The Han army's bows and arrows could only shoot two to three hundred meters away, and the four men at the front, Wang Ming, were still about 350 meters away from the city wall, and their bows and arrows could not reach them.

But the effective range of the Type 95 rifle is more than 500 meters.

A total of 10 Type 95 rifles from the first and second platoons were specifically aimed at the Han army's archers and fired.

After a round of concentrated fire, hundreds of Han archers were shot and suffered heavy casualties.

"What kind of weapon is this riding horse?"

Zeng Shiqiang looked pale as he looked at his wounded men.

"Stop shooting!"

"Everyone is on horseback and hiding behind the battlements, don't show up!"

He also observed that the soldiers who were shot and killed were all those who had their bodies exposed, so he first hid behind the battlements and gave orders loudly.

A soldier said: "Sir, if we keep hiding behind the battlements, we won't be able to shoot arrows!"

Zeng Shiqiang gritted his teeth and said, "Go and call in 300 more archers!"

The soldier did not dare to delay and immediately dispatched troops.

The archers on the city wall stopped shooting arrows, and Wang Ming led the soldiers to continue advancing cautiously.

But he knew that the previous round of archery was just a test shot. After all, he and the soldiers were still out of range.

And then, once he enters the range of the bow and arrow, the real battle begins.

Sure enough, after advancing more than a hundred meters, arrows flying from the sky were flying again.

"Be careful!"

Wang Ming shouted, fighting back while dodging the bow and arrow.

Fortunately, the Han army did not have too many people shooting arrows each time. The three teams shot separately, and there were only two to three hundred people each time. There was still room to cover a thirty-meter square position.

The Han army fired rounds with bows and arrows on the city wall.

The 10 Type 95 rifles of the first and second squads of the special agent company counterattacked. For a while, the two sides fought fiercely, and the number of archers of the Han army became fewer and fewer.

Although they only shot their heads when shooting arrows, the speed of the bullets was so fast that the soldiers of the special agent company did not even need to take special aim. They could kill or injure a Han archer with one shot.

Of course, under such a dense rain of arrows, it was impossible for a group of soldiers to remain unscathed.

Three fighters have been hit by arrows in their legs or arms.

The reason why the arm is hit by an arrow is basically because the soldier is protecting his head.

And because he was wearing a body armor, no one paid attention to him.

If there were no body armor, it is estimated that all the soldiers in the squad would have turned into hedgehogs.


"Retreat first!"

Wang Ming was also hit by an arrow in the arm. Seeing that a strong attack was not possible, he ordered a retreat.

Going further, although the Han army's archers have been reduced a lot, the area ahead is where the bows and arrows are more powerful. The Han army's hard bows and powerful crossbows can definitely shoot through the arm and insert into the head.

Mr. Lu gave orders not to let the soldiers lose their lives in vain.

If the city cannot be captured, you can attack it slowly, but if you lose your life, you will have nothing.

The three combat groups quickly retreated out of the range of the bows and arrows.


"Let me rush forward alone and attract the archers to come out. You specialize in fighting archers!"

A soldier said.

"Yes, let's go one by one!"

Those who spoke were all soldiers with submachine guns. In such a long-distance battle, the submachine guns were like burning fire. They were completely useless and were not as good as the Han army's archers.

The four warriors all feel aggrieved. Damn it, I should have chosen a rifle earlier. Although it looks bulky, it has a long range!

"What the hell are you talking about!"

Wang Ming's tone was stern, how could he let his comrades act as targets?

"Squad leader, in the movies we saw, those People's Liberation Army soldiers were all desperate, even risking their lives to blow up bunkers. Why can't we attract archers?"

One soldier pouted and said.

"That was during the charge. If we didn't blow up the bunker, many of our comrades would die!"

"The situation is different now. There are no charging comrades behind us!"

"That situation is called sacrificing one's life for righteousness. Now you are rushing to call for death, do you understand?"

Wang Ming was both pleased and depressed.

Mud, charging for the first time, was so pressed by the archers that he couldn't even lift his head.

"Squad leader, if we don't advance, the Han army doesn't seem to be shooting arrows!"

"They are just afraid that we will approach the city gate!"

"What should we do now?"

the two warriors asked.

what to do?

Wang Ming didn't know either, so he said, "Treat the wound first, and then I'll think of a solution."

Staying in the firing line even if you are slightly injured has become the slogan of the secret service company. Although three soldiers were injured, no one withdrew from the battle.

On the wall of Tiannan Mansion, Cao Mengqun and Zeng Shiqiang looked solemn.

A total of 600 archers had been mobilized before. Although the 10 people over there were shot back, more than half of them had been killed or injured.

Ma De, who has been fighting for half his life, has only heard that those with more people attack the city and those with fewer people defend the city.

This time it’s the other way around!

Those who ride horses, surprisingly, those with fewer people are attacking the city, while those with more people are defending the city.

Zeng Shiqiang really wanted to rush out with his cavalry and chop off the heads of the other party's people and hang them on the city wall.

"Sir, if this continues, Tiannan Mansion cannot be defended!"

Zeng Shiqiang thought for a while and said.

There used to be only 2,200 soldiers in Tiannanfu City, but now there are less than 2,000.

But no one on the other side is dead now, just a few injured.

This is scary.

However, Cao Mengqun also saw a glimmer of hope.

At least the opponent is not unkillable.

As long as there are enough archers, they can still annihilate all the opponents.

However, Tiannan Mansion's military strength is obviously not enough.

The reinforcements from the Nanhai Camp would not be able to arrive in a short time, so Cao Mengqun was considering avoiding his attack first.

"Vice Commander Zeng, as long as we hold on for two days, reinforcements from the Nanhai Camp will arrive."

Cao Mengqun knew that Zhang Zixiang had asked his cousin for help.

He also knew that Zhang Zixiang had packed up his belongings and was ready to run away. Of course, I can't stay here.

Well, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

The matter of defending the city was left to Zeng Shiqiang.

Zeng Shiqiang panicked when he heard that reinforcements would not arrive for two days.

According to this form, let alone two days, even half a day may not be possible.

"Sir, why don't we retreat first while the opponent is not attacking?"

Zeng Shiqiang didn't want to be cannon fodder, so he said carefully.

Cao Mengqun's face turned cold and he said, "We, the soldiers, are responsible for guarding the homeland. How can we escape in the face of battle?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Although Zeng Shiqiang was disdainful in his heart, he kept agreeing.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

"Tu tu tu tu..."

The two were talking when suddenly a burst of gunfire rang out.

The bullets hit the wall and sparks flew, and the bullets whistled between the city walls. Cao Mengqun, Zeng Shiqiang, and all the soldiers squatted on the city wall and did not dare to get up.

It turned out that Wang Ming had no idea how to do it, but Yue Fei directly mobilized two machine gun squads and pushed them to the front, regardless of the continuous fire.

Under the pressure of machine guns, Wang Ming led platoons of soldiers to quickly move towards the city gate.

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