Destined Martial God

Chapter 862: Take the initiative (one more)

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A series of arrangements just now, Yu Haoran is doing very obvious distinction.

All those who obey and support themselves will not only be able to obtain sufficient military merits and prestige, but also get tangible benefits.

And those who oppose themselves, or choose to fight against themselves, do not get any real benefits.

Because next they will be deliberately targeted.

"Ji Qingyu, Wu Fanghua, Wu Wenqiang, Zhang Zehang, Lian Zhongming, and Meng Zanda, the audience will obey orders!"

High above Yu Haoran, looking down at Ji Qingyu and others before the formation, his indifferent eyes revealed a trace of ruthlessness, and his tone was as indifferent as treating strangers.

"Subordinates obey orders!"

Finally, it was her turn. After hearing Yu Haoran's order, Ji Qingyu and the other six rushed forward, and kneeled on one knee, with an excited expression.

"With the elite soldiers of your family, enclose the entire Four Elephant Sect to Ben Ma, and you are not allowed to let one person out."

Commanded to come here, Yu Haoran's incarnation of the blue dragon, the giant longan stared at Ji Qingyu and Wu Wenhua, not concealing the threat he purposely targeted.

"If you let a person go, blame Ben Ma's military law to serve!"

"Master Ma, you won't agree!"

Even if you don't get the benefits of the truth, who will let yourself be obedient!

But now even the hardships and hardships have to bear certain risks. Ji Qingyu, who has never received such treatment, immediately stands up and expresses his dissatisfaction.

"General Ji, please remember that you are a soldier. The duty of a soldier is to take orders, not to question your officer."

In the face of Ji Qingyu, who was provoked to question himself, Yu Haoran did not immediately turn his face and acted, but as a very patient chief criticized and taught.

"Master Ma, even if Ji Qingyu offends you, you want to get revenge, I have no opinion."

Ignoring Hao Ran's merciful criticism and lessons at all, Ji Qingyu turned aside slightly, pointing to more than 50,000 soldiers who showed grievances and dissatisfaction behind them, and reported them injustice.

"But the soldiers behind me who fought for the country did not offend you, why do you punish them together."

"Master Ma, we don't agree!"

"Master Ma, we don't agree!"

Under the deliberate provocation of Ji Qingyu, the generals who belonged to him first started to protest, and then led tens of thousands of other generals to begin to reconcile.

Looking at Ji Qingyu with a proud look in his eyes, listening to the sound of protest like a row of mountains, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a sharp cold light.

Then he swung the dragon's tail and flew over the fifty thousand elite soldiers, questioning indifferently.

"Why don't you agree?"

"Master Ma, as long as it can be seen by anyone with a good eye, the series of arrangements you just made is obviously aimed at us."

Facing Hao Ran's questioning, a school captain who practiced to reach the peak of Wusheng Sanpin, took the initiative to stand up and questioned.

"But as General Ji said just now, we ordinary soldiers have not offended you, so why should you be deliberately targeted?"

"It's simple!"

Facing the question of the captain below, Yu Haoran replied with a sneer.

"Because you followed the wrong master."


If you clearly acknowledge the reason for your differential treatment, the captain below does not know how to continue to refute.

However, with the reminder of Ji Qingyu's eyes, he took a deep breath, and the captain threatened with a sad look on his face.

"Master Ma, if you don't take back the order you just gave, then don't blame us soldiers who fight for the country bloody, and jointly sue you to the military plane to the court."

Facing the threat of the captain, Yu Haoran suddenly swayed the tail of the dragon, then flew directly to Sixiangzong, and left a sentence that made the scene more than 50,000 fine and strong, both angry and helpless.

"Say casually, even if you go directly to the Holy One, Ben Ma will not care."

"But before the will of the court to punish me, the beast horse with a soldier's talisman has the power to order you."

"So Ben Ma is still in the order just now, as long as one person is released, the military law is relentless."

"Brother Ji, I'll take someone to guard the West first!"

Looking at Yu Haoran who quickly flew into the Sixiangzong, Wu Wenqiang put away the remorse that had just appeared in his eyes, and then reminded Ji Qingyu to take a team of his own horses and head straight to the west of Sixiangzong.

"Brother Ji, for a moment calm and calm, take a step back and the sky is wide, I will take people to guard the East."

Meng Zhanda, who chose to accept reality, persuaded him, and led a team of men and horses to go directly to guard the East of the Four Elephants.

"I'm going to assist General Meng!" In order to draw a line between himself and Ji Qingyu, Zhang Zehang didn't even say hello, directly indicating the direction he wanted to guard, and then took people away.

"Then I will assist General Wu Wenqiang!" Zhang Zehang's move also strengthened Lian Zhongming's confidence and showed his intention to defend his position, and then quickly left with his own people.

"Brother Ji, look?" Wu Fanghua looked at Ji Qingyu with expectation.

Looking at the four generals who belonged to his own department, one after another chose to give in, Wu Fanghua also felt a little emotional.

However, the family he belongs to has a special relationship with the family behind Ji Qingyu, and sometimes has to obey Ji Qingyu's orders.

Otherwise, he is full to fight against Hao Ran deliberately, against the grandma who is extremely heavy against the long lived grandpa.

"Brother Wu, your Wu family can't afford to offend Haoran. In order to avoid being treated as the chicken you use to deter us, let's guard the south first!" In the face of Wu Fanghua's interrogation, Ji Qingyu sighed and ordered Road.

"How about you, Ji?"

Agreeing to let Yu Haoran's orders, and go to guard the south with the least risk, Wu Fanghua secretly relieved, feeling that Ji Qingyu's tone was not quite right, and asked quickly.


Ji Qingyu sneered, then looked up at Sixiangzong, and said with strong provocation in his eyes.

"I won't go anywhere."

"Where's Master Ma?" Wu Fanghua asked worriedly.

"I want to see it and see if he Hao Ran dares to offend my Ji family and risk the long lived Lord, military law punishes me." Ji Qingyu said with confidence.

Taking a look at Ji Qingyu, who was going to challenge Yu Haoran's military power, Wu Fanghua shook his head and said nothing.

Because he knew that Ji Qingyu's true strength was not the Ji family, but the sister who won the favor of the sage and queen mother, and was likely to be the head of the Sixth Palace.

Turning around and beckoning to his own lineage, Wu Fanghua directly flashed to the position where the matrix had blown up.

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