Destined Martial God

Chapter 930: Breach of contract

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Green Flame Secret Realm!

Since ancient times, in order to compete for the space for survival and to obtain more resources for spiritual practice, countless killings and battles have occurred between humans and strange beasts.

However, as time goes on, human beings as the spirit of all things, whether it is the talent and understanding of spiritual practice, or the superb wisdom possessed by themselves, gradually begin to gain the upper hand in the battle for living space and spiritual resources.

In the end, countless other beasts persecuted, either retreating to the mountains or forests, becoming pets of human warriors, or burying corpses in the wilderness.

However, the hatred accumulated over many years and the threat brought by the longevity of alien beasts have made many people of humanity want to completely exterminate alien beasts in order to eliminate the hidden dangers that may arise.

This forced all the strange beasts in the entire Tianxuan continent to join forces to fight the danger of being destroyed.

Subsequently, nearly a century of **** fighting broke out on both sides, during which countless humans and strange beasts died.

This is the most famous race in modern times!

After hundreds of years of **** battle, although the alien beasts of the entire Tianxuan continent have been extinct by nearly 70%, the number of human warriors has also been reduced by nearly half.

Seeing that the two largest ethnic groups in the Tianxuan continent may end up in danger of dying because of blood races guarding the race.

As the guardian family of the Tianxuan continent, they had to come forward to suppress it. In the end, not only did the blood race of the guardianship of the race be quelled, but the alien beasts and humans signed a treaty of peaceful coexistence.

According to the provisions of the Treaty of Peaceful Coexistence: Whether it is human beings living within the sphere of alien beasts or alien beasts living within the sphere of human beasts, only small-scale and small-scale battles are allowed, and large-scale and large-scale Siege and slaughter.

If there is a large-scale and large-scale encirclement and slaughter, the attacked party possesses a strong man who summons the quasi-military state and completely kills all the beasts or humans who rule this area.

This is the law of peaceful coexistence that is famous on the Tianxuan continent.

The reason why Baichimen can be passed down in the mountains where the beasts run for thousands of years is because of the law of peaceful coexistence, which is a shock to the high-level beasts in the mountains.

"Senior Bai, Senior Zheng, I don't know how much the two seniors knew about the strange beasts across the mountains?"

The strange beasts in the Hengduan Mountains blatantly violated the law of peaceful coexistence, and intended to use the timing of the opening of the Green Flame Mystery to fight against the humans who entered the mountains and the Mystery.

It shows that they not only have an indelible hatred for human beings, but also have the power to kill all the powerful humans who have entered the mountains.

Therefore, after Qingyan's mystery is closed, successfully leaving the Hengduan Mountains, you need to know the strength of the beast that blocked Saint Ma Feng in advance.

"Master Yu, whether it's my Bai family or Zheng San's Zheng family, they all come from the Central Region and don't know much about the Hengduan Mountains in the Southern Region." Li asked some questions about Hao Ran. Apologetic reply.

Bai Li's explanation, and the nod of Zheng's strong companion, made Yu Haoran frown.

Before you know the true strength of the other party, any breakout plan formulated may change.

The consequences of the change may make them buried in the Hengduan Mountains.

So, how can we ensure that no change occurs during the breakout, or reduce the consequences of the change!

One is to know in advance the number and strength of the top beasts in the entire Hengduan Mountains.

The second is the need to improve the strength of the breakout.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran looked at Bai Li and asked.

"Predecessor Bai, according to Zhang's introduction to the secret realm, it seems that in a small front before the close of Qingyan secret realm, the barrier between the green realm and the fire realm will be automatically removed, and the two realms will be completely merged together."

"Yes!" Nodded, Bai Li confirmed the introduction of the old man Zhang Qing to the secret place of Qing Yan.

"Senior Bai, Senior Zheng, and junior wanted to trouble the two seniors to do one thing." After being confirmed by Bai Li, Yu Haoran asked with both hands in fists.

"Master Yu, you don't need to be so polite. If anything, please order!" Faced with Hao Ran's request, the strong surname Zheng and Bai Li quickly waved their hands.

"The junior hopes that the two seniors will be able to rush to the junction of Qingyu and Huoyu as soon as possible, and when the two domains merge, they will immediately find Zhang and Zeng, and then the junior will teach the four seniors a set of arrays."

"At that time, we will break through with this array of formations!" Time was short, and Yu Haoran didn't make a modest concession and directly ordered.


"no problem!"

Gathering the four quasi-wu respected strongmen in the mysterious realm, and condensing the strongest strength through the formation method, Yu Haoran's idea made Bai Li and Zheng strongmen nodded in approval.

"Yu Haoran, what are you going to do next?"

Just letting Aunt Li and Senior Zheng rush to the junction of the two realms, but didn't explain what he was going to do, which made Yu Ling can't help wondering if he could stay with Hao Ran.

"In order to ensure the success of the breakout, I must solve all the hidden dangers before Qingyan's mystery is closed." Looking up at the direction of the black python hiding, Yu Haoran said aggressively.

"Two seniors, say goodbye!" Baoquan motioned, Yu Haoran rose straight into the sky and headed straight for the lake in the deep blue.

"Yu Ling, let's go!" Bai Li reminded with a sigh, watching Yu Ling who was a little lost.


Since it's a difference, even if you can't take yourself, then you have to say goodbye to yourself.

But Yu Haoran just chose to ignore it, so Yu Ling nodded his feelings of grievance, and then went to the junction of the two realms with Bai Li and Zheng.


"Ta Ling, when you find the black python, you immediately perform the possessive technique!" Yu Haoran yelled at Ta Ling who knew the sea when there were hundreds of miles away from the lake where the black python hid.

"I know!" Taling nodded and agreed.

Because he knew that Yu Haoran used the technique of possession to use the law of years to trace. He could not only kill the black python in the shortest time, but also wanted to understand the real situation in the Hengduan Mountains through his life experience.

"Something is wrong!"

Just before reaching the lake where the black python was hiding, Tallinn could not help reminding in surprise.

"Taling, what's wrong?"

After hearing the reminder from Ta Ling, Yu Haoran immediately spread his thoughts for inspection, and found nothing strange.

"How can there be two powerful strange beasts in the center of the lake!"

Fearing that his judgment might be wrong, Taling re-examined the thoughts and looked at it, and stated the reason for his surprise.

"Among the quasi-prestige beasts that have entered the blue sphere, in addition to the black python, there is another one?" Yu Haoran speculated suddenly.


Shaking his head to deny Haoran's speculation, Ta Ling explained.

"The breath of these two strange beasts is very close, but one of them is deliberately converging its own breath, as if it is avoiding the black python."

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