Destined Martial God

Chapter 1848: Hylobates in distress

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Yuxu Palace, in the dark room of Tiangong!

"Reverence, be mad at Dantian, be quiet at rest!"

When she saw her face as pale as paper, with a horrified expression in her eyes, Ren Tianyu suddenly became strong and weak, a trend about to go into magic, while Sang Yu drank a little, and immediately controlled the extreme emission from the ice bed Chill, help him quickly suppress the boiling power and soul power in the body.

"Thank you Master Sang Yu for your life-saving grace!" With a soft drink and extreme coldness, Ren Tianxuan, who was gradually awake from the panic, quickly hugged and thanked him.


After waving his hand to indicate that Ren Tianhuan was not polite, Sang Yu asked solemnly.

"Human respect, what happened in the end that could make you mentally cultivated to reach the beginning of the seventh emperor of Wudi?

As a goddess of warrior realm, the ancestor of Yuxu Palace in ancient times, Sang Yu was very proud, and the general strong and the evil genius could not get her courtesy at all.

The reason why Ren Tianzheng can get her attention is that she finds that Ren Tianzheng is different from the ordinary evil genius.

Obviously already has the strength to impact higher realms, but has been desperately suppressing the realm of breakthrough breakthroughs and upgrading potential.

The transcendent self-cultivation of the four small realms of mentality shows that Ren Tianzheng is a person who understands how to eliminate hidden dangers of practice and is calm when encountering problems.

It was because of Ren Tianhuan's outstandingness that Sang Yu was very puzzled that he had just fallen into a state of exorcism.

"Master Sang Yu, Yuxu Palace is about to fall into existence!"

Sang Yu is not only the master and ancestor of the Yuxu Palace, but also the ancestor who is the highest and strongest among the only remaining ancestors.

Therefore, Ren Tianzheng quickly informed the other party about the dangers encountered in Yuxu Palace.

After hearing Ren Tianxuan's narration and his own calculations, the solemn look was quickly replaced by Sang Yu solemnly, and his eyes gradually grew a bit of murderous.

In the ancient times, the Lord of the Yuxu Palace Tiangong, after being recognized by the heavenly consciousness as the son of destiny, not only showed no trace of arrogance, but was more modest and low-key, and tried to maintain friendly relations with all the top forces and strong men. .

This is also an important reason why most of the inherited families were preserved after the collapse of ancient times.

It is precisely because of the ancient and respectful style of acting in the ancient times that the Yuxu Palace, which later lost the son of destiny and the protection of the heavenly consciousness, still maintains its prestige during the peak period and is respected by the guardian family and the hermit family.

And the incumbent Lord of the Heavens Palace!

Not only stupid and ignorant, but also arrogant, is simply seeking death!

Even if you are the true son of fate and have the protection of heaven and earth, but like the guardian family inherited from ancient times, like the hermit family inherited from the Middle Ages, how can there be no means to restrict fate and resist the heavenly consciousness? strength.

Even with the support of the heavenly consciousness behind you, you can temporarily suppress the guardian family and the hidden family, so after the immeasurable calamity!

"Respect, what do you think?"

Because he did not understand the changes in the overall situation of the Tianxuan continent, and how deep the resentment of the top forces and strong men against the Yuxu Palace, Sang Yu didn't know how to deal with the difficulties encountered by Zongmen for a while. Listen to Ren Tianyi's thoughts.



Death Valley!

Now that it was determined that He Ruyu and Shi Fangling would not be in danger of death, Yu Haoran put away his complex and worried heart, and then stepped into the outer valley of the valley of death.

Just staying for a few seconds in front of the grassland that broke up with He Ruyu at first, and then using the power of the flashing dual law to accelerate into the valley of the valley of death.

But when he just crossed the stream on the boundary between Outer Valley and Inner Valley, he stopped suddenly because there were two acquaintances standing on the south side of the stream.

However, the two acquaintances did not have much intersection with him.

The only reason that kept him fresh was because the two acquaintances had an inextricable relationship with He Ruyu.

Therefore, only after staying for less than three seconds, Yu Haoran continued to rush to the inner valley of the valley of death.


Just when he had just reached the valley of Death Valley for the first time, and the dense forest where he met the gibbons, there was an angry roar suddenly in the depths of the valley.

"Not good, Senior Gibbon is dangerous!"

The familiar roaring sound and the weakness leaking out from the angry roaring sound made Yu Haoran's sudden change of the dark channel bad, and immediately broke the limit speed and rushed deeper into the inner valley.


Just when Hao Ran had just arrived in front of a group of rocks in Neigu, a huge body suddenly smashed in front of him, and directly hit a deep pit about tens of meters deep.

"Senior, are you okay?" She flashed into the deep pit and watched the gibbons that narrowed to more than two meters, Yu Haoran asked with concern.

"Little friend, it's you!" The gibbons that quickly suppressed the internal injuries, when they saw the young human squatting in front of them, it was Yu Haoran who had a good relationship with it, and he greeted him with surprise.

"Little friend, be careful behind you!" But then, he reminded suddenly.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Xianxian Sword that appeared in the hand instantly, in conjunction with the one-step God-level sword technique in the memory inheritance of the Destiny Stone Stele, directly attacked his opponent who attacked him.


With the deafening roar, Yu Haoran, who held the immortal sword, trembled a few times, while his opponent who was attacked was directly blasted into the air.

"Little friend, your strength!"

Not only did the rush between shots directly bombard his opponent, but he didn't change anything.

Looking at Yu Haoran with a sharp sword in her hand, an incredible look appeared in the eyes of the gibbons.

"Senior, leave the pit first!"

Quickly take out a first-order and first-order healing remedy and take it to the gibbons, and then Yu Haoran uses Yuanli's method to bring it directly out of the pit.

Subsequently, he looked up at the opponent who rushed back in the air, a middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi who had reached the peak of the sixth emperor of Wudi.

"Who are you?" Yu Haoran asked indifferently.

"Boy, who are you?"

The middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi also asked, looking at the trapped fairy sword, showing a strong greedy look.

"Since you don't say it, you go!"

After accepting the memory and inheritance of the Destiny Stone Stele, his vision and experience improved, so that he did not even look at the powerful gods who first entered the realm of martial arts.

Therefore, Yu Haoran was too lazy to continue to inquire about the origin of the opponent, mobilize Qicheng's strength, and cooperate with the magic sword technique of the Xianxian Sword to directly take the opponent's key points.

"Boy, Hugh is going to be arrogant!"

Using 70% of his strength to cooperate with the sword skills of the Immortal Sword, although the power has reached the initial strength of the Emperor Jiupin, but he is a middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi who has only the peak of the Emperor Wupin. Quickly remove the three black beads from the storage ring.

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