hit Lu Yuanshan's body, and Lu Yuanshan spit out blood, his face turned pale and flew out, his appearance was obviously seriously injured.

Zi Hongming didn't get much better, because the giant sword aura seemed to consume a lot of his aura. He was panting at this moment, and he couldn't even keep flying in the air instantly.

But seeing Lu Yuanshan flying upside down, Zi Hongming still laughed.

"Haha, fight with me? Lu Yuanshan, you are far away!"

After speaking, a gleam of blood flashed in Zi Hongming's eyes, and he forcefully lifted a breath of spiritual energy, and one threw himself at Lu Yuanshan, wanting to give Lu Yuanshan the final blow.

Witnessing this scene, Beiyang City, especially the still-living Lu family, rushed away in shock, wanting to save their Patriarch.

It is a pity that the assassination hall killers seem to have been ordered long ago, and they burst out to stop them.

So that the people of the Lu family, and the masters of Beiyang City, could not go to rescue for a while.

Qin Shaofeng ran over, but wanted him to save Lu Yuanshan?

What a joke, it can't be good at all!

Whether it is Lu Yuanshan or Zi Hongming, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, they are not good things.

If you die, you die, **** him!

Seeing that Lu Yuanshan was killed by Zihongming's hand, a roar suddenly came from a distance.

"Dare the thief!"

The roar came extremely suddenly, but the sound fell into Zi Hongming's ears, but it made a flash of fear in his eyes.

Then, Zi Hongming gave up the chance to kill Lu Yuanshan with a palm, but turned around abruptly and ran wildly into the distance.

He is...

Want to escape?

But even if Zihongming was extremely fast, the owner of the roar still didn't pay attention to it.


With a cold snort of disdain, the crowd on the ground suddenly saw this scene.

Zi Hongming, who ran away frantically, suddenly had a huge handprint in front of him, and then even with one shot, Zi Hongming was shot and fell to the ground motionless.

Although it is not dead, it is also the case of less air intake and more air.

one strike!

Moreover, with a single blow, Zi Hongming was seriously injured.

This is the master!

This is the real powerhouse!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, feeling a lot more relaxed.

finally come!

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