Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 135: parting


It is too strong!

Feeling the killing intent that flashed past, Qin Shaofeng was finally convinced that the strength of this side of affairs absolutely exceeded his own cognition.

Among the people Qin Shaofeng had met, I'm afraid that only Lian Chengjiang had to pick up his junior sister, and the strong man who controlled the giant eagle could be compared.

However, after listening to Fang Guanshi's words, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed sharply, and he said in a deep voice: "No, Fang Guanshi, you don't need to intervene, destroy my Qin family's enemy, I will personally get it back! "


Fang Guanshi's eyes flashed slightly, and he couldn't help but look at Qin Shaofeng, but saw Qin Shaofeng's serious face, which made him sigh slightly.

He deserves to be his son!

"Alright, as far as I can see, the forces behind those people are not very strong, so let's take it as your experience!" Fang Guan said lightly.

But if his words were heard by the people in Lianyang Academy, it would probably cause quite a stir.

Although the Lu family in Lianyang is not as good as the three big families in Lianyang, it is considered a first-class family power.

Not to mention others, I'm afraid there are many Lingmai masters.

But the tone and attitude of Cong Fang Guan Shi's words seemed to be like a broiler in the Lu Family.

However, after speaking, Fang Guan's gaze fell on Old Man Qin again, and he said solemnly: "Don't talk about other things, your grandfather's matter must be resolved first."

For Mr. Qin's situation, Fang Guan was also somewhat fortunate.

In fact, when he returned to Lanjiang City and found Father Qin, Father Qin was already dying frequently.

In the end, he did not hesitate to consume some of his own cultivation base, and then he rescued the old man Qin.

However, the current situation of Mr. Qin is still not optimistic.

If it is treated in time, I am afraid there will be another life crisis.

When Mr. Fang knew that his grandfather was not out of danger, Qin Shaofeng's expression changed suddenly, and his heart began to worry.

Fortunately, Guan Shi also said that his grandfather's situation is not without a solution.

However, this method cannot be realized in Lanjiang City.

Fang Guanshi wanted to bring Old Man Qin back to his sect. Only some of his sect who had special healing methods could heal Old Man Qin completely.

It was not that Qin Shaofeng had never thought of asking Qin Yueer to perform a demon hymn to her grandfather to heal.

It's a pity that with Qin Yue'er's current internal aura, it is impossible to perform the Demon God's Hymn in a short time.

And the injury of Old Man Qin can only be suppressed for ten days at most.

Although somewhat reluctant, Qin Shaofeng eventually asked his grandfather to Fang Guan.

After Guan Shi learned that Qin Shaofeng really didn't plan to leave with him, he didn't dare to neglect, and he took Old Man Qin on the road with some preparations.

However, Mr. Qin was not the only one who left with Guanshi Fang, Qin Yueer also left with Guanshi Fang.

Fang Guanshi was extremely shocked by what happened to Qin Yueer.

When he found Qin Shaofeng, Qin Yueer was dying and not far from death.

But the day after Qin Shaofeng was retrieved, Qin Yueer recovered suddenly, without any reason.

This made Fang Guan's heart extremely shocked. After any examination of Qin Yue'er, he even discovered that Qin Yue'er possessed a strong vitality in his body, which reminded him of a physique in the legend.

The body of life!

It is said that the person who possesses the body of life possesses extremely strong vitality. The vitality is far beyond ordinary people, and it is an existence that ordinary people cannot touch.

Once the vitality of the life body is stimulated, even if it is not practiced, its life span is several times longer than that of ordinary people.

And once aroused, because of its strong vitality, it is not easy to die. No matter what injury you suffer, you can recover quickly. Even if you have a broken arm, you can heal as long as your head is not damaged.

In Fang Guanshi's eyes, Qin Yueer went from dying frequently to recovering overnight. This is definitely the reason why the vitality of the life body in the legend was stimulated.

Especially when he checked Qin Yue'er, he found that Qin Yue'er's body was extremely powerful, and he thought so.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng somewhat understood what this was all about.

Qin Yue'er was naturally not a body of life.

And Fang Guanshi probably didn't know that Qin Yue'er was not in a state of frequent death, but a real resurrection.

In addition, the person who was resurrected by the super devil chess piece, even if he became the family member of Qin Shaofeng, could be regarded as the real demons.

Although he belonged to the real demons, there was no evil aura in Qin Yue'er.

On the contrary, there is extremely strong vitality, vitality and blood is extremely strong, and because of the hymn of the demon god, all these add up, which makes Fang Guanshi have such a misunderstanding.

However, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, based on Qin Yue'er's situation, it is not a mistake to say that Qin Yue'er is the body of life.

With such a talented spiritual root with powerful vitality like the spirit of the devil, the spirit of the devil is probably a more advanced body of life.

Guan Shi said that he knows a senior who has a physique similar to the body of life, and the other party also knows Qin Shaofeng's father. It is definitely a good choice for Qin Yueer to worship him as a teacher.

After asking Qin Yueer's meaning again, seeing that Qin Yueer had no objection, Qin Shaofeng thought again, after this time, Fang Guanshi also said, let Old Qin stay in his sect, so Qin Yueer went How much can I take care of my grandfather.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not refuse Fang Guanshi's proposal.

