Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 1827: Alien real estate

   December 29, Friday, morning, good mood, the 63rd floor, meeting room in the middle of the Riyao Building.

After listening to Olivia’s words, Miko Miyamoto smiled and said: "One more reminder, your financial funds are the funds of your employees. If something goes wrong, it is very troublesome. You must invest carefully in the financial sector, even if it is investing in commodities. In futures, don’t invest in stocks, especially financial products. It’s best to invest in national bonds."

   Olivia nodded and said: "Thanks for reminding."

   Belinda smiled and said: "Next is me, there is nothing to say about the economic situation of Huoxiu Group, making money but nothing left."

   "Let me also divide it. Huoxiu Aerospace Group is divided into six areas, not ranked by profit."

   "The first is the space field, including the company's interstellar communication system, cooperating with the Space Agency for space and celestial exploration, cooperating with Guangmei Group for manned outer space travel, and maintaining and nursing Apollo Space Hotel."

   "The two projects of space dock and outer space garbage recovery ship are underway. The next project is solar sailing and asteroid mining, and later is the moon colonization experiment and the Mars colonization experiment."

   "At present, the death fighters are training. The problem is not the resources and technology, but the law."

   "The United States does not allow private launch vehicles to carry people into space. It is not legally forbidden, but it is not allowed to tow licenses, and can only conduct suborbital manned navigation at most."

   "However, this is still easy to evade, launching at sea on the high seas."

"The space dock was rated as a potential space-based weapon because it has an experimental laser thruster that can be converted into a weapon-level laser weapon, which poses a direct threat to satellites in space, violates international conventions, and whether it can be used requires review and review. Review again."

   "Asteroids can be captured, but only samples can be mined. As for commercial profit activities, although there is no express prohibition, there is no clear legal support."

   "In other words, even if the asteroid mines, once the minerals are taken, they cannot be sold. Otherwise, if they are investigated, a large area will be involved."

"The colonization of the moon and the colonization of Mars is even more involved in the issue of private property. The project is private, so the area is private, and the private property is inviolable, the problem will arise. If I enclose the land of Mars, then Mars Whose counts."

Speaking of this, Belinda laughed, "As for the moon, a few decades ago, it seems that someone was fighting for the ownership of the moon in 1953. Later, there were people who ran an interstellar development company that sold the land on the moon. , I remember it was one dollar per acre."

Olivia interrupted and laughed: "Jenaro-Gajardo-Vera, a celebrity in the legal profession, claimed that his ancestors had obtained the moon in 1857. On September 25, 1954, he was registered in Talca, Chile. People objected, he won the moon."

Enoch laughed and said: "Martin-Juergens, this German family claims that the moon has belonged to his family since July 15, 1756, and was given to his ancestor Aul-Juergens by Frederick-the-Great, King of Prussia at that time. "

   Mei Daizi laughed and said: "It's really fun for everyone, but these are real and fake. I mean, can I get real estate on other planets."

   Annie said: "The Outer Space Treaty of 1967, which has been widely recognized, prohibits all countries from claiming territorial sovereignty over outer space, the moon and other celestial bodies."

   "The 1979 International Moon Treaty prohibits private ownership of alien real estate, but this treaty has not been widely recognized."

   "In general, state acts are prohibited, but private acts are not prohibited, but private acts are subject to state authorization and continuous supervision."

   "In other words, if the country can promulgate relevant laws and regulations that are in line with the international spirit, the international community will recognize it. After all, a lot of money has been invested."

"For example, to land on the moon for colonial life, each person can only privately own one acre of land before death, and it will not become personal property after death. Colonists can mine and use the minerals on the moon, but they must share life data with the world for future entry of mankind. Space contributes."

   "Similar to this kind of regulation, it should be passable, the specifics should be very long, very detailed, and will be added at any time."

   Mei Daizi nodded and said: "Understand, new things, smart people will take advantage of the loopholes, so we need to patch."

"That's the case, lobbying and running, it's not something that can be done in the short term." Belinda said, "In short, the first outer space garbage collection ship will use the space hotel or the International Space Station as a refurbishment and fuel supply. As a feeder dock."

