Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 172: Have their own minds


Seeing that one of his subordinates died, the captain who was born eightfold finally couldn't stay.

"Little thief is a good method, let me meet you!"

With a loud shout, the captain flew away, and with his right fist, he blasted towards Qin Shaofeng with strong internal energy.

Qin Shaofeng is not stupid, but he doesn't appear to be head-on.

Air dance!

With a soft hum in his heart, Qin Shaofeng felt his whole body lighten, as if a fish entered the water, he felt the gravity on his body disappear instantly, and the whole person was extremely relaxed.


With a flash, Qin Shaofeng walked directly together when the captain threw a punch.

Dance in the air and tread snow without trace!

The state of treading air without a trace reappeared, and it was very easy to dodge the powerful blow of the captain.


Seeing that he was dodged by the opponent with a blow, the opponent's face became angry.

But before he looked back for Qin Shaofeng's trace, another scream came from his ear.

This voice, the captain is no stranger, it was the voice of his last Innate Sixth Subordinate.

Turning his head abruptly, the captain saw that his subordinates really don't kill.

"Ah! I killed you, I must kill you!"

The captain was almost mad.

The opponent was obviously just a martial artist with an innate six-level realm, but under his leadership, his team lost half of the players.

In the midst of the rage, the captain did not keep any reservations, and the eight-fold innate aura was vented, and the whole person was in a state of riot.

"Watch that kid closely for me, don't let him run away."

The captain suddenly yelled at the remaining three innate seven-layered martial artists, and those three innate seven-layered martial artists were also very angry at this moment.

They have lived together in this small team for several years, and naturally the feelings have become a bit deep.

At first they had ten people, but at the beginning, those two people died a long time ago, not the four of them now, they have a deep feeling with them.

Therefore, the three of them glanced at each other one after another and decided to themselves that they would not let their enemy leave in any case.

You must kill this person and avenge yourself and others' brothers.

Under this circumstance, the breath of these four people actually had a faint tendency to unite from end to end, suppressing Qin Shaofeng's breath abruptly.

Qin Shaofeng furrowed his brows, feeling a faintly depressed breath coming from all around him, and a bad sound in his heart.

Just accept it and do what you can!

Qin Shaofeng always remembered these eight words, so even if he had to grasp it, he would kill two more people, but for the sake of safety, Qin Shaofeng chose to leave.

As for the encirclement of the other four of them, this is a complete joke under Qin Shaofeng's empty dance technique.

Together, Qin Shaofeng jumped into the sky like a wild goose, and then flew away.


Qin Shaofeng suddenly flew up, and such shocking behavior surprised all the four people who were about to tear him apart.

Can actually fly?

how can that be?

The four of them couldn't figure it out, but when they finally saw Qin Shaofeng's figure slipping down in the distance, the captain seemed to understand something.

"No, it's not flying. It should be some kind of deep body technique. In my opinion, it is definitely a ground-level, or even a ground-level three-star skill!" The captain said in a deep voice, watching the distance disappearing into a jungle. A trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

The same greed also appeared in the eyes of the three innate seven-layer martial artists.

Earth-level body law?

It might even be the grade of the prefecture-level Samsung?

How precious this is!

The three of them moved in their hearts and looked at their boss one after another.

As the boss of a few people, wouldn't that innate eight-fold martial artist understand their thoughts.

After hesitating for a while, his face flashed with hesitation, but in the end the team leader still said, "We still don't report it. Although we are now less in number, it is difficult to trace the trace of that kid, but such an opportunity, we cannot miss it!"


It is impossible for them to miss such an opportunity!

The trio were only ordered to hunt down this person. The reason was just that the innate ten major captain of their brigade leader, a more important tribe, was killed, and then they were sent to hunt down that person.

But now if it is reported, that earth-level body technique that can almost fly short distances, they will still be eligible to get involved?

Not reported!

The four of them unified their opinions in an instant, and then rushed to catch up to the distance.

As for the four bodies behind them.

Although they are brothers, they are already dead after all. They would have buried the four of them in good health.

It is a pity that these trivial matters are obviously not as important as the land-level physical skills.

Therefore, none of the four mentioned this matter, as if they had forgotten intentionally.


Sure enough, it came after!

Under the jungle, seeing four figures rushing from a distance, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a sneer.

Qin Shaofeng has always been able to let go of those who chased him down, so he would never bypass it.

However, after all, the opponent was a combination of three innate seven-tiered martial arts and one innate eight-tiered martial artist, and because he had killed the innate six-tiered martial arts master, he became extremely vigilant about him, and would never be careless.

Although even facing such a team, if Qin Shaofeng had all his cards, he would be able to kill all four opponents if he was injured at most.

But that was too uneconomical, and Qin Shaofeng hadn't forgotten that there was more than this team who was chasing him!

