“Ding! If the permission is successfully used, is it a fixed point to shuttle to the dark base camp before the three heavenly eras? ”

System Dao.


Li Xiudao.

“Ding! The shuttle will cost 100 billion exchange points, are you sure? ”

System Dao.


Li Xiudao.

“Ding! After deducting the owner’s 100 billion exchange points, the owner’s remaining exchange points are 227,491,194,356. ”

“Ding! Open the space-time channel…”

In an instant, time and space solidified, the entire heavens and realms stopped running, brilliant brilliance bloomed from Li Xiu’s body, the power of time and space bloomed, the light contracted, and Li Xiu disappeared from the place.

Enter, space-time passage!


Darkness, which originates from the place where the primordial dimension was created, is the product of the combination of all the negative aspects of the entire primordial dimension, and is incompatible with the dimensional plane, and its mission is to destroy the entire heavens and worlds.

The primordial dimension exists in the frontal space-time, while the darkness exists in the mezzanine space of the primordial dimension, and in the space gap of the entire heavens and realms lives a darkness that makes countless creatures of the heavenly epochs fear!

Darkness, no entity, all illusory black mist, they can be condensed into a substantial existence according to the situation and requirements of the time, their class is divided into the highest dark king, dark ruler, dark war spirit and dark demon spirit that can be mass-manufactured, in addition to these four levels of dark creatures, there are dark guardian spirits that guard the entire darkness, and the guardian spirit status is the same as the ruling status, only under the dark king.

Because darkness is a combination of all negative factors, as long as there is a negative existence in the heavens and realms, they can be born, and the dark demons are created in this way, and the dark strong can easily create a large number of dark demons with the negative of the heavens, and they will not lose their power.

Countless heavenly epochs have been destroyed because of darkness, as long as they are seized by the darkness, they will use the temptation of the heavenly powerhouses into the enchantment, become the slaves of the darkness, similar to heart demons, and forcibly attack to destroy the heavenly epochs, of course, there are some powerful celestial epochs strong people too much, the darkness also has nothing to do with them, can only give up.

However, everything changed drastically before the three heavenly eras!

The already powerful darkness became even more terrifying because of a mysterious force!

And Li Xiu came to this era, this era of dark transformation!

He wants to play a game with the master of that mysterious power, the one who is most likely a chess player!


“Ding! The time and space shuttle is completed, congratulations to the master for coming to the darkness before the three heavenly eras, because the time is too long ago to calculate. ”

“Ding! The master’s shuttle time is thirty days…”

“Ding! Countdown, twenty-nine days, twenty-three hours, fifty-nine minutes, fifty-nine seconds, twenty-nine days, twenty-three hours, fifty-nine minutes, fifty-eight seconds…”

“Ding! Please hurry up and collect the apprentice…”


Above a dark planet that exuded the power of evil, the power of time and space flashed, Li Xiu appeared out of thin air, and the urgent system prompt sound continued to sound from Li Xiu’s mind.

The gap in space is like the opposite of the heavens and realms, everything that exists in the heavens and realms is also here, like the alternative heavens, but this alternative heavens live in the darkness that makes countless heavenly era powerhouses fearful, this area is called the dark country by the heavens and realms, and the dark country that is almost the same area as the heavens and realms is the country of darkness!

However, the areas where the darkness exists are in the depths of the space gap, so it is generally difficult for creatures who accidentally break into the space gap to encounter the darkness, unless he is unlucky enough to meet a dark powerhouse who goes out.

“Is this the place of darkness…”

Shaking his head, the power of dimensions emerged from Li Xiu’s body, Li Xiu’s body gradually blurred, and after hiding in the void, Li Xiu scanned the surrounding environment and secretly thought.

“There is only one month, we must hurry up, cultivate or…”

Taking a deep breath, two options came to Li Xiu’s mind.

Is it to choose cultivation or find ready-made?

Looking at the time that was constantly passing, Li Xiu quickly made a decision.

Find ready-made!

Remembering that the area of darkness existed was vast and boundless, no less than the heavens and realms, Li Xiu decisively threw the idea he was quietly looking for out of his mind.

Ma Pi, such a large area, he has to find out when to find it by himself, it is too time-consuming, he only has a month, he must hurry up.


The corners of Li Xiu’s mouth curved.

The mind moved, and in an instant, the magnificent coercion erupted from Li Xiu’s body, and the places where the invisible coercion touched were all blurred, one dimensional force emerged, and the vast aura instantly swept the entire dark country.




Coercion covered the sky, rolling sounds, thunder evolved one after another, a large number of planets turned into powder, and terrifying energy tides spread densely throughout the dark country.


In an instant, the entire dark country was alarmed, endless black light rose up from all directions, and in an instant, a monstrous black fog appeared in all directions around Li Xiu, and the dense black mist simply covered the entire dark country.

“Who, dare to be presumptuous in the dark!”

“Darkness, end!”

“Break the darkness and grant eternal death!”

“Venerable darkness, no offense!”

“Die, die, die!”

One after another ancient soul language rippled throughout the dark realm, and all the dark creatures were angered by Li Xiu’s actions!

Run to their dark kingdom to spread wilderness?

This is not to put their dark kingdom in their eyes, not to put their supreme and great darkness in their eyes!


Blood-red rays shot out from the black mist, and as far as the eye could see, the dense red light was covered with black mist, and if there were people with dense phobias here, they would definitely get goosebumps all over their bodies and pass out.

“Get out!”

Reaching out and grabbing it, the sword condensed, the cold light flashed, the Dao Jade Sword appeared in Li Xiu’s hand, his face was indifferent, and Li Xiu swung out a sword.

He is not here to waste time, why do these dark minions talk so much nonsense, first lead out the dark high-level!

Zheng Zheng Zheng !!!

Senran’s sword intent flows, a sword, the heavens are shattered!

One after another, the afterimages of the virtual shadows swept across the firmament, and the artistic conception of the destruction of the heavens and realms broke out!

[PS: Thank you [Wu Mingdeng] for your 588VIP point tip support. 】

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