Outside Lanjiang City, Qin Shaofeng stood for a long time looking at the figure that had turned into black spots, and then slowly left.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know that a figure in the distance was always looking in the direction of Lanjiang City, even if Lanjiang City had disappeared, she never took her gaze back.

Master, don't worry!

Yue'er will take care of the old lady!

and also……

When I see the young master again next time, Yue'er will definitely not drag him down!

Yue'er will definitely practice hard too!

She couldn't help but touched her arms, Qin Yue'er then retracted her gaze, looked down, and then smiled slightly.

At this moment, what was in her hand was a transparent medicine bottle, and a pill was lying quietly in it.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t know that the reason why Qin Yueer agreed to leave with Fang Guanshi was that she wanted to take care of Mr. Qin for Qin Shaofeng. The most important reason was that she heard Fang Guanshi say that the person she was going to be a teacher was a very powerful person. exist.

In Qin Yue'er's heart, if she worships such a powerful person as a teacher, then she will definitely be able to cultivate quickly.

So she can help her young master faster.


Outside Lanjiang City, in a cemetery of the Qin family.

This is the place where the ancestors of the Qin family died after their deaths. Except for the Qin family's direct descendants, no one else is qualified to be buried here.

But now, there is a new grave here.

Tomb of the righteous son Qin An!

This is Qin An's tomb, the tomb that Qin Shaofeng laid for Qin An in the name of his grandfather.

From Qin Dabao, Qin Shaofeng knew that, in order to gain time for his grandfather to live, Qin An desperately tried his best to hold back the two martial arts masters of the innate triple realm.

Qin Anke is an acquired warrior!

How much perseverance and determination should this be able to hold two innate triple martial artists?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't imagine, nor could he imagine.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew that if it weren't for his Uncle An, his grandpa would probably not survive at all.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng decided to bury Qin An in the ancestral tomb of the Qin family.

He believed that even if his grandfather knew about it, he would only approve but not object.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng felt extremely sorry for his Uncle An's situation.

Because Qin An died for more than three days, even if Qin Shaofeng wanted to resurrect him with a super demon chess piece, he couldn't do it.

"Uncle An, don't worry, your sacrifice was not in vain, grandpa is fine, so you can go with peace of mind!"

Standing in front of Qin An's grave, Qin Shaofeng placed the wine and dishes, and was talking while pouring the wine, as if Qin An was still alive.

After pouring the wine, Qin Shaofeng stared at Qin An’s tomb and said swearingly: “Uncle An, don’t worry, I will never let the enemy of our Qin family go. Although the Lu family is strong, it doesn’t take long. The Lu Family will definitely be wiped out!"

As he said, Qin Shaofeng suddenly raised the hip flask in his hand and took a few sips of wine.

Under the stimulus of the spicy drink, Qin Shaofeng's face suddenly became ruddy, and then Qin Shaofeng stood up and left without looking back.

Now that he has made a decision, he has to finish it!

He wants to completely destroy the Lu Family in the shortest time.

However, before that, he must understand the Lu Family and improve his strength.

Regardless of whether it is to understand the Lu Family or to improve his own strength, Qin Shaofeng knew that the fastest way was to return to Lianyang Academy.

However, before that, he still went to worship other dead people.

Those clan members who died in the Qin family had long been buried by Fang Guan.

After paying homage to the tribe, standing on the wall of Lanjiang City, Qin Shaofeng glanced at the entire Lanjiang City, especially in the direction of Qin Mansion for a long time, before turning around and striding away.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know when he left this time and when he would come back next time.

Or maybe, forever.

Without summoning Lord Tiger, Qin Shaofeng hurried along with Ta Xue Wuhen.

With his current internal energy value of close to 200,000 points, he was just using Taxue Wuhen, fearing that he could keep it forever.

But just less than half an hour after Qin Shaofeng left Lanjiang City, an unusually evil aura suddenly descended on Lanjiang City.

In the breath was a person covered in black robes. He couldn't tell his age, he was old or young, male or female.

However, this person's cultivation is not simple. Walking on the streets of Lanjiang City, no one in Lanjiang City noticed.

Even in a face-to-face situation, it seems that because of the evil spirit that the black-robed man exudes, people can't see him.

This person has a clear purpose and went straight to Zhang's house.

But when he was in the Zhang family, the black-robed man found that there was no one in the Zhang family, just a place of blood.

In this case, the black-robed man screamed in anger.

"Who? Who is? Ah..."

"Who killed my Zhang family?"

The black robe man's roar was so huge that it spread throughout Blue River City, and those who were closer were even more dizzy.

After yelling loudly for a while, he suddenly jumped into the street, killing people when he was crazy.


The huge aura blasted out from the sky and the earth, just sweeping away randomly, wherever he passed, under the aura of the black-robed man, everyone burst into a cloud of blood.

But the strange thing is that the blood mist was attracted by the black robe man's breath, and finally gathered around the black robe, and then shook suddenly, and was absorbed by the black robe man in an instant.

In this way, until more than a thousand people died in the hands of the black robe, the black robe stopped, and from under the black robe, there was a voice of resentment that was not human-like.

"Qin Shaofeng, it's you again, you dare to kill my Zhang family, you are dead!"


With a flash of black light, the black robe instantly turned into a black glow and fled outside Lanjiang City.

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