Destined Martial God

Chapter 868: Ming Wu (second more)

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The fifth floor of the treasure house!

Whenever Ta Ling's surprise shout came out of a precious material, the doubt on Yu Haoran's face would increase by one point.

After Ta Ling picked out more than 20 precious materials for the refining machine in a short period of time, his frowning brows had formed a very obvious Sichuan character.

"Yu Haoran, what happened to you?"

Ta Ling, who had been immersed in the selection of precious materials, suddenly felt that the atmosphere at the scene was too quiet. He couldn't help but glance at Hao Ran, and found out the Sichuan word wrinkled in front of his forehead, and quickly interrogated.

"Talin, haven't you noticed something wrong!" Yu Haoran reminded.

"No, these magical and refining materials are real."

Divine thought swept across the fifth floor of the treasure house, and Taling found no abnormalities.

"Talling, in terms of quantity and grade, the magical and refining materials in the treasure house have not lost to the first-class faction."

"In a treasury of second-class sects, there are actually collections of artifacts and refining materials that are not lost to first-class sects. Don't you think there is a problem in them?"

Pointing at more than a dozen imperial instruments in the depths of the treasure house, Yu Haoran continued to remind.


Yu Haoran reminded him to calm Ta Ling out of the surprise, and then thought about it carefully, and found something wrong.

"If Sixiangzong secretly relied on a powerful force, under normal circumstances, to support them, it is impossible to provide only the materials of the magic weapon and the refining equipment, but also to upgrade a large number of top-notch spirits and elixir."

"Unless they got it by accident ...!"

Before waiting for Ta Ling to speak his own speculation, Yu Haoran immediately turned his head and shouted in the direction of the stairs leading to the fourth floor.


"Master Ma!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's greetings, Han Guangbei quickly put down a set of Xuanjie nine-pin mentality just selected, and then quickly entered the fifth floor of the treasure house.

Although he was also shocked by the dazzling magical instrument in front of his eyes, his gratitude for Hao Ran made him quickly suppress the greed that appeared in his heart and answered on one knee.

"Immediately bring Hong Shitian, Sovereign Sovereign of the Four Elephant Sects, Xia Vice Sovereign, and the Second Elder here." Yu Haoran commanded quickly.

"Subordinates get orders!"

After getting up, Han Guangbei immediately performed his martial arts skills and quickly left the treasure house.

Looking at Han Guangbei, who quickly left the treasure house, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and motioned Tal Ling to continue to select the materials of the desired refiner. He closed his eyes and began to recall the past experience and see if he could find the Shixiang Sect power Within the scope, I have seen and heard that there may be ruins and Dongfu.

The time is not very long. Just after Ta Ling just selected the fifth material of the refining machine, Han Guangbei took Hong Shitian and the three to enter the fifth floor of the treasure house.

"Guangbei, you continue to select the exercises on the fourth floor, as long as you like it, and take an unlimited number of them." After glancing at the three Hong Shitians who were still faint, Yu Haoran, who had nothing to gain, squeezed out a trace He smiled and said to Han Guangbei.

"Master Ma, let your subordinates retreat first!"

Han Guangbei, who had already guessed what Yu Haoran wanted to do, not only immediately got up and returned to the fourth floor of the treasure house, but also immediately immersed himself in the selection of exercises, to avoid the greed emerging from his heart, and intended to peek into the movements in the fifth layer of the treasure house.

Seeing that Han Guangbei was so interested, Yu Haoran nodded with satisfaction, and then signaled Ta Ling to start searching the memory of the three people including Hong Shitian.

Half an hour later, Ta Ling looked up at Yu Haoran and asked with a serious look.

"Yu Haoran, tell me the truth, what is the real purpose of you entering Sixiangzong?"

"For a magic weapon, a magic magic weapon that is being restored, and a magic treasure that may have been conceived!"

In fact, let Taling search the memory of the three Hong Shitians. Yu Haoran knew that Taling would surely find himself to help the army of the North Road to break through the Sixiang Ningshen array and smash the true intention of the Four Elephant Sect.

Therefore, he did not hide anything and replied truthfully.

"Count your kids to know each other!"

Seeing Yu Haoran obediently answering the real purpose of entering the Four Elephant Sects, the solemn look of Ta Ling gradually eased a little.

"Talin, don't worry about the magical magical artifact first. Have you found the true origin of these magical instruments and refining materials in front of you?"

Seeing that Ta Ling was not investigating the true purpose of deliberately concealing his entry into the Sixiangzong, Yu Haoran quickly asked after sighing with relief.

"found it!"

Nodded, Ta Ling said with a disappointed look.

"But the results were different from what we just speculated."

"Because the materials of these magical tools and refining tools are from the Qingqiu Fox clan, they are part of the reward in exchange for that magical magic weapon."

Taling's explanation just now finally solved a question that had been accumulated in his heart for a long time.

In the previous life, when he was arrested and tortured in the Sixiangzong, the magical magic weapon was almost restored.

With the horror power of magic and magic weapon, even Qin Emperor's peerless strongman who achieved Wu Zun realm would never dare to provoke Sixiangzong.

But less than half a year after he fled from the Sixiangzong, Sixiangzong was easily attacked by the army of the North Road, which kept him wondering why Hong Shitian did not use the magic weapon to threaten Qin Emperor.

Now it seems that the Sixiangzong had just repaired the magical magic weapon, and the strong man of the Qingqiu Fox took away the magic weapon.

At the same time, Yu Haoran finally knew.

In the previous life, why the Four Elephant Sects could be under the siege of the 100,000 elite soldiers of the Great Qin Empire and persisted for several years may be related to the secret assistance of the strong men of the Qingqiu Fox clan.

After all, the true strength of the Qingqiu Fox clan is not inferior to the Great Qin Empire.

The origin of these artifacts and refining materials in the fifth layer of the treasure house is not a trace of their own guess. It may be the Dongfu left by the master of the refining equipment. Yu Haoran, who lost his expectations, signaled that the towering spirit directly erased the magical treasures of the three people in Hong Shitian's mind. Memory of the instrument, and then start to pick the instrument in front of you.

"Yu Haoran, according to the memory of Hong Shitian who has just searched, among the Four Elephant Sects who know the secrets of the magical magic weapon, in addition to the three in front of them, there is also the deputy money lord who escaped, and went out looking for the blood of the beast containing the blood of the beast The elder. "

Seeing that Hao Ran had noticed the importance of keeping secret magical treasures secret, Ta Ling quickly reminded.

"Talling, don't worry."

Yu Haoran smiled and relieved when Ta Ling worried that the news of the Magic Tao was leaked.

"With the strength and speed of General Qi, I believe he can absolutely capture Vice Sovereign Qian. At that time, you can just erase the memory of magical magical treasures from his mind."

"As for the elders of the Four Elephant Sects, let us not worry."

"Because what he needs to do now is not to divulge the secrets of the magical magic weapon to the magic weapon, but to think about how to escape the hunting of the Qingqiu Fox.

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