Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 175 There Is A Kind Of Person Called Lingchi

In this world, there are always some people who like to pretend to be noble and righteous, but in fact they are just rubbish.

You shouldn't be reasonable when dealing with garbage.

The fist is the last word.

"What do you want to do?"

Hua Yiwei's voice became much softer, and the expression on his face became a little unnatural.

"Where does all this nonsense come from!"

"If Mr. Lu asks you, just tell the truth!"

Yue Fei blew into the muzzle of the gun and said disgustedly.

"Oh oh oh..."

"There are 419 third-turn silver elixirs in the martial alchemy master, 3,655 second-turn great rejuvenating elixirs, and 93,672 first-turn small repaying elixirs!"

Hua Yiwei said weakly.

Lu Fei and Yue Fei looked at each other and smiled. This old guy is quite capable. He knows how to draw inferences from one example.

Well, and the memory is pretty good.

I can even remember such complicated numbers clearly.

But this is not the point. The point is that neither of them expected that there would be so many martial arts pills!

Not to mention the first-level small returning pills and the second-level large returning pills, even the third-level silver pills have more than 400.

This really solved Lu Cheng's urgent need.

Well, there are too many people in Lucheng, so there probably won’t be enough points.

But at least if there are more than 100 agents in the company, each of them can have one. If all the officers and soldiers in the company have broken through to the third level of martial arts, there will be no problem at all.

Yue Fei couldn't help but laugh.

Lu Fei glanced at Yue Fei, then turned around and pretended to look around. I'm soft-hearted and don't speak harshly enough, so it's really hard to deal with people like Hua Yiwei.

Yue Fei naturally understood what Lu Fei meant.

He snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "Where are these martial arts pills?"

"Now they are all the spoils of my special agent company!"

Hua Yiwei said: "In...in the alchemy room!"

After saying that, he felt like a deflated rubber ball, and he slumped down on the big Taishi chair with all his strength.

So many martial arts pills were lost from my own hands. If I am held accountable in the future...

Hua Yiwei didn't dare to think about it.

"Wang Xiaoer, take two people to collect the loot!"

Yue Fei ordered loudly.


Wang Xiaoer was so happy!

Lu Fei waved his hand and said, "No, I'll collect it myself!"

Yue Fei was stunned for a moment, then said: "That's right, Mr. Lu is much more convenient to collect than us!"

He now knows that Mr. Lu seems to have some kind of magic that can retrieve objects from the air and make things disappear out of thin air.

Yue Fei was envious and admired Lu Fei's abilities.

But he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

He immediately said: "Wang Xiaoer, you don't need to worry about the seizure of the loot. Just protect Mr. Lu's safety."


Wang Xiaoer became even more excited and saluted to take orders.

Company Commander Yue once said that he would choose two guards for Mr. Lu.

There is no soldier in the secret service company who doesn’t want to be Mr. Lu’s bodyguard.

But Lu Fei never agreed, so he kept delaying it.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said, "No hurry!"

He walked up to Yue Fei and whispered a few words to him.

Yue Fei was stunned for a moment, then looked shocked.

When Hua Yiwei saw him, his heart tightened for no reason, and he had a vague unpleasant feeling.

Yue Fei, on the other hand, looked calm and said to Hua Yiwei: "Master Hua, are you now a third-grade martial arts master?"

Speaking of the martial arts master level, Hua Yiwei's face regained a little pride and said: "Yes, I was a third-level martial arts master ten years ago, and I will soon be able to break through to the fourth level."

Yue Fei was stunned for a moment, then said: "That's good. Do you have the prescriptions for the third-turn silver elixir and the fourth-turn golden elixir in your hand?"

Hua Yiwei's eyes opened wide and his mouth opened wide.

"What do you want to do?"

Yue Fei said: "Since there is, then hand it over together!"

He spoke kindly at this time, but it made Hua Yiwei's hair stand on end.

Wu Dan's alchemy room has been classified as top secret by the six countries, and it will not be spread among the people at all.

It is precisely because of this that there is a saying that "you are born as a person of Wudansi, and you die as a ghost of Wudansi".

But now, this group of people actually has the idea of ​​​​Danfang.

Hua Yiwei was in despair. If he lost the batch of Wu Dan, he could still keep his name, but if he leaked the recipe of Wu Dan, he would definitely die.

Even death is a relief.

I'm just afraid that all nine of my clans will be wiped out.

Hua Yiwei cannot accept such a tragedy.

He never thought that one day he would face such a situation.

"Kill me!"

Hua Yiwei gritted his teeth and said with a trembling voice that he would rather die than reveal the recipe.

Yue Fei had already expected this, but he was not in a hurry. Mr. Lu gave him a good idea, and scaring people would definitely work.

"If you want to die, it's not easy!"

"But, you are a fucking talent, how could I let you die so easily?"

"Well, it is said that there is a punishment called Ling Chi!"

"Have you heard of it?"

Lingchi, a punishment that originated in the Song and Liao dynasties of Lu Fei's previous life, involved cutting the flesh of a heinous person to death with one knife after another. It was said that more than three thousand cuts were needed to kill the prisoner, which was extremely horrific.

The Han Dynasty obviously didn't know about such cruel punishment. Hua Yiwei looked confused, but he knew from the look on Yue Fei's face that it must not be a good thing.

Hua Yiwei's eyes couldn't help but show a hint of panic, and he asked, "What is Lingchi?"

Yue Feipi said with a dead smile: "Ling Chi is to cut off the flesh from a person's body piece by piece. Each piece of flesh cut off must be thinner than paper and cannot be larger than the size of a fingernail."

"It will take five days and five nights, but the prisoner will not die!"

"Until all that's left is a complete skeleton!"

Hua Yiwei's expression suddenly changed. This bullshit punishment of riding on a horse and touching someone is too cruel.

Not to mention torture, just listening to it is terrifying.

However, Yue Fei said with a look of unfinished expression: "Master Hua, do you think you should hand over the prescription honestly now, or wait until you can no longer bear the process of Ling Chi and want to die?"


"You are devils!"

Hua Yiwei was really scared and his voice trembled.

"Then do you want to hand it over or not?"

Yue Fei suddenly shouted loudly, the sound was like thunder.


"I hand over the prescription!"

Hua Yiwei said weakly, and then took out a stack of yellowing papers from the cabinet behind him, four of them together.

Yue Fei grabbed it and couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw it.

"Mr. Lu, there are alchemy recipes ranging from the first-level Wudan to the fourth-level Wudan."

Lu Fei was also overjoyed. He didn't expect that Hua Yiwei even had the recipe for the fourth-turn golden shield.

If I cracked the secret of refining Wudan through modern technology, wouldn't it be possible to make the fourth-turn golden elixir myself?

After Hua Yiwei handed over the Wu Dan prescription, his face turned pale. He had no desire to live. He just wanted to die and said, "You have got what you want, so just give me a death!"

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