   "There is too much garbage in outer space, so there is no embarrassment for this project. The review is a green light."

   "As long as the recovery ship has sufficient fuel and carries multiple shared fuel tanks, it can also be used as an interstellar travel ship, whether it is to recapture asteroids or go sightseeing in other celestial bodies."

"Ah, by the way, when it comes to celestial bodies, although you should all know it, let me say it again. At the 26th International Astronomical Union starting on August 14 this year, planets were redefined, and Pluto’s journey was downgraded to Dwarf planets, the solar system is now the eight largest planets."

   Mei Daizi smiled and said, "I know, Pasival Rowell, the founder of the Lowell Observatory, and Clyde William Tombaugh, the true discoverer of it, they know they will cry to death."

   Olivia smiled and said, "Yes, it's rare that you can remember their names."

   Enoch smiled and said, "She should just want to know who is crying to death in the bathroom."

   Stop what he was talking about. Everyone couldn't help laughing. Mei Daizi also scratched her head and laughed.

   Belinda shook her head and said, "Really, don't make fun of these ancestors."

   Miko Miyamoto said, "That's right, continue the meeting."

   The laughter stopped, Belinda said: "Well, next, let's talk about other areas of Huoxiu's company."

   "The second is the aerospace field, including the design, manufacture and launch of launch vehicles, satellite design, manufacture and operation services, and outer space life support."

   "The huge new Saturn rocket has a low-Earth orbit carrying weight of 160 tons. Other versions have been built, but have not yet dared to test launch. The highest is the new Saturn 8 rocket with a carrying weight of 220 tons."

   "Generally, it is the Diana Rocket family, and many models meet commercial requirements."

   "Satellites are also various, such as the bow hunting system composed of seven satellites, and the satellite communication system."

"Outer space life support is to solve, no, to be precise, to increase the probability of human survival in outer space, to solve life problems, space suits, escape systems, in-cabin breathing and circulation systems, radiation protection systems, medical and health care systems , Space toilets, space showers, water recycling treatment, space cultivation, space food manufacturing, space waste disposal, etc."

   "Compared to technology, this one is the most difficult, because there are too many unknowns that need to be discovered and solved one by one. This is the main problem that slows down the pace of human space exploration."

   "But as far as I am concerned, I would rather die in space, on the road of exploration, even as an experimental subject, telling people that it is a dead end, better than dying on earth."

"The recruits for the death fighters who are going to go into space all have the same purpose, no matter what their original intention is, for their dreams, for fame, or even for their lives to make money. In short, their results are basically set. It means dying in space, dying on other planets, and illuminating the direction for more people who set foot on this path."

   Miko Miyamoto said, "I can only say, I wish you a good death."

Belinda said: "The third is the laboratory field. In addition to investing heavily in its own laboratory, Huoxiu has also contracted the management of many large laboratories. This has nothing to do with the patents generated by the team borrowing the laboratory, but it can be known that they are in What to study, obtain partial or complete patents through sponsored purchases, and dig people."

   "Huoxiu's technological level is at the forefront, so it should be fine."

   "Fourth is the material field, which can also be said to be the manufacturing field. It seems that there is nothing that Huoxiu can't make."

   Olivia interrupted and laughed: "Can you sell it? It's another matter."

   Belinda said: "For the military, nuclear bombs can be built but have no raw materials. Warships, submarines, and military ships. Huoxiu has been reduced to the maintenance department in this country, mainly manufacturing civilian ships."

   "Military aircraft, missiles, tanks, guns and ammunition, military construction, auxiliary supplies, from raw materials to parts, from hardware to software, a complete industrial chain."

   "Although sometimes there are certain shortcomings, the overall score is not bad, at least the cost is low. The purchase price, operating cost, maintenance cycle, etc. are all important for military supplies."

   "Civilian products, such as aircraft, locomotives, ships, equipment and instruments, chemical coatings, etc., are not sold to the outside world. We only use them to digest our production capacity."

