Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 117 Captain Yue Is Truly A Handsome Man

[Mainland Secret Service Company] Recruit training is conducted every day.

Wang Ping asked: "Mr. Lu, how long will we train?"

Lu Fei said: "Train all day within three months, and after three months the training will be reduced by half, but you must train every day, no matter what the weather, rain or shine."


Not only Wang Ping, but almost everyone was shocked.

How boring it would be to continue practicing like this!

Lu Fei's eyes widened, "Are you a soldier just for fun?"

Everyone was too embarrassed to talk back.

Lu Fei said: "Whenever you fold the quilt as standard as mine and keep it for a week, I will fire!"

"With each class as a unit, whichever class reaches the standard first will be the first to fire the gun and conduct live-fire training."

Lu Fei also had a big head. This group of soldiers and ruffians were well trained, but once they were asked to follow the soldiers' requirements and fold their quilts like tofu cubes, not many of them could do it.

Lu Fei had no choice but to induce him.

When they heard that they could get the gun after folding the quilt, some were filled with joy, while others were sad.

Yue Fei said: "Mr. Lu, can I ask a question?"

Lu Fei said: "Just ask!"

Yue Fei said: "I am the commander of the special agent company. Do I have the final say in matters in the company?"

Lu Fei nodded, "You are the company commander, so what you say will work."

Yue Fei said: "That's okay!"

Yue Fei trotted out of the queue and stood in front of all the soldiers.

"Everyone, stand at attention!"

Wang Ping and others immediately obeyed the order and stood at attention.

"Take a break!"

"I order everyone to practice folding quilts immediately for one hour!"

"In an hour, please ask Mr. Lu to check. Anyone who cannot meet the standards should take off his military uniform and get out!"

Lu Fei was stunned.

Wang Ping, Wang Heng, Zhang Bao and others were also shocked.

Mu De, this guy is much more vicious than Mr. Lu, do you want to be so cruel?

"Didn't you hear the order?"

Seeing that most people were stunned, Yue Fei yelled.


Everyone immediately raised their heads and chests and answered in unison.

"In a row, turn left, run forward, target a row of camp tents!"

After Zhang Bao was shocked, he immediately went out to give orders.

"Those in the second row, turn back and run forward, target the second row of camp tents!"

Wang Heng did not dare to delay and gave orders loudly.

"Those in the third row, turn right and run forward, aiming for the third row of camp tents. If you can't fold them well, the whole class will get out of here!"

In the blink of an eye, only Lu Fei, Yue Fei and Wang Ping were left on the training field.

Wang Ping laughed loudly, "Company Commander Yue, you are so much more ruthless than Mr. Lu!"

Yue Fei said calmly: "Compassion does not control soldiers!"

Lu Fei patted Yue Fei on the shoulder, "Company Commander Yue is truly a handsome man!"

Wang Ping said: "Yes, but he is not as handsome as me!"

Lu Fei said: "Shuai has his uses. If you can't teach well or be a good instructor, take off your military uniform as soon as possible and go back to be your Bima Wen!"

Wang Ping was so frightened that he quickly said: "I will teach you a good lesson, for sure!"

He glared at Yue Fei fiercely and said to himself that it was you who taught Mr. Lu so badly that he almost took off my military uniform.

Yue Feidao: "Mr. Lu, why don't you teach me how to shoot first?"

"After all, I am also the commander of a special agent company. I must learn to shoot before my soldiers!"

Lu Fei smiled and gave each of Yue Fei and Wang Ping a QSG92 pistol, two magazines, and 100 rounds of ammunition.

The two were overjoyed when they got the pistol.

Lu Fei said: "In the army, only officers can wear short guns, and soldiers can only hold rifles or submachine guns."

Then he said to Wang Ping: "You must be more responsible for gun management in the future. Except for standing guard, training and performing tasks, guns and ammunition must be kept in a unified manner at other times."


Wang Ping stood at attention and gave a standard military salute.

Yue Fei had a bitter look on his face, "Then you can't touch the gun anymore?"

Lu Fei said: "You two can carry your pistols with you. After all, you are the top officers of the special agent company."

Yue Fei and Wang Ping were overjoyed and both stood at attention and saluted.

Well, it feels pretty good!

Lu Fei smiled and took the two of them to the shooting range that had been prepared and taught them how to practice marksmanship.

They only teach the essentials of shooting movements, but not the theory of shooting or knowledge of firearms. Both Yue Fei and Wang Ping are martial arts practitioners, and they are both warriors in the second realm. They have steady hands, good eyesight, and can learn quickly.

When I practice shooting, time goes by very quickly.

"Report, rows of quilts training is completed, please review by the chief!"

"Zhang Bao, commander of the first platoon of the special agent company."

Lu Fei was watching Yue Fei's design. Zhang Bao trotted over, stood at attention beside Lu Fei, saluted and reported.

Then Wang Heng and Yang Zaixing also ran over.

"Report, the second row of quilt training is completed, please check it with the chief!"

"Report, Third Platoon..."

Lu Fei was delighted. Damn it, Yue Fei's trick really worked!

"Take a break!"

Zhang Bao, Wang Heng and Yang Zaixing relaxed and looked at Yue Fei and Wang Ping involuntarily.

Previously, the "bang bang bang" sound of gunshots was heard from the shooting range to the camp tent, which made the three of them feel itchy. Now that they saw with their own eyes that Yue Fei and Wang Ping had obtained the guns first, the three of them were extremely envious.

"Yue Fei, Wang Ping!"


Yue Fei and Wang Ping were practicing their guns when they suddenly heard Lu Fei's cry. They immediately put away their guns and ran over.

"The three platoon leaders of the special agent company reported that the quilting training mission was completed and requested inspection. Now, you two go and inspect!"


Yue Fei and Wang Ping saluted with military salutes, turned around and walked towards a row of camps.

Zhang Bao was about to follow when Lu Fei shouted: "Stop!"

Zhang Bao turned around and stood at attention. Lu Fei said: "From now on, you can only report to Company Commander Yue and Instructor Wang. Unless I take the initiative to ask you, you cannot report beyond the level."


Zhang Bao, Wang Heng and Yang Zaixing all stood at attention and saluted.


The three of them then chased Yue Fei and Wang Ping.

Lu Fei suddenly felt that he and the people in the special agent company might have watched too many anti-war dramas recently. They spoke in a rough military tone, mixed with some swear words.

However, it doesn't matter much.

I'll just have an idea later.

It is better to be civilized.

An hour later, Yue Fei and Wang Ping returned.

"Reporting to Mr. Lu, after inspection, all soldiers in the first, second and third rows have reached the qualified level. Please give instructions."

Lu Fei nodded and said: "Everyone gather!"

Soon, all three platoons gathered on the shooting range.

From lining up, counting, standing at attention, and taking a break, every process was completed flawlessly before Yue Fei made the report.

"Report, the secret agent company has been assembled. There should be 120 people, but there are actually 120 people. Please give instructions!"

"Take a break!"

Lu Fei looked at the solemn and neat team, and felt very satisfied.

The people's army finally took shape.

Lu Fei saluted with a military salute and said after the salute: "Starting from today, we will conduct live ammunition training for you."

"Before I receive the guns, let me talk about the deployment of each platoon."

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