The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

"Then why did you call me?" Su Yi asked curiously.

Su Yimeng smiled, and then his eyes fixed.


"Know me?"

Su Yi was stunned. Is this person so sensitive?

"Well, don't we know each other now?" Su Yi asked instead of answering.

"You know I was talking about before." Su Yimeng continued to ask.

"Why do you ask that?"

"This is the first time we met, and your performance gave me the feeling that you knew me."

Su Yi knew that he didn't reveal anything when they met for the first time. It was definitely Su Yimeng's overly sensitive intuition, or it contained a test of himself.

Su Yi remained calm: "Oh? That's amazing, it means that you and I are destined to meet, and we hit it off right away. Of course, there's also Brother Hong."

Su Yimeng's expression suddenly relaxed, and he chuckled: "Okay, I also have an inexplicable familiar feeling about you."

"Me too, it really feels like we've known each other for a long time, this may be fate." Liu Hong also said on the side.

"Then we are so destined, do we have to take risks together?" Liu Hong immediately stated the ultimate goal.

Su Yi's mouth twitched, that's not necessary!

Based on his understanding of Liu Hong, he could see that Liu Hong was panicking, and having one more person would make him feel more secure.

"Uh... think about it, no hurry, it's not even night yet." Su Yi coughed lightly.

"We are criminal police." Su Yimeng smiled slightly and suddenly said.

"Huh?" Su Yi was stunned, why did he suddenly tell the truth about this matter?

"Master?" Liu Hong blurted out, obviously he didn't expect Su Yimeng to tell Su Yi about his identity.

"Do you still remember the ninth rule of the town rules?" Su Yimeng asked without any explanation.

"If you violate rule two, if there is someone beside you, then protect the other person and ensure that you survive together. If there is no one, then please protect yourself." Su Yi recited rule two.

"That's right, so violating rule two, that is, going out at 12 o'clock, according to his words, will be in danger of life, but it is not absolute." Su Yimeng said what he thought.

"So from this point of view, violating the second town rule can carefully trace how the lives of tourists who strayed into the town were harmed."

"Are you really criminal police?" Su Yi asked in a pretended puzzled manner.

"The real deal." Su Yimeng took out a gun from his pocket.

"So you are investigating the case of tourists being harmed in Wuliu Town?"

"Yes, but not entirely." Su Yimeng said.

"This Wuliu Town disappeared many years ago."


Seeing Su Yi's confusion, Su Yimeng patiently explained.

"It means literally. This town disappeared 10 years ago. This area has become a wilderness, surrounded by a cloud of fog all year round. No matter how you walk, you will return to the vicinity."

"Do you know how many police officers came to search this area?"

Su Yi shook his head.

"A full 36 people, spent three full days, and still didn't find it. Everyone said that the town was gone. Just when I was about to give up, the two of us met Ai Yue in the fog, and then we were brought in, and the others all got lost."

"So it's a miracle that we're here. I must thoroughly investigate this case! I won't allow a gloomy and criminal corner in our country to be buried in the dark!"

Su Yi nodded slightly.

"There are more than one or two cases here. There are many people who disappear near here every year. In the past ten years, there have been more than a hundred people." Su Yimeng's face became solemn.

"It's not just that."

"Have you heard of the Priest Church, or the Heavenly Father Church?" Su Yimeng stared at Su Yi.

Su Yi continued to pretend not to know, and Su Yimeng continued to speak.

"Spread rumors of the reincarnation of gods, spread false doctrines, let parents abuse their children to make them gods, and the parents will be blessed at the same time, so as to sell holy water and make huge profits."

"Does this have anything to do with Wuliu Town?" Su Yi asked in confusion, but he was full of emotion in his heart.

If this place is really related to the Priest Church, and the current year happens to be the year when the Priest Church was destroyed, and it is also the year when Master Liu Hong died, then wouldn't Su Yimeng really die here?

Then his actions tonight, if he followed him, wouldn't it be more dangerous! ?

This is just skateboarding in front of the King of Hell, and he is not willing to die.

Su Yimeng exhaled and shook his head.

He shook his head.

"According to many core believers, Wuliu Town is a major source, and they worship the God of Wuliu."

"But ordinary people can't get in at all. For them, Wuliu Town is like a legend."

"God of Wuliu? People in Wuliu Town say that they believe in the tree god Huang Zu, who is a female god." Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? You are a folklorist, tell me about it?" Liu Hong asked curiously.

Su Yimeng was also very interested when he heard Su Yi say this, after all, this is information.

"At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a county magistrate had a tree that was dozens of feet high. There were often yellow birds and yellow air on the tree." Su Yi told the story. As a mystery novelist, he really covered a wide range of things about gods and ghosts. When he was a child, he liked to read in his grandfather's book room, and these stories about gods and ghosts were also his favorites.

"One year, the local area was suffering from drought. But the tree was lush and green. The locals thought that there might be a god in the tree and they could pray for rain. They brought wine and meat to the tree for sacrifice. That night, the towering tree turned into a woman wearing embroidered clothes and called herself the tree god Huang Zu. Because the local people were simple and pure, she came to bring rain."

"Oh? Is the tree god like this?" Liu Hong nodded.

Su Yi nodded and continued.

"Well, it's not over yet. Just one year after this happened, the tree god incarnated again to say goodbye. She told the county residents that a large-scale war was about to break out and now she was going to say goodbye."

"But she left a jade bracelet and told everyone that as long as there were pure-hearted women in the county holding it, the county would be protected from war."

"Sure enough, the war broke out in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. In the wars between the various princes, even when the Three Kingdoms were united in the Jin Dynasty, this county was never affected."

"Isn't this a bit like the disappearance of Wuliu Town?" Liu Hong said in surprise.

"It is indeed similar." Su Yimeng nodded slightly, thinking to himself.

"Yes, it is rumored that the people in the county later built a shrine for the tree god and worshipped it for generations."

"Interesting, now that you mention it, there are indeed many similarities with this Wuliu Town." Su Yimeng unexpectedly received such news.

"I didn't think much of it at first, but it just so happened that what you just said happened to match this paragraph." Su Yi was actually quite surprised.

In this way, the tree god is really not made up by the people in Wuliu Town, there is a story behind it.

But this tree god is lawful and good in mythology and legends. Why would something hurt people happen in Wuliu Town, and even this is the source of the priest religion?

Su Yi didn't understand.

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