Detective Training Manual

Chapter 304: Perfect Crime (1)

Zhou Yan walked towards the ghost image step by step...He was really tired, and in such a dozen minutes, he almost exhausted all his energy.


However, Zhou Yan still did not relax at this time.

The safety voltage of the human body is 36V. This is the knowledge learned in junior high school, but it is not mentioned in the book. In fact, when people touch the voltage of 150v-200V, it is not necessarily life-threatening.

So God knows whether this thing lying on the ground is dead or alive.

He knew the importance of making up a knife, so he took out the gun in his pocket!

[Cash red envelopes to receive cash! Follow WeChat. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp], cash/coins are waiting for you!

Uh, yes, a gun. It was a police pistol that a police officer dropped on the ground when he was attacked on a mountain road. When Zhou Yan fled, he fired a few shots. Now there is only one in the magazine. A bullet is out.

This bullet is extremely precious.

When watching "Detective Notes" last night, Zhou Yan also learned a piece of information from the book, that is, this ghost does not seem to be afraid of bullets.

It's just that he doesn't care about pain.

A bullet hitting him will also cause damage to him. A single piece embedded in the flesh will also affect his actions, but unless you break his whole bones, otherwise, what should he do or do? .

However, this thing still has a weakness, that is the head, if he is shot in the head, it is estimated that he will die.

Zhou Yan stepped on the water all over the floor, dragging a gun in his hand, his muscles were sore that he almost passed out, but he still aimed at the ghost's head as much as possible.

Regardless of whether he is dead or not, shoot him in the head with the last bullet.

Finally, Zhou Yan came to a position where he could guarantee that he would not miss the shot, but not too close to that thing.

"With this shot, people in the entire community will probably have to be awakened. Forget it, as long as the ghost is caught anyway, Lao Tzu's charge will be washed away, and he will also have to deal with the senior police officers. The bargaining chip for the wrong people."

Zhou Yan just thought about it, and then... pulled the trigger!


There was a muffled sound.

However, it was not the sound of gunfire, but the sound of Zhou Yan flying upside down.

I saw that ghost was still lying on the ground a second before, like a dead body, but the next second, he suddenly bounced up, like a wild dog that came back to light, and instantly hit Zhou Yan. come!

Zhou Yan was stupid. When his body was flying upside down, the thoughts in his mind were extremely clear and true————

"I'm going to finish playing!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain in his back, and Zhou Yan slammed into the guardrail of the community.

The guardrail has been in disrepair for a long time, and the roots have long been rusty. After being hit like this, it was directly broken. Zhou Yan's body also flew out of the community, rolling across a lawn, and then lying on his back. On the road.

"It's no help, wait for death!"

"Die, goodbye!"

"Sit down and wait for a GG."

At this moment, Zhou Yan actually recalled that he had seen these comments in the book before. At that time, he was still very dumbfounded, but now thinking about it, it seems that he really can only wait to die.


The heavy footsteps on the ground, because it was covered with water, sounded extraordinarily clear.

The ghost didn't even make much noise when running before, but at this moment, it was walking so heavy.

It can be seen that he has also reached the limit.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that apart from its terrifying appearance and amazing physical fitness, this thing is not too far from the category of a normal creature. An ordinary person can beat him 50-50.

Okay, it's four or six, because now, I can't even move a finger.

The sound of footsteps approached a little bit, and Zhou Yan closed his eyes tiredly.

There are still a lot of puzzles that have not been solved, and I just die like this. I'm really not reconciled!

He muttered in his heart--

Suddenly, a roaring hurricane, a car galloped over from the road, did not turn on the high beams, did not sound the horn, there was no warning, only the violent friction between the wheels and the road, and the pieces of fallen leaves rolled up by the airflow. .


It was a loud noise, but it was extremely dull and strong. The front of the car was unbiased, and it happened to crash into the ghost!

And the ghost image did not even make a scream, and flew out in a straight line. The broken body was spinning wildly on the ground, the blood was like water on the electric fan, and it snapped a crackle. , Rolled out of the lighting range of the street lamp, sank into the darkness, and disappeared.

This coming car... is the same car that Lao Guo drove yesterday. At this time, the car parked next to Zhou Yan, the door slowly opened, and then...Li Huan Stumbled down!

Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her eyes widened, and a few drops of sweat even leaked from the corners of her eyebrows, like a girl who had just been in a car accident and was frightened.

She was really frightened, because she couldn't drive at all. If it wasn't for the luck that happened just now, she just hit the ghost, maybe she would just pass Zhou Yan's body.

Fortunately, this kind of thing did not happen.

It turned out that not long after Zhou Yan coaxed Li Huan to sleep, this girl woke up unexpectedly.


Although she was extremely tired and did not fall asleep for more than 48 hours, the anxiety continued to magnify in her heart, and she had to open her eyes again in just a few minutes.

Then, she found that she was sleeping in Zhou Yan's room, but there was no Zhou Yan beside her.

In an instant, Li Huan understood what was going on and hurried to the balcony, but outside the window was pitch black, she could not see anything, but faintly, she seemed to be able to hear some clinking noises in the community.

Li Huan didn't dare to hesitate, and hurried out of the hotel, and she was quite comfortable, so she took away the car key that Lao Guo had left on the porch.

After this, everyone should be able to make up for it.

Our Miss Li Huan can't drive, but this does not prevent her from biting her head and getting into the car.

She couldn't help Zhou Yan in a fight, she was dragging her feet, but it didn't prevent her from learning the plot in the movie.

Generally, in a movie, when the protagonist is desperate, there will always be a car parked in front of the protagonist in a very timely manner, and then the person in it handsomely says to the protagonist: "Get in the car!"

Then the two of them can go away under the pursuit of the enemy, causing the audience to shout, ‘God’s teammates! ’.

But the reality is somewhat different from Li Huan's thinking, because when she was so lucky, she really started the car and drove out, Zhou Yan had been beaten to death.

What's more embarrassing is that Li Huan can't stop the car!

In desperation, she could only gritted her teeth and ran straight to the ghost and ran into it. Fortunately, the collision caused the car to stop. The process may be a bit embarrassing, but the result is pretty good.

After just a few seconds, Li Huan finally recovered from the panic, and then she carried Zhou Yan into the car.

This process took Li Huan a full 10 minutes. She didn't dare to look for the ghost in the night, she didn't know if she should call the police, and she didn't know if she should go to the people in the hotel for help.

At a loss, Li Huan could only rely on his rough and simple ideas to try to leave this place of right and wrong with Zhou Yan.

So, she ran into the courage and stepped on the accelerator again—

The car moved forward again. After the lessons of the first drive, Li Huan was very smart and tried to find the brakes first.

The car lights were turned on, and the road ahead stretched far away, with a lot of blood on the ground.

Li Huan's body was trembling. She looked along the blood stains, expecting to see the long and thin ghost corpse lying on the road...

However, at the end of the blood, there is nothing...

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