Destined Martial God

Chapter 1504: Exactly the same avatar (two more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

"Yu Haoran met Sister Feng!"

In the face of Feng Tingting's courtesy, Yu Haoran's response to the gift was not because of her peerless appearance, nor because of the unique temperament of Yingzi.

It was because the other side felt a very dangerous feeling, as if standing in front of him was not a peerless beauty, but a horrible dragon that could fall into rage at any time.

"Brother Yu, no matter whether it is the martial arts that the double-law of power opens up the world or the martial arts that uses the law of life and death, I have no means to resist and fight back."

Feng Tingting, who was treated differently by Yu Haoran, couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh of relief.

"So, Brother Yu, how about you and me in the next competition?


Not to mention that he has no intimate relationship with Feng Tingting, and has no obligation at all to agree to her whimsical proposal.

Moreover, simply competing in martial arts requires a lot of time to be wasted, and the consumption of elemental power and soul power is very huge, which is not conducive to the wheel battle that he continues.

Therefore, in the face of Feng Tingting's proposal, Yu Haoran could not help but sneer and asked.

"Brother Yu, no matter what the final result of the martial arts test, I will eventually take the initiative to lose." Feng Tingting, who smiled suddenly, assured a confident smile.

"It's easy to win with martial arts skills, why should I do it all!" Yu Haoran replied with a sneer.

"Through a simple martial arts test, I can further understand the strength and humanity of my brother. Maybe you can get my favor!" There was no rejection by Yu Haoran sneer, Feng Tingting was still a little angry, she was still confident Smiling with temptation.

"Not interested in!"

Now he is hesitating how can he refuse to have a more prosperous face, with a deeper sword without trace, and the affection expressed when he just confessed, how can he have no interest in Feng Tingting who knows nothing.

Therefore, even without considering for a second, Yu Haoran directly expressed his attitude of refusal, which also made Qin Lingfei and Jiang Jingya under the ring feel relieved.

After all, Feng Tingting's unique temperament is full of teasing conquests for outstanding men. They really worry that Yu Haoran will be interested in Feng Tingting.

Yu Haoran's crisp refusal made Feng Tingting, who was very confident in her appearance and temperament, could not help but stunned for a moment.

Then, while the smile on her face gradually receded, she continued to propose.

"Brother Yu, if you can go a step further in my boxing and palming through pure martial arts tests, then you can get the friendship of the Feng clan."

Although the Feng family is only a family inherited in ancient times, the luck and genius of the evil genius multiply the strength and reputation of the Feng family by no less than the top medieval heritage families like Zhou and Shang.

However, he now even wants to offend a family inherited from the Middle Ages, such as Zhou, would he care about the friendship of a Feng family.

Therefore, there is still no hesitation, Yu Haoran directly explained his attitude.

"Do not care!"

Xiu Mei looked at Yu Haoran with a slight wrinkle, and Feng Tingting, who was gradually replaced by chill in his eyes, threatened with frost.

"So, Brother Yu really doesn't plan to give sister a thin face?"

"What do you say!" Shaking his head, Yu Haoran asked with a sneer as the bones rattled.


After the reply of gritted teeth, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Feng Tingting's face.

When she took the first step, in addition to Feng Tingting who was one step forward, there was a Feng Tingting who looked exactly the same.

When she took the second step, there was another identical Feng Tingting at the scene.

"It's not the afterimage caused by speed, nor is it a deliberate practice."

Originally, Yu Haoran, who wanted to use the martial arts techniques of Tian Di to directly end the battle as soon as possible, immediately stopped the use of martial arts techniques after seeing the strange picture in front of him, and then observed carefully with the divine thought, followed by a look of surprise in his eyes.

Because the three Feng Tingting in front of him not only looked exactly the same as his temperament, but also did not make any difference in the sense of threatening him, which made him not shocked and confused.

"Yu Haoran, this is the martial arts technique created by the opponent using the rule of division and the rule of body."

It was also strangely shown by Feng Tingting to the alarming Taling. After careful discrimination, he immediately guessed how the other party did this step.

"At the same time, the avatar of this rule of martial arts not only guarantees that the avatar has all the strength of the body, but also has a means of independent thinking and attack. The Three Secrets. "

Ta Ling's reminder, at the same time as Hao Ran's inner confusion, also immediately made the idea of ​​changing the attack method.

"Fist Town!"

Taking a deep breath, it directly stimulates the physical strength of the Zu Wu, mobilizes all the elemental power and soul power, and uses the first fist method of Zu Wu inheritance to test Feng Tingting's own strength first.

Facing the heavy mountains condensed by boxing, using the first clone of the double-line rule to vacate to face the heavy mountains, and using the sky-level boxing methods, launched a stormy attack against the heavy mountains.

Feng Tingting, who has already taken the fourth step, continues to use the martial arts law of the dual system, while approaching Haoran, continues to split the fifth and sixth clones.

Although the avatar has the strength of the body, in the face of the heavy mountains in the emperor's sword can not break through the defense, a fighter boxing attack is obviously not working.

Therefore, the second avatar and the third avatar also rose into the air, and then assisted the first avatar to attack the mountains condensed by boxing.

After the boxing test, Yu Haoran, after learning about the means and power of the dual system law, secretly relieved, and successively performed the boxing method with horrible tearing power, and then directly aimed at Feng Tingting's body and all Avatar.

However, unexpectedly, when faced with the attack of horror tearing force boxing, whether it is the body of Feng Tingting or the four avatars, everyone has an identical Chinese defensive magic weapon on their body. .

This led to the physical grade itself being very powerful Feng Tingting, with the help of the defensive middle-class defense law, successfully resisted the damage of the tear boxing method.

At the same time, the avatar of the seventh step has been taken, and the two steps of the instant acceleration have been taken, and then the last two avatars are condensed.

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