Destined Martial God

Chapter 1857: Vanishing Haemophilia

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In the back garden of the Zhongli family!

Hearing that Zhongli Qingyang was fighting for Hao Ran and Wu Zhengjun as early as the battle for the Five Dragons Qianlong, Zhong Lishuiqin felt chills while looking at his father, showing a confused look.

Because she found that the man who had made herself very respectful and loved had completely changed, not only became completely strange, but also became arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant.

Who is Yu Haoran!

The entire Tiandaxuan continent can be said to be unknown and unknown, even if it is the beast of the four guardian families, even if it is the son of the destiny who has the protection of the heavenly consciousness, he would not dare to neglect him so rudely, let alone It was a humiliation to him in person.

So, who gave the courage to dare to humiliate Hao Ran? Is it the vulture ancestors who are awakening deep in the island, or the elders who only know how to fight for power?

"I've seen the patriarch, the wife, and the lady!" Just when Zhong Li Shuiqin was in a state of confusion, Mr. Ge, who completed the humiliation and drove Hao Ran and Wu Zhengjun, quickly came to the back garden, and then respectfully saw the ceremony.

"Mr. Ge, tell me what happened?"

Seeing Li's voice, the general manager Ge made Zhong Li Shuiqin awake from the confused state.

Immediately afterwards, when she thought of Yu Haoran threatening Zhongli's family, she mentioned that Wu Zhengjun would have to wash the Zhongli family with blood, and asked with a worried look.

Looking up at Zhongli Qingyang, after getting a nod from the patriarch, General Ge explained in detail what happened after Zhongli Shuiqin left.

Of course, he reorganized some of the words used in the process, as well as the attitude and tone of the conversation with Yu Haoran.

"Little army!"

It is a pity that when he heard Wu Zhengjun's categorical refusal to propose a relative, and Chi Guoguo's humiliation, his mind was severely wounded into a state of coma. To Mr. Ge's slander of right and wrong.

If he did not take the initiative to confess himself, Wu Zhengjun's wood-like character would definitely not accept his affection.

If it weren't for his own initiative, Yu Haoran wouldn't go to the door to take care of him, and he wouldn't suffer the humiliation of his family, nor would he cause Wu Zhengjun's heart to be seriously damaged.

The impact of self-blame and sadness made Zhong Lishuiqin subconsciously want to leave Zhong Li's family, want to apologize to Yu Haoran, and take care of Wu Zhengjun in the coma.


Looking at the spirited Zhongli Shuiqin, when he was about to leave the back garden, Zhong Liqingyang shouted harshly.

"What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to apologize to Brother Yu, and I'll take care of the wounded army."

Li Li's sound of reprimand made Zhong Li Shuiqin awake from her sorrowful state, and made her more blame and the impact of sadness, which made her ignore her father's reprimand at all.

"Zhong Lishuiqin, as long as you dare to take a step out of the garden, I will directly interrupt your legs." Zhong Lishuiqin's reply, in Zhong Liqing Yang's view, was simply apostasy, which made him look threatened.

After a cold glance at his father, Zhong Lishuiqin ignored the threat of Zhong Li Qingyang and continued to walk towards the garden door.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Two strong elements of force, while breaking through Zhongli Shuiqin's knees, also directly sealed all the acupuncture points in her legs, allowing her to fall directly to the ground.

"Qingyang, what are you doing!" Seeing that Zhong Li Qingyang really shot her daughter's legs and sat on a wooden chair, the middle-aged beautiful woman suddenly stood up, her eyes containing incredible eyes and Tears inquired.

"Shut up for me!" Zhong Li Qingyang suddenly yelled at the middle-aged beautiful woman.

Later, he looked at Tieqing's daughter who did not succumb to his threat, and crawled towards the garden gate with his arms, and there was a sharp and murderous warning in his eyes.

"Zhong Lishuiqin, as long as you dare to take a step out of the garden, I immediately arranged a few warrior ancestors in the family who just woke up and let them immediately destroy Yu Haoran and Wu Zhengjun."

Hearing her father's changing threats, Zhong Lishuiqin, who was full of determination, stopped her crawling because she knew her father was a man of words.

Turning his head to look at his indifferent father and his mother with tears in his face, his resolute gaze was gradually replaced by despair. Zhong Lishui Qin finally yielded to Zhong Li Qing Yang's warning.

However, the idea that was originally intended to be transferred to Zhongli Qingyang Ginseng Fruit also completely changed.


Yu Changran looked at Wu Zhengjun who was asleep in bed in the private room of a luxury inn in Chang'an City, more than a thousand miles away from the Lost Lake. His gloomy face seemed to be able to drip water.

Because when he carefully examined the situation of Wu Zhengjun just by using divine thoughts, Yu Haoran discovered that not only his heart suffered a very serious trauma, but also his bloodthirsty physique gradually disappeared.

"Ta Ling, what should I do?"

Although the trauma of the mind is very serious, relying on the content of the memory inheritance of Dan Dao Dan Dan and the Destiny Stone Tablet, he has at least three methods that can be fully repaired.

There is nothing he can do about the disappearing bloodthirsty physique.

In desperation, I can only turn to the knowledgeable Taling.

"Yu Haoran, this is the first time I have encountered a special physical condition, and I don't know how to help Zhengjun."

But unfortunately, in the face of the unexplained disappearance of the bloodthirsty physique, Taling is also helpless.

"What should we do?" Yu Haoran asked with anxiety.

After all, Wu Zhengjun's own talent and potential are not outstanding. The reason why he showed the speed of practice that is not inferior to the evil genius, in addition to hard practice and dare to practice hard, bloodthirsty physique occupies at least half of the credit.

If he loses his blood-thirsty physique's assistance to practice speed and enhances his strength, Yu Haoran is not only worried that Wu Zhengjun will become an ordinary warrior from now on, but also more worried that he will not accept this cruel reality and will eventually do something stupid.

"Yu Haoran, to this day, you can only see the good fortune of Zhengjun." Ta Ling, who also didn't know what to do, could only relieved with a sigh.

"Zhongli family!" Through the window sill opened in the private room, looking at the direction where the Los Angeles Lake is, Yu Haoran whispered to himself.

Ginseng fruit and Shengxiandan that can help break through the realm of martial arts, can be used to improve the state of mind, first-order and first-grade Yuxindan, can be used to consolidate the foundation of first-order, first-grade Xuanbo Zhujidan, congenital Lingbao level flying smoke The magic weapon of the top quality defense made by the Taling himself, has three top-level mysteries that reach the **** level.

The nine rare treasures that can smash the entire Tianxuan continent as gifts for visiting the family can not only demonstrate his care and doting for Wu Zhengjun, but also prove his importance to the Zhongli family.

But it turned out!

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