As soon as Lu Fei finished speaking, Wang Ping and others immediately exploded.


"Mr. Lu, are you telling the truth?"

"No need to tell each household, we will change first!"

Wang Ping laughed loudly, "This is my home, I'll change it first!"

Wang Zhi said nothing and immediately ran out.

Wang Wei and Wang Hui looked at each other and said, "Fuck, Wang Zhi, you're running so fast!" They didn't waste a moment and ran home quickly.

Lu Fei looked at Wang Ping and said, "Ask my sister-in-law to bring something in exchange, and then you go and notify the others. If anyone is willing to exchange, bring it over."

Wang Ping asked doubtfully: "Our family has brought a lot, Mr. Lu, can you take it away?"

Lu Fei arrived: "Don't worry about so much, just go if you are told."

Wang Ping then walked out in a hurry.

The first to get the moon near the water tower, Lu Jing first exchanged ten pieces of bacon and one hundred kilograms of rice for twenty portions of food, which made her smile so happily that her mouth was crooked.

She originally wanted to exchange for more, but Lu Fei said that the food would not last long, so he only exchanged twenty portions for her.

Lu Fei took ten pieces of bacon and one hundred kilograms of rice into the car and put them into the space-time ring.

Then Wang Zhi came back first, bringing more than a dozen pieces of bacon and two hundred kilograms of rice.

Lu Fei still only gave him twenty portions in exchange, so Wang Zhi had to take out the remaining bacon and rice angrily.

Then there are Wang Wei, Wang Hui...

One after another, more than 40 households in the village took out their own bacon and rice in exchange for Lu Fei.

Lu Fei always put bacon and rice into the car, and then took out another piece of food.

The villagers were all stunned. Mr. Lu's car was not big, how could it hold so many things.

Four hundred and sixty pieces of bacon and four thousand six hundred kilograms of rice were piled together to be as big as a small hill.

I can only say that Mr. Lu is a divine man, and Mr. Lu’s car is a divine object.

After every household had finished changing, in the eyes of the villagers, Lu Fei drove Wang Ping and others towards the ravine.

Wang Wei, Wang Zhi and Wang Hui all rode off-road vehicles for the first time.

At first, everyone was cautious, then they became shocked, and then they gradually got used to it, chatting gibberish while looking at the scenery outside the car window.

When flying over the ravine, Wang Ping and the others screamed in the air.

Can actually fly!

He went to heaven!

"I actually flew in the sky!"

"This life is worth it!"

"This is my lifelong pride!"

"On this matter, I will be awesome for the rest of my life!"

When they returned to the ground, the off-road vehicle continued to run, and Wang Ping and the four of them kept talking, completely forgetting that they were so frightened that they almost wet their pants.

After almost eight days, Lu Fei returned to the creek in the valley.

When Wang Ping and others saw two wooden houses by the stream, their mouths were wide enough to hold duck eggs.

"Oh my god, have I arrived in the heavenly palace?"

"Is there such a beautiful house in the world?"

"I feel like I'm still dreaming in Wangjiacun!"

"Bah, dreaming! When you were dreaming, did you ever dream of such a beautiful house?"

"I have never dreamed of it..."

"You think, if we go back to Wangjia Village and tell my mother-in-law that I have seen such a beautiful house, will she believe it?"

"If you let me live in this house, I will never return to Wangjia Village!"

Lu Fei took them into the house and taught them how to use the faucet.

Wang Zhidao: "Mr. Lu is really good at playing. If you move five fingers, the water will come out!"

Lu Fei asked them to sit down on the sofa.

Wang Hui said: "Mr. Lu, I feel like I am sitting in the clouds."

Lu Fei turned on the TV.

Well, although you can't watch TV programs in real time, there are thousands of movies and TV series on your TV.

Wang Ping and the others couldn't figure out how someone could get into such a small board.

But thinking about it, Mr. Lu was relieved that he could pack 460 pieces of bacon and 4,600 kilograms of rice into such a small car.

It’s just that the movies and TV series Mr. Lu mentioned are great to watch!

In the room, the four of them smoked cigarettes, drank tea, and watched movies...

Well, after a few days, Lu Fei also turned Wang Wei, Wang Zhi and Wang Hui into smoking buddies.

Each of the four people had a lighter, and each had a cigarette, of different brands and flavors.

The four of them also learned to make cigarettes for other people, smoke together, and puff away the smoke.

Lu Fei arranged for a few people and went back to the house to sleep.

In the past few days, they drove all day during the day. In the evening, the five of them meditated and practiced internal skills. In the morning, the five of them practiced boxing and gave Lu Fei some guidance.

After seven or eight days of this, he was very tired.

However, his internal strength has progressed rapidly and he already has a good foundation. According to Wang Ping, Lu Fei can break through the realm and become a first-level warrior with just one small return pill.

Xiao Wang's boxing is practiced well, his punches are like the wind, and his punches are so powerful that he can't kill a tiger with one punch, and he can break a small tree with a thick wrist without any problem.

Lu Fei was very satisfied, he was also a genius in martial arts.

After a night's rest, Lu Fei was full of energy again.

He took Wang Ping and the four of them around in the tea forest and fruit forest, and ordered them to pick the ripe fruits and put them in the warehouse of the factory. Then he left enough food for the four of them and drove to the gate of time and space. valley.

The off-road vehicle stopped in the valley, and he returned to Tiantang Star alone.

There is no one at home, no one to say hello to, you can come and go as you please.

Lu Fei drove to Jiangcheng.

He came back this time mainly because he wanted to get some guns. He probably couldn't get them in Bazhou, but it was still possible in Jiangcheng.

As for his small shop, the lease term was only ten days away, and he didn't care about it.

When the lease period is up, it's time. At worst, I can put all the goods into the space-time ring at night, then close the door and leave.

As soon as the car drove onto National Highway 318 and drove less than a kilometer toward Jiangcheng, Lu Fei's phone rang.

"Lu Fei, have you been keeping the door closed these days and not doing business?"

The phone was connected and Su Yan Qingyue's voice came.

"Hello, Director Su, I've been busy outside these days, so I haven't opened the door." Lu Fei explained.

Su Yan said: "Where are you? Come to the county government!"

Lu Fei said: "I'm getting ready to go to Jiangcheng. I'm already on the way!"

"Ah..." On the other end of the phone, Su Yan was obviously stunned for a moment, and then she said: "How far have you walked?"

"I just left the city not long ago!" Lu Fei said truthfully.

Su Yan seemed to be relieved and said, "Then get off the car right away and I will send a car to pick you up!"


Lu Fei was also stunned, what kind of treatment?

The beautiful woman and Deputy Director of the Government Reception Office Su actually said that a car would be sent to pick her up. This was an unprecedented first time.

"Sister Su, can you tell me, what's the matter?"

Su Yan said: "No matter how nonsense you are, get out of the car quickly and tell me your location!"

Lu Fei said: "Okay, there's no need to pick it up. I drove the car myself."

Su Yan said: "Okay, you turn around immediately and come directly to the county government. I'll wait for you at the door."

After saying that, he added: "Remember to bring some more of the fruit you gave me last time!"


Lu Fei agreed smoothly. It was rare for Su Yan to take the initiative, so he would not refuse.

He said smoothly: "Sister Su, why don't you just ask me to give you a few fruits? Tell me what's going on!"

Su Yan said: "County Magistrate Tang wants to see you!"

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