Destined Martial God

Chapter 901: Homemade swordsmanship to destroy Zi Xuan (four more)

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Peach Blossom Town!

"Wind Butterfly!"

Feeling the strong breath that is never returning in the difficult-to-receive swordsmanship, Zi Xuan looked solemnly to take a step forward, while the jade palm shot quickly, he also drank softly.

Along with Zi Xuan's soft drink, a jade hand spanning the space appeared directly in front of the majestic sword qi. While successfully dispersing the sword qi, the jade palm was also broken by the sword qi.

"Senior, you are also testing the swordsmanship of the junior in this trick!"

With respect to Zi Xuan's powerful sword qi formed by easily breaking away difficult sword techniques, Yu Haoran didn't care at all. While taking a step forward, he directly performed the third technique.

"It's hard to catch water!"

The sword qi emitted from the native sword weapon, just like the wind butterfly palm method that Zi Xuan had just cast, directly crossed the limitation of space and instantly appeared on the top of her head.

At the same time, carrying the mighty sword strength, it split into countless sharp sword strength instantly, like a violent storm raining towards Zi Xuan.

"Weathered butterfly!"

Facing the fierce sword qi surrounding him in all directions, Zi Xuan sighed softly, and also performed the superimposed palm method. Numerous jade palms successfully dispelled countless sword qi.

"Zi ...!"

Although the two sides only fought three moves, both Zi Xuan and Yu Haoran showed their in-depth understanding of martial arts, and they mastered the true essence of palm and sword skills.

Especially the third move formed by the superposition of the first two moves and martial arts, the power was increased by almost ten times, which also made the crowd at the scene take a breath.

Compared to the shock of everyone, Gu Liangzhiyi was shocked, but the killings in his heart were increasing.

The cultivation of the peak of the eight kings of martial arts not only masters the artistic conception of swordsmanship, but also the understanding of swordsmanship and martial arts is far more than the wicked genius of the younger generation of this family.

At this moment, Yu Haoran's performance has clearly surpassed him and Gu Quan.


When thinking of Guquan, Gu Liangyi turned his head to look at him immediately, followed by a happy smile on his face.

As a solitary retreat, the reason why Gu Quan was able to break through his reputation is not only because of his daring to fight and kill, but also because he likes to challenge geniuses with peerless and evil potentials.

Today, the strong warfare that emerges from Gu Quan's eyes means that Gu Quan will challenge the winner regardless of the final result of the test.

If the winner is Zi Xuan, then he took the initiative to compete with Gu Quan.

If the winner is Yu Haoran, then let Gu Quan defeat him first, then defeat Gu Quan by himself.

The effect of this is far stronger than the test between him and Gu Quan alone.

Thinking of his plan to kill two birds with one stone, Gu Liangzhiyi's smile was even brighter.

Seeing Zi Xuan easily dissolve her elaborate sword skills in previous lives, Yu Haoran's calm look was slightly dignified.

Water-covered, hard-to-recover, and superimposed water-covered, three-stroke swordsmanship are his own three-stroke swordsmanship that he harvested in the past with a lot of swordsmanship and martial arts.

Don't look at Zi Xuan's easy cracking just now, but in fact, the power of each skill has reached the pinnacle of Wuhuang Sanpin.

The final overlay of water is difficult to collect, not only the power reaches the peak of the fourth emperor of the Emperor, but also difficult to resist, only passive defense.

Of course, his swordsmanship in his previous life is certainly not limited to his own three-stroke swordsmanship.

However, many swordsmanships mastered and proficient in previous lives need to be coordinated and poisoned to be able to perform perfectly, in order to be able to use the power of swordsmanship.

After his rebirth, he had abandoned the practice of poisoning and could not continue to perform most of the swordsmanship mastered in previous lives.

In desperation, he intends to imitate and learn from the Tiantian Sword Technique inherited from the Tiantian Dezun, hoping to create a sword technique on the spot that is more powerful than water.

Three steps back, the consciousness quickly recalls the inherited swordsmanship.

Later, in accordance with previous life's perceptions of many swordsmanship, gradually realized a trace of fur of the sky swordsmanship.

Utilizing the faint fur of the Tiantian swordsmanship, and combining his practice and experience with his swordsmanship, a trick that is not too mature is gradually taking shape.

"Senior, your strength admires the younger generation."

Although the homemade swordsmanship is not mature, it can only be gradually improved through continuous verification.

Therefore, after Yu Haoran praised Zi Xuan, the spirit of the whole person immediately penetrated into the sword.

"Now, the junior has just created a swordsmanship, I hope the senior can test it for the junior."

If before the competition, you hear Yu Haoran say that he created his own swordsmanship, whether it be Zi Xuan or the crowd at the scene, he will be ridiculed.

But now!

The crowd at the scene not only did not sneer at the irony, but turned their attention to him. They wanted to see the power and subtlety of Yu Haoran's own swordsmanship.

After Zi Xuan's eyes flashed a fascination, at the same time she raised her vigilance and immediately performed her strongest defensive martial arts.

"Sword to Chase!"

As Yu Haoran drank the sword technique just given a name, the natal sword in his hand immediately broke away from the palm of his hand and turned into a flash of lightning towards Zi Xuan.

The destiny sword weapon contained in Hao Ran's all qi spirits has radiated power reaching the fifth grade of Emperor Wuhuang, which made Zi Xuan immediately exert her defensive skills to resist the attack of the destiny sword weapon.

But just when the defensive palms just came into contact with the natal sword, all the people on the scene unexpectedly expected that when the natal sword attacked the palm, they suddenly shot a sharp sword.

The powerful sword power close to the peak of Wu Huang's five grades directly penetrated the blockade of the defense palm. When Zi Xuan had no time to make any defense, she shot directly at her heart.

Looking at the heart penetrated by the sharp sword gas, Zi Xuan's face showed a trace of admiration, a trace of comfort, a trace of unwillingness, and a trace of anxiety.

Later, she looked up at Yu Haoran, and asked with a hint of expectation.

"Yu Haoran, can you let him go in the future?"

"What do you say!" Yu Haoran asked indifferently, withdrawing the natal sword that broke the defense of Jade Palm.


After hearing Yu Haoran's indifferent cross-examination, Zi Xuan couldn't help sighing, and then the body condensed with thoughts exploded instantly.

Just as the body condensed by the divine mind just exploded, Zi Xuan's body, who was self-limiting, stood up and walked into the courtyard tens of thousands of miles away from the Qin Kingdom Palace.

Looking up at the south, she whispered to herself.

"Bai Jun, if you are smart enough, it is best to stay in the Southern Region for the rest of your life, and never to meet with Hao Ran all your life, otherwise you and I will be separated forever."

Watching Zi Xuan's condensed body exploded, Yu Haoran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then turned and went straight to the peach tree where he had just settled, intending to take the opportunity to refine the sword in his hand.

But at this moment, a young man with one arm stood in front of him.

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