Detective Training Manual

Chapter 348: What are you watching out for?

"Famous Detective Training Manual (!

"Oh?" Zhou Yan rushed to the front desk as soon as he heard it. There was a small book on the front desk.

Zhou Yan dragged the book in front of him, and immediately saw that it was full of names, time of visit, and reason for the visit.

It seems that all outsiders of the TV station need to register before letting them go.

The current time is 7:30 in the evening, and at 5:20, a person named [Li Dabo] came here. The reason for the visit was [Repair the air conditioner].

At the end of the registration form, it was 6 o'clock exactly, with the names of [Zhou Yan] [Lin Xi] written, and the reason for the visit was [interview].

Zhou Yan recalled that when he and Lin Xi first arrived at the TV station, the intern who was running errands seemed to stand for a while at the front desk. It is estimated that he was registering for himself and his boss at that time.

So judging from this timetable, there was indeed a repairman who came to repair the air conditioner more than half an hour before he and Lin Xi came.

Zhou Yan sorted out this time in his mind.

First of all, at 5:15, Shen Keke ended the news host and went to the lounge to rest for a while.

After 5 minutes, a repairman came to repair the air conditioner.

After another 35 minutes, I and Lin Xi came to visit. And waited in the corridor for about 10 minutes.

After that, I entered the lounge and stayed with Shen Coke until now, which is 7:30.

But at this time, the repairman named Li Dabo had already left, so the time he left was sometime between [5:20-6:00].

It took Zhou Yan a few seconds to smooth the time, and then looked up at the young lady at the front desk.

"Um, hello, I want to ask, when did this repairman leave?"

Miss sister shrugged: "I don't know, I didn't pay attention."

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was taken aback: "Isn't this facing the corridor? Why didn't you pay attention?"

"That's it." The young lady at the front desk pointed to the registration form: "Look, this person came at 5:20, and we get off work at 5:30, which means there will be a lot between 5:30 and 6:00. Many people left, and I took over at that time.

So during this period, no one will notice whether a foreigner is passing by. We only need to register when we come here, and no one cares when we leave.

So if you ask me, I naturally don't know. "

Zhou Yan was stunned, thinking that the people in this business unit were too good, and they picked themselves clean in a few words. It is estimated that the young lady at the front desk thought that the air conditioner had stolen something.

Zhou Yan wanted to tell her, but it wasn't that serious. He just wanted to confirm whether the person left. If he didn't leave, he might have been killed.

Look scared the young lady.

But I wanted to return, but since Miss Sister didn't know, Zhou Yan couldn't say anything to her. He just subconsciously raised his head and looked around the corridor.

"Uh, then you always have a monitor here, right."


"Huh? Broken again?"

"Again?" The young lady at the front desk was stunned: "Why do you say that again, our monitor has been installed for two or three years, and it's only recently that it broke down for the first time."

"Um... I'm sorry, it's okay." Zhou Yan waved his hand awkwardly.

I guess I told my little sister that she didn't believe it, and Zhou Yan said it to herself.

It seems that in addition to [there is a chance of not paying in a car], my superpower also has a [probability of damage to the camera wherever I go].

So to sum up, no one now knows whether this air-conditioner repairer has left the TV station.

"Excuse me, goodbye." Zhou Yan said politely, and then left.

However, he did not leave the TV station directly, but when he reached the corner, he found a chair casually and sat in thought.

Looking at Zhou Yan's pensive look, Lin Xi was also very puzzled: "Hey, why do you care so much about the person who repaired the air conditioner? Do you think Miss Shen Keke killed the person who repaired the air conditioner?"

"I'm not sure, just give me some time." Zhou Yan didn't explain much, just took out the notes and prepared to look at it again.

The clues given by the people in the book are a bit strange this time.

Before, as long as there is a clue, the people in the book will rush to say it, but this time it is very wrong. The people in the book seem to be unsure of what happened. There is even a kind of "I know, but I I'm not sure whether to tell you or not.

How did it happen, did these people start to doubt their own reconnaissance ability?

After opening the book, there are still many comments on it.

[Long Yutian Messiah: Good guy, it turned out to be a game for us, Zhou Yan, be careful not to expose us]

"Set your game? How is it possible? Your manifestation in this world is only these words, and only I can see this words. Who will set up a game to set you up?"

[Bishop Qiangwei who wants to pursue pleasure: But has anyone seen the person who repaired the air conditioner go? 】

"No." Zhou Yan muttered in his heart: "But under normal circumstances, you should be able to easily know this kind of thing, but this time... I feel that you are also a little bit unsure. In the end what happened?"

[Lian Yue Zhi Zhi: Zhou Yan, look at my words carefully. This may be a trap. 】

"I saw what you said, but...Where is the trap?"

[Wei Jiangmu: I suddenly felt that it was not the smuggler who died in the beginning. It may be to confuse us. If this is the case, then the wave of people using us is definitely in the atmosphere. 】

"It's not the smuggler who died? You mean the person who repaired the air conditioner. But...why would anyone want to confuse you?"

[The name organic is really stupid: I suddenly thought that there would be a montage plot in the future, we thought it was the person who just killed, in fact the plot of the killing was a few years ago]

"...Montage? Is the information you got inaccurate?"

[20190202181518187: Don't worry about this should be fishing for us. 】

"Fishing you?" Zhou Yan's brows became tighter and tighter: "So, someone knows about your existence? But...Is this case left alone? This...this How could it be possible. Oh, yes, so far I’m not sure if there are any cases."

Zhou Yan just watched without saying a word. In his notes, there were many comments about this case, but these comments were not very straightforward. And... Zhou Yan noticed a subtle atmosphere between the lines.

My brothers...seems to be on guard...

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