Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 112: Iron Fist Three Forms

"Hahaha!" Yu Yi smiled back in anger, his eyes revealed a cold light, "Then let me see, Qin Shaofeng's strength!"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Yixing took the lead to attack Qin Shaofeng.

Originally, he still held his own identity and asked Qin Shaofeng to act first, but Qin Shaofeng's words clearly angered him.

Besides, he had already planned to give Qin Shaofeng a severe lesson, out of the evil he suffered on Du Meng.

Therefore, in this shot, he directly used 80% of his power.

Yu Yixing always had the mentality that others were inferior to his own. Even if he couldn't hurt Du Meng, he had heard other people discuss that Qin Shaofeng's strength might be stronger than Du Meng.

But in Yu Yixing's view, this Qin Shaofeng is not Du Meng, and he does not have the golden light of the protective body of "Nine Turns Hegemony". How can he accept his "Kamikaze Iron Fist" fist moves?

Eighty percent of the strength is enough to be worthy of him!

Seeing Yu Yixing's attack, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed solemnly. He had already seen the power of "Shenfeng Iron Fist", so Qin Shaofeng didn't care about it at all. He didn't want to overturn the ship in the gutter.

But in the next moment, Qin Shaofeng sent Yu Yixing's punch, which was not as powerful as he expected.


Qin Shaofeng immediately realized it, and then there was a sneer.

Since it is not full force, then...


With his right hand, Qin Shaofeng greeted him with a punch.

Wudang Changquan!

Although Wudang Changquan cannot be compared with "Shenfeng Iron Fist", after all, Wudang Changquan is not a high-level exercise technique.

But Qin Shaofeng's Wudang Changquan is now Level 5, even if it is not as good as "Shenfeng Iron Fist", but in the face of Yu Yixing who has not exploded with all his strength, Qin Shaofeng still has the confidence to take the opponent's punch.

How dare to fight me?

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's overpowering punch at himself, Yu Yixing sneered in his heart, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.


But the next moment, when his fist hits Qin Shaofeng's fist, the trace of disdain in his eyes immediately turned into shock.


The flesh bang flesh collided, but because of the strong inner energy of the two, a loud bang was caused on the ring.

Afterwards, the two people who fought against each other suddenly backed away a few steps.

Under the ring, the crowd shouted loudly.

"It's started! It's started! Qin Shaofeng has begun to play with Yu Yixing!"

"Tsk tusk, this Qin Shaofeng really wasn't built, he actually resisted Yu Yixing's "Shenfeng Iron Fist"!"

"Hmph, what is this, you didn't see it, didn't Yu Yixing use all his strength? If he broke out with all his strength, can Qin Shaofeng be able to hold it?"


On the ring, Yu Yixing's face was full of disbelief.

how is this possible?

How could Qin Shaofeng's boxing power be so powerful?

What I played was "Kamikaze Iron Fist"!

Recalling the scene of the confrontation with Qin Shaofeng just now, Yu Yixing was shocked!

It was different from Du Meng's feeling when he received his attack. Du Meng relied on the power of the golden light of his body, which can be said to be a brute force to accept his attack.

But from Qin Shaofeng, Yu Yixing felt a fist attack.

What's more, the bursting power of this fist technique is actually capable of rivaling his "Kamikaze Iron Fist"!

Could it be that Qin Shaofeng also cultivated a powerful boxing technique?

This is impossible. The birth of Qin Shaofeng is much lower than that of Na Du Meng. How could he come into contact with powerful techniques?

Not to mention the practice of kamikaze iron fist.

Unbelievable in his heart, Yu Yixing reappeared, the situation with Du Meng.


It's all an illusion, it must be that the power I just used was not enough, and that Qin Shaofeng was lucky enough to take it over!

It seemed that he had found an excuse in his heart, and Yu Yixing was certain in his heart, and then a trace of hostility flashed in his eyes.

Humph, since 80% of my strength is not enough, then I will use my full strength to cast "Kamikaze Fist"!

I want to see if, with my full strength, Qin Shaofeng will be able to block my attack like Du Meng.


After making a decision in his heart, Yu Yixing's body was shocked and he shot again in an instant.

With a slight kick on his legs, Yu Yixing jumped up in the air, and fisted Qin Shaofeng.

This time, he really broke out with all his strength, without any reservation.


The space on the ring suddenly shook, and Yu Yixing's punching power was shocked.

Qin Shaofeng had naturally noticed this situation a long time ago.

Did you use your best?

A dignified look flashed in his eyes, but Qin Shaofeng still punched Wudang Changquan.


There was another collision sound, and this time, Yu Yixing's mouth showed a smile.

Because he clearly felt that his own boxing strength broke through, Qin Shaofeng's boxing strength even lifted Qin Shaofeng three or four meters.

Oh, I thought it was a powerful boxing technique!

It turned out to be just a normal boxing technique. It was only because of Qin Shaofeng's sufficient internal energy that he blocked his previous punch. Now that he punches with all his strength, Qin Shaofeng really can't do it.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng being knocked into the air by himself, Yu Yixing finally smiled contentedly.

But the next moment, his smile suddenly stiffened on his face.

Because he saw clearly at this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who was knocked into the air by him, had nothing, and his right fist was intact.

What's going on?

I clearly sensed that my fist strength really hit, Qin Shaofeng's right fist, but why?