If you don't wait for you to finish killing the other four people, and you encounter an eight-man team again, it will be really dangerous.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng chose another method.

Even though Qin Shaofeng seemed to be running away, in fact, Qin Shaofeng had never thought of running away.

Exercising the air dance technique to jump out of the surrounding of four people, and then fall into the distance pretending to be gliding, this undoubtedly created a phenomenon of powerful physical skills.

A body technique that can glide hundreds of meters at low altitude is probably attractive enough even if it is not a heavenly technique.

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe it. Faced with such a temptation, the four of them were not moved.

The final result told Qin Shaofeng that he was right, and the other party was moved.

At this moment, the four hot-hearted people didn't know that after Qin Shaofeng fell in the distance, he hidden his breath and turned back.

Looking at that before, Qin Shaofeng glided over three hundred meters.

But Qin Shaofeng ran back over a hundred meters, and then hid.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Several figures flashed past, rushing forward, it was the four people before.

But the four of them didn't know that at this time, it was not they chasing Qin Shaofeng, but Qin Shaofeng began to follow them.

Qin Shaofeng finally changed from being a chased character to a hunter preparing to secretly attack.

After chasing for a while, the captain frowned and felt a little impatient.


There is no trace of it!

Obviously this situation was not within the captain’s expectation. In the end, he spoke to the three people around him: "That’s good. The four of us will look for them separately. Once we find the kid, we will notify the other three, that kid. There are a lot of secrets, don't let the gutter capsize!"

"Well, I know the boss!"

The three responded at the same time, but what they thought in their hearts was another matter.

Although Qin Shaofeng killed the four of them in front of them, they were all martial arts masters in the sixth realm.

They are the martial masters of the Seventh Innate Realm, and the other party is only the Sixth Innate Realm. As long as they are more careful, how can they capsize in the gutter?

As for notifying others?


That powerful body is so special, but it can glide at low altitude, this kind of precious thing, the less people know, the less.



Are you kidding, isn’t it just staying together for a few more years?

Can this feeling be compared with the Earth-level Shenfa?

Although no one speaks at this moment, I am afraid that these people have almost this mentality!

As the team leader, that innate eight-fold martial artist, naturally knows what these people under his hands are probably thinking at the moment.

But finally after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

To be honest, he said that, but for the sake of the three of them. After all, looking back at the situation at this moment, the more he felt that the kid he was chasing and killing was really difficult.

Although the three of them are already martial masters of the Seventh Realm of Innate, it is not impossible that the gutter will capsize!

However, he also understood at the moment that even if he said anything, I am afraid that the three of them would not listen.

It might even give them alternative ideas, so it's better not to say.

As for if he himself meets the other person, I am afraid he will not inform others.

The gutter capsized?

A joke, he is a martial artist in the eightfold realm!

With their own thoughts in their arms, the four soon separated.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who was not far behind them, smiled as expected.

The assassination is on!


Turning into a figure, Qin Shaofeng instantly chased one of them.

With his eyes wide open, Qin Shaofeng caught up with the opponent smoothly.

This person is a martial artist in the initial stage of the Seventh Layer of Innate, and his internal aura can only exceed 50,000 points, which is the bottom of the four. So Qin Shaofeng chose this person first.

After catching up with the opponent, Qin Shaofeng didn't hide his meaning at all, and appeared directly in front of the opponent.

As Qin Shaofeng expected, this person didn't notify the others the first time he saw him, instead he laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I was so lucky, I found you so soon!"

find me?

A trace of helplessness flashed across Qin Shaofeng's face, and his heart was speechless.

Sister, if the little master doesn't show up, you dare to say that you can find me even as a bird?

But this man didn’t think so. He even saw the helplessness on Qin Shaofeng’s face. He thought it was because he was chased by himself and couldn’t escape. He couldn’t help but ecstatic, and then said proudly, "Boy, I will give you With a chance to hand over the kind of body technique you just used, maybe I can spare your life!"

"By the way, and the silver sword light martial arts you used before, also hand it over. I will spare you not to die!"

Perhaps it was thought that Qin Shaofeng killed his own person before, and the martial arts he used at that time was also good, and finally this added another sentence.

"Really? After I hand it all over, can you kill me?"

Although he felt that the person in front of him was really arrogant and added two strokes, in the end, in order to relax a little bit for himself, Qin Shaofeng still cringed and whispered in a low voice according to his previous plan.

"Of course, I, Hu Er, always say one thing is the same, saying that I can go around you, just go around you!" Seeing that Qin Shaofeng seemed to have compromised, Hu Er was overjoyed in his heart and quickly promised again.

"That's it!" A hint of hesitation flashed across his face, and Qin Shaofeng finally gritted his teeth and said, "Well, I'll give it to you, but you have to say it!"

With that, Qin Shaofeng stretched out into his arms.

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