Destined Martial God

Chapter 1472: Luxury wheel battle (five more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress!

Three minutes before the start of the five-horse Qianlong list battle, Yu Haoran got up and left the room. He used divine thoughts to awaken Qin Lingfei and others. While leaving the No. 9 courtyard, he went straight to the central square of the castle center.

The Qianlong Fortress in the central and western areas of the southeast, northwest, and the northwest, in addition to the large and small buildings, has the same overall architectural style. At the same time, there is no preliminary test for the five-domain Qianlong competition.

Therefore, Yu Haoran's six people who used their martial arts skills successfully arrived in the central square in less than two minutes.

Looking up at the stands around him, Yu Haoran found that Qin Emperor and others who could have been treated at the top of the stands on the south side this time could only help but sit in the middle position.

Because the stone chairs at the top of the south side stand belong to the positions of the celebrities of the inherited families in the central area. People like Qin Emperor are not eligible to sit.

After glancing over the spectators in the surrounding stands, Yu Haoran's eyes turned to the only platform in the center of the square and the list above the square, a look of worry appeared in his eyes.

Because when Peng Yanfei returned to the attic of the Central Square, he said that he had prepared an ultra-luxury wheel battle for himself, which made him vaguely guess the content of the ultra-luxury wheel battle.

However, if Peng Yanfei is really as he guessed, and Qianlong Qiyun does not come forward to prevent it, then there will never be a possibility of reconciliation between him and the Jingshi organization, and it will certainly be endless.

As time reaches the moment when it officially opens, seven black rays, seven white rays, seven cyan rays, seven green rays, seven red rays, seven blue rays, and seven purple rays are ejected from the list floating above the central square. Light.

Thirty-five different colors of light are divided into five parts according to black, white, green, red, blue, and purple, and then sprayed onto the stands around the northeast and southwest, and ten meters from the list.

It is exactly the same as that in the finals of the Nanyu Qianlong list competition, with seven colors of light in different positions condensing into a large and comfortable dragon chair.

Then, in front of each large dragon chair, there is a respectable statue matching the color of the dragon chair.

It's just something special, the front of the white dragon chair and the purple dragon chair in the area above the square, and the black dragon chair in the southern area on the south side are empty.

"Welcome to the Lord!" Waited until the thirty-two Venerables of Wulong Qianlong Fortress all appeared in front of the dragon chair, and then bowed in midair with one knee, shouting respectfully.

However, Zi Zun Xue Qingyuan from Qianlong Fort in the Southern Region not only greeted everyone so lowly that he could not hear it, and there was no trace of respect in his eyes.

With the appearance of Qian Longtang's host Peng Yanfei in front of the purple dragon chair, it represented the official start of the five-domain Qianlong competition.

Unlike Xue Qingyuan's use of terror to oppress the crowd and players at the scene, Peng Yanfei, who appeared in front of the purple dragon chair, first thanked the countless strong men in the stands around him.

"Thank you all for being able to visit the Qianlong Fortress in the Central Region in your busy schedule and watch Tianxuan Continent's most grand event, the Five Dragons Qianlong Competition."

"Master Peng Tang!"

"Peng Tangzhu is so out of sight, this is what it should be!"


Yuwen Cangqiang could not put Peng Yanfei in his eyes because his status is high enough and his strength is strong enough, but for most of the strong players in the surrounding stands, Peng Yanfei's identity and status cannot be taken lightly.

Therefore, in the face of Peng Yanfei's gratitude, countless strong men hurriedly responded politely.

Putting down his raised hands and retracting his eyes on the surrounding stands, Peng Yanfei's gaze was cast on the 419 players under the platform in the central square.

When looking at Hao Ran, Peng Yanfei's eyes flashed a sneer sneer.

"Every player is a demon genius and a strong person in your area. Being able to pass the layers of test to reach the finals is not only the luck of our five-domain Qianlong Fortress, but also the opportunity of these players." Peng Yanfei, who replaced the gloomy eyes with a gentle moment, said with a smile.

Then he reached for the only ring in the central square and asked with a smile on his face.

"Do you have a question in your heart now? Why is there only one scramble for this five-domain Qianlong list? Can it be a game after another?"

"Please Peng Tangzhu make it clear!" Seeing that Peng Yanfei, who was smiling, suddenly didn't speak, some savvy people at the scene immediately guessed his intention and immediately asked in cooperation.

Seeing someone actively cooperate with himself, Peng Yanfei explained with a smile on his face.

"This five-domain Qianlong list competition is divided into two stages."

"The first stage of the game is a wheel battle for a certain player. It requires one game after another."

"The second stage of the competition is exactly the same as the previous competition rules."

After hearing Peng Yanfei's detailed explanation, both the spectators on the stands around, the contestants on the central square, and the honorables in the four areas in the southeast and northwest, they instantly turned to Yu Haoran, who was standing on the south side of the platform.

After all, when Peng Yanfei threatened Haoran by means of luxury wheel warfare, many players and spectators at the scene saw and heard it with their own eyes.

"damn it!"

After hearing the detailed explanation from Peng Yanfei at the top of the north stand, Yuwen Cangqiang, a flash of anxiety flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help cursing secretly.

If it had not been for the five-domain Qianlong list competition to officially start, Qianlong Qiyun's rules and regulations reached its peak, preventing him from shooting like the White Robe. At this moment, I am afraid that he has secretly performed a magic path to destroy Peng Yanfei.

"Unfair, this is too unfair!" Meng Zhengkai, who also guessed Peng Yanfei's intentions, complained to Qin Emperor with an uneasy expression.

Emperor Qin's face was also gloomy and watery, but due to the influence of the Great Qin Empire and his own strength, he could only look at the injustice encountered by Hao Ran, but there was no way.

About forty meters away from Qin Emperor and Meng Zhengkai, Bai Li from the Bai family of the Central Region, after listening to Peng Yanfei's detailed introduction, looked at Yu Haoran under the platform of the central square, his eyes flashed disappointment and contempt. Gaze at Yuling evaluation.

"Yu Ling, now know the real reason why I have kept you from looking for Yu Haoran!"

"A person like Yu Haoran who doesn't know the heights of the earth and who likes to make trouble, will sooner or later die in an unmanned character like him, and will also affect the loved ones behind him."

"I know, I will cut off unrealistic thoughts about Yu Haoran."

Bai Li's evaluation of Yu Haoran made it very clear that the powerful Yuling of the players in the Central Region, nodded in approval, and quickly made a guarantee to draw a line with him.

"That's right!" Yu Ling woke up in time and made Bai Li nodded with satisfaction.

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