Destined Martial God

Chapter 1476: Ignorance of punishment (four more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

Seeing that Yu Haoran, who wasn't bothering himself, was a fierce white-haired ancestor, threatening with a gloomy look.

"Yu Haoran, you'd better not come to Dongyu for the rest of your life. Otherwise, my ancestors of the Hong family will definitely let you go back."

"If there is time and opportunity in the future, I will personally go to the Hong Family in the Eastern Region to see if your Hong Family can withstand my violent anger."

Facing the threat of the white-haired old man, Yu Haoran also reluctantly fought back.

However, as the list forcibly brought the second contestant to the ring, Yu Haoran quickly lifted his eyes and threatened while holding back his eyes.

"Either concede or die!"

"Yu Haoran, in our dictionary of magic repair, has never confessed to losing!" Faced with Haoran's confession and death choices, a magic repair player from the Northern Region replied proudly.


The same moves, the same speed, the same results.

When the Northern Territory Moxiu hadn't stolen the pride on his face, he was directly blasted into a pile of mud by the white sticks.

At the same time, the number behind Yu Haoran's name also changed from two to three.



Seeing that Yu Haoran was directly blasted into the flesh of the Northern Territory, the Yuwen Sky in the stands, and Yu Wen Haofei under the platform could not help but comment.

"Wang Binbai, a core disciple of Xinyuanzong of the Western Regions, has met Brothers!"

The third player who was forcibly brought to the ring by the list was the first to introduce himself before Haoran gave the threat option.

Immediately after, he even interrupted the white stick that Hao Ran raised, and planned to open his mouth to speak, and continued to speak.

"Although I don't know how many miles there are between the Western Region and the Southern Region, Brother Yu's reputation has spread throughout the Western Region. I have been ..."

At the same time that Wang Binbai flattered on Hao Ran's reputation, a proud look gradually appeared in his eyes.

But at this moment, Yu Haoran, who had been holding the white stick flat, flashed a cold light, and said indifferently.

"The mystery of the phantom, it seems that you have made the choice of death."

With the indifferent words, the white stick appeared on the top of Wang Binbai's head instantly, and also under his unbelievable gaze, he was blasted into a pile of meat mud directly.

"Yu Haoran, dare to kill me, you're looking for death!"

At the moment Wang Binbai was smashed into a mud by a white stick, a middle-aged woman in the middle of the western stand suddenly got up, and after a violent scream, she held the sword of imperial respect and was aggressive. Xiang Yantai.

Faced with a middle-aged woman who violated the rules of the game, Peng Yanfei, who was sitting on a purple dragon chair, suddenly closed her eyes and did not intend to punish the opponent.

Peng Yan's attitude of turning a deaf ear made Yu Haoran instantly angry.

Looking at the middle-aged women who rushed in, Xiu Ran planned to kill the other party directly by virtue of his own strength in order to reach the peak of ordinary Wuzun Bapin.

But just as he planned to use the first trick of the Monkey Emperor's first stick method to rise to the sky, and was ready to rise into the air, two purple thunderbolts suddenly shot out from the list that had remained calm.

A purple thunderbolt directly met the rushing middle-aged woman and instantly blasted each other into endless ashes.

The other purple thunderbolt was directly on Peng Yanfei's body, forcing him to blast out the purple dragon chair, causing him to spit out three sperms of blood.

"Qianlong luck, what are you doing?" Peng Yanfei, who was hit hard in an instant, had no time to wipe away the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and asked loudly, facing the list loudly.

"Only once, if you are committing a crime, the spirit is flying away!"

Faced with Peng Yanfei's unquestionable loud questioning, Qianlong's indifference warning came from the list.

Peng Yanfei's complexion was slightly pale because of the severe damage he suffered instantly. After hearing Qianlong Qi's indifference warning, his complexion was pale.

On the south side of the purple dragon chair on the south side, Xue Qingyuan, immediately after hearing Qianlong Qiyun's warning to Peng Yanfei, a look of thinking immediately appeared in his eyes.

After looking back and forth between Peng Yanfei, the list, and Yu Haoran, surprise suddenly replaced Xue Qingyuan with thought, and a deep and unpredictable smile appeared on his face.

Pang Yanfei, who looked pale as paper, immediately realized his impulse, and hurriedly kneeled down to the list to plead guilt.

"Master Qianlong, blindly blinded by hatred at the time of his subordinates and forgetting his humble identity.

"Seat back!"

For almost ten seconds, there was a sound of Qianlong luck in the list.

"Thank you, Lord Qian Qian, thank you, Lord Qian Qian!"

Peng Yanfei, who had received Qian Long's luck and forgiveness, quickly thanked him a few times before sitting back on the purple dragon chair.

Later, he immediately took out a top-grade healing elixir that reached the second-order and first-grade quality, closed his eyes, and started to perform healing exercises.

However, at the moment Peng Yanfei, who seemed to be grateful for the forgiveness of Qianlong's fortune, was as angry as the stormy sea.

"Damn Qianlong luck, you are proud of these years!"

"After the succesful cultivating of the suzerain and several elders, you will eventually only be the source of our power to dominate the Tianxuan continent."

Qianlong Qiyun took the initiative to kill the middle-aged women who destroyed the game and punished Peng Yanfei, who turned a deaf ear. This further strengthened Yu Haoran's inner conjecture, and his eyes on the list in midair suddenly became much softer.

After the fourth player was forcibly brought to the ring by the list, Yu Haoran quickly drew his attention to the list.

"Master Wang!"

However, when he saw that the player who was forcibly brought to the ring was actually Wang Qing from the last place in the South Region list, instead of threatening to raise a white stick, he nodded and smiled.

"I surrender!"

After looking up to the list in the air and actively admitting defeat, Wang Qing looked excitedly at Yu Haoran and encouraged.

"Brother Yu, take out your domineering battle in the Qianlong Standing League of the Southern Regions, defeat all the players who dare to challenge you, and then become the first person since the Qianlong Standing Competition."

"Thank you for your encouragement, I will do my best." Yu Haoran smiled and responded to Wang Qing's cheering encouragement.

"Brother Yu, goodbye!"

Before the power of the list's expulsion came into play, Wang Qing quickly waved his hands, then quickly turned and jumped off the ring.

"Either concede or die!"

Just after Wang Qing jumped off the ring, a player from the central area appeared on the ring, and Yu Haoran, who was unwilling to waste too much time, raised the white stick to give the choice before the other party spoke.

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