   "It is steel that sells externally. Many steel factories have been gathered before. In order to keep workers from losing jobs, they sell all kinds of metal products, plates, pipes, profiles, etc. that can digest production capacity, as well as metal equipment, metal furniture, etc."

   "Fifth is the recycling area, collecting raw materials."

   "Six is ​​the security field. Huo Xiu's number of security personnel is probably the largest in the world. I don't care about the specifics. In short, they work in many countries in the world."

   "In addition, there are foreign parts, Australia, Israel, Slavs, China, Britain, Zayer, etc., but I basically don't care about those things."

   "This is probably the case. In short, Huoxiu Company makes more money and invests more, so it has no profit."

   "Oh, one more thing."

   "Although the integrated strike fighter flew for a test flight, as I said before, that guy is compatible with too many tasks, too many functions, wants mass production, and has some modifications."

"So be it."

   Miko Miyamoto said, "Okay, the last one, Shinmi."

   Oda Nobumi said: "The situation on Zayir's side is good. Although there are many problems with refugee integration, it is generally orderly."

   "In agriculture, the area of ​​grain planting is on the way to 100 million hectares; in forestry, industrial logging has basically stopped except for roads to maintain traffic."

   "In terms of animal husbandry, poultry and eggs are already sufficient, but meat is still insufficient; in terms of fishery, the advancement of aquaculture is slow because of the level of knowledge."

   "Clothes can be self-sufficient, and mining of minerals is decreasing."

   "In terms of water, water collectors and non-electric water purifiers have been popularized; in terms of garbage, in densely populated places, garbage disposal systems can basically meet the needs."

   "In terms of energy, solar energy has become popular. Household energy is mainly solar energy, including primitive solar cookers. At the national level, the share of hydroelectric power generation is nearly half, and the share of thermal power generation is very small."

"In terms of transportation, railways are the main means of moving people between regions. In cities, three-wheeled and four-wheeled solar vehicles account for a large proportion and are the main means of transportation for individuals. Vehicles using 100% synthetic fuel are the main means of transportation; There are still a lot of traditional fuel vehicles, all of which existed before. People are reluctant to discard them and can only guide them slowly."

   "In the military, the lack of knowledge of military personnel has caused a series of problems. Modern group operations can only reach the company level. The aircraft carriers bought are not used well. Now they are completely leased to the Chinese."

   "Education language differences are still a big problem; in medical care, a new round of inspections is underway, and there is still a serious shortage of medical equipment and medical personnel."

   "In terms of trade, food is very popular, and a lot of resources have been exchanged."

   "In the transaction between us, wood-based synthetic fuels will become the new focus of the transaction, and natural gas may be the next one."

   "That's probably it."

   Miko Miyamoto smiled and said: "Okay, nothing else, just end the meeting, I wish you all a happy new year."...

   Saturday, December 30, Miyamoto's house.

   The news about the former president of Yirak was broadcasted in the news. His death sentence and hanging began at 6 a.m. local time in Baghdad. ...

   Later, there were mobile video streaming out. The execution time seemed to be on the gallows at six in the morning, starting at six and five in the morning and ending at six ten in the morning.

   Many people oppose the death penalty, and lawyers believe that it is unfair and fair from trial to execution, which is a kind of revenge. ...

   December 31, Sunday, New Year's Eve, Maori home.

   TV news said that the death toll of the US military in Iraq rose to 3,000.

   Maori and Conan who watched TV were sweating coldly and couldn't stop at all, but the reason was not the TV, but the kitchen where they had been paying attention.

   Lan and Fei Yingli are active in the kitchen, preparing for the New Year’s Eve dinner tonight.

   There is no escape.

   The only way is to avoid Feiyingriyaki dishes and eat only orchid dishes.

   As for the bowls in the back, it can only be resigned. ...

   Miyamoto family.

   The three sisters of the Tarhan family, Delya, Apolak, and Melis, were also called to celebrate the New Year together.

   A family of seven people talked and laughed, the atmosphere was harmonious and cheerful, and the year was full. ...

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