Why, he hasn't been injured after breaking his punching power?

Yu Yixing was extremely puzzled, but more angry.

The same thing happened twice in a row?

This was the case for Du Meng before, and the same is true for Qin Shaofeng now. He was not injured under the attack of his "Kamikaze Iron Fist"?

What is this all about?

Seeing the shock and puzzlement in Yu Yixing's heart, Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly and said: "Why, do you think I am not injured? You feel strange?"

Without waiting for Yu Yixing's response, Qin Shaofeng's expression suddenly changed and he became a little arrogant: "Heh, Yu Yixing is not my big talk. With your strength, it is impossible to hurt me at all!"

Qin Shaofeng knew that Yu Yixing had an invisible arrogance, the kind of arrogance that had deepened into his bones.

Since the other party was already rude to him and had malicious intent, then Qin Shaofeng would naturally not be polite to him.

And Qin Shaofeng also knew that to deal with an arrogant person would be more arrogant than him!

Sure enough, Yu Yixing's face instantly became angry when Qin Shaofeng said this arrogantly.

Even when he was fighting Du Meng, although his heart was angry, Yu Yixing did not show his face, and most of his anger was in his heart.

But now because of Qin Shaofeng's words, his anger has been completely revealed.

He actually said, I can't hurt him with my strength?

Who does he think he is?

Is there a golden body protector?

Yu Yixing was so angry that he did not intend to respond to Qin Shaofeng's words. The next moment, he began to attack Qin Shaofeng.


With a shake of both fists, Yu Yixing instantly shot a shadow of internal energy.

But in the face of Yu Yixing's attack, Qin Shaofeng dropped his hands and naturally put it down, and then looked at Yu Yixing with disdain, but he didn't dodge or hide, still hitting him from the inner Qi fist shadow.

Such a scene caused an uproar now.

"What exactly does Qin Shaofeng want to do?"

"Uh, he doesn't think that Yu Yixing can't hurt Du Meng, so he can't hurt himself?"

"He's stupid, Du Meng is the golden light of the body with "Nine Revolutions"? What does he have?"

"It's over, Qin Shaofeng is probably too arrogant this time!"


At this moment, the scene was not optimistic about Qin Shaofeng, and Yu Yixing in the ring was even more excited.

Ha, is this Qin Shaofeng that fool?

He thinks his body can be compared with having a bodyguard Jinguang Du Meng?

This time, I see how you die!

But I didn’t see the excited Yu Yixing. Du Meng, who was in the ring, couldn’t help but whispered after seeing this scene: “Brother Feng has started playing with people again. Oh, I hope Yu Yixing can survive. One of his opponents, don't just let it go!"

In Du Meng's low voice, Yu Yixing's internal energy finally blasted onto Qin Shaofeng.

But what finally happened was stunned.


With a blast, Qin Shaofeng just shook his body slightly after being hit by the shadow of the inner qi fist, and soon recovered.

Really not hurt!

And not only was he not injured, even Qin Shaofeng didn't even take a step back.

how come?

Yu Yixing's heart sank, and his eyes became dull.

But when he saw Qin Shaofeng looking at him with a smile on his face, he immediately became angry.


how could this be?

I was actually ridiculed and insulted by two lowly rubbish.

It's really hateful!

In anger, Yu Yixing finally made a decision.

Even if the body suffers some damage, I will definitely not let you Qin Shaofeng feel better.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Amidst his anger, Yu Yixing suddenly burst into a series of internal qi bursts. He was planning to use three iron fists forcibly.

But this time, the referee elder didn't say anything. He didn't stop Yu Yixing. Even if there was an elder who seemed to see something and planned to stop Yu Yixing's behavior, he was secretly stopped.

The reason is simple, his old man is interested in Qin Shaofeng.

Obviously he didn't practice "Nine Turns Hegemony", but he was able to resist Yu Yixing's full blow.

The old man wanted to know if Yu Yixing had three iron fists, could Qin Shaofeng be unscathed.


There was a burst of internal energy in the body, and the aura on Yu Yixing's body changed, and it became more iron-blooded, like an iron-blooded king in the battlefield.

As if infected by his own momentum, Yu Yixing suddenly calmed down.

After taking a faint look at Qin Shaofeng, Yu Yixing said coldly, "Qin Shaofeng, you are proud to be able to force me to use the three iron fists of "Shenfeng Iron Fist", but this should be over!"


Iron Fist Three Forms?

The crowd under the ring was suddenly shocked when they heard Yu Yixing's words.

Iron Fist Three Forms, those are the three strongest moves in "Kamikaze Iron Fist", and Yu Yixing was furious!

Now, can Qin Shaofeng be able to stop it?

Naturally looked at Qin Shaofeng with some worry.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng on the ring laughed again.

"The iron fist three styles are indeed very powerful, but I still said that, with your Yu Yixing's strength, don't want to hurt me a bit!"


Qin Shaofeng's words moved everyone in the ring, but most people thought that people, Qin Shaofeng was talking big.

Especially those elders who have little knowledge of "Kamikaze Iron Fist" and have seen the power of the Iron Fist three types, at this moment, they shook their head slightly, feeling that Qin Shaofeng was a little overwhelmed.

But the elder referee, at this moment, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, showing a glimmer of expectation.

Interesting little guy, I hope you can bring me some surprises.

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