Destined Martial God

Chapter 1456: Water-covered tenderness (two more)

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Xianyang City, in the horse house!

Time is like a white horse passing through a gap, and more than twenty days elapse.

Yu Haoran, who was sitting on the knees in the practice room, slowly opened his eyes, and a smile of relief appeared on his slightly tired face.

After leaving the Meilin Mountains, he rejected Gan Bumai's enthusiastic invitation. Instead of continuing to return to the Gan family in Anyang Village, he used the method of tearing the void to return directly to Manma House, and then stayed in the practice room for retreat. .

The memory of the twelve ancient ancestors in ancient times is too large and complicated.

If it is the ability to accelerate with the time of the domain tower, he has spent almost two years, and then it is considered a barely full reception.

However, receiving and returning, in order to transform the ancestral witch's heritage into its own strength, will take a longer time to practice and comprehend.

After calculating the time spent in retreat, it was found that there were less than two days before the start of the five-horse Qianlong competition.

Considering that Qianlong Fortress in the Central Region is not far from Xianyang City in the Southern Region, and it is necessary to understand the major events that occurred in the Tianxuan Continent in the past month, he directly got up and left the practice room.

When he walked out of the practice room, Qin Lingfei, Yu Siqi, Jian Wujin, Jiang Jingya, and Lan Xin were chatting in the pavilion in the courtyard, while Wu Zhengjun practiced sitting on the rockery in the courtyard.

"Sister!" While smiling and greeting, Yu Haoran stepped towards Fengting.


After hearing Yu Haoran's greeting, Wu Zhengjun, who suddenly opened his eyes, immediately appeared before him.

"Zheng Jun, how is the potential effect of Qianxi with the help of Qianlong's blessing?" Looking at Wu Zhengjun's breath becoming more restrained, his cultivation and strength have improved a lot, Yu Haoran asked with satisfaction.

"If you return to Brother, the physical grade, Yuanli, and soul power have all been successfully promoted to the top of the top three ranks of Wu Zun. Only the state of mind has been repaired to stay in the early stage of Wu Zun. There is no hope for a breakthrough yet." The result of a period of retreat.

Yu Haoran was very satisfied with the promotion of physical grade, Yuanli, and soul power, but his stagnation in his state of mind made him frown.

Because of the end of the experience in the Meilin Mountains, when he returned to the Mangma Mansion in Xianyang City, he had specially crafted a kind of elixir that can help improve the state of mind, and the second-level and first-grade broken purple heart pill.

It is also by virtue of the powerful effect of the broken heart purple heart dan that Wu Zhengjun's state of mind cultivation is considered to break through the bottleneck and smoothly advance to the early stage of the top Wuzun Yipin.

However, considering that the state of mind has always been Wu Zhengjun's shortcomings and weaknesses, so Cheng Dan's nine second-order, one-pin Po Ling Zixin Dan, he gave all to Wu Zhengjun without leaving any.

Couldn't nine of the second-order first-breaking Zixing Dan be able to improve his state of mind to a great extent!

"Jingjun, except for the broken heart purple heart pill that was used to break through, how many pills have you taken of the remaining elixir?"

I don't believe that the effect of the elixir he has refined will be so bad. Yu Haoran wondered if he hadn't continued to take elixir after the initial state of mind to break through Wuzun's first product.

"Brother, all that's left is taken." With a shrug, Wu Zhengjun replied very depressed.

After all, when the elder brother presented the elixir, he once vowed to guarantee that the nine second-order first-grade broken heart purple hearts can at least guarantee that his state of mind has been upgraded to the top of the top Wuzun second-grade, and there is even a possibility of breakthrough Top Wu Zun Mipin early.

The results of it!

"Taling, what's going on?"

Yu Haoran, who was also depressed and puzzled, really couldn't figure out the reason for this, and could only turn to the towering spirit in the sea.

"Watery tenderness!"

When Yu Haoran was refining the second-order and first-order Po Ling Zi Xin Dan, Ta Ling had personally checked the efficacy of the elixir.

Assisting Wu Zhengjun's state of mind repair was to reach the peak of Wu Zun Second Grade, and even his ability to break through the early stages of Wu Zun Third Grade was his calculation.

Therefore, when he heard that Wu Zhengjun's state of mind was repaired without any improvement, he felt unbelievable at the same time, and he had begun to secretly check Wu Zhengjun's situation.

It was during Hao Ran's inexplicable interrogation that he also discovered the real reason why Wu Zhengjun's state of mind could not be improved.

"Ta Ling, what do you mean?" Yu Haoran asked a little bit unclearly when he heard the words "Tenderness in Water" mentioned by Ta Ling.

"Yu Haoran, I remember the kid Jun Zheng encountered a woman during his military training, didn't he?"

Without immediately answering Yu Haoran's question, Ta Ling suddenly shifted the topic to the opportunity for Wu Zhengjun Xiu Wei to advance with strength.


While nodding his head to confirm the Tallinn problem, Yu Haoran thought back a little, adding further.

"It seems like a young woman in her thirties, Xiu Wei and strength is far better than the army."

"Yu Haoran, the woman must be in love with Zhengjun, and then use the secret method created by the ancient **** beast Shenlong and Shenfeng to suppress the improvement of his state of mind." After being confirmed by Yu Haoran, Taling laughed. Then said.

"It's hard to cover the water, so tenderness turns the water!"

When Ta Ling ascended the secret method of Shenlong and Shenfeng, Yu Haoran suddenly thought that in the forbidden area of ​​Death Marsh in the previous life, he had seen the water-covered tenderness secret method that witnessed the love of Shenlong and Shenfeng.

"Yes, it is the tender water that makes up for the lost water cover!" Ta Ling nodded with a smile and confirmed.

"This kid!"

After being confirmed by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran looked at Wu Zhengjun's eyes for the first time with an envious look.

The so-called secret method of covering the water and tenderness refers to the one who cultivates as a strong person, willingly passing on his spiritual practice and life experience to the beloved by means of cohesion.

Before the end of the secret method of overwhelming tenderness, the party that accepts the inheritance will be greatly limited in its ability to improve.

But at the moment when the mystery is over, the nurturing of spiritual practice and life experience will allow the other party's cultivation and strength to achieve a quantum and qualitative leap in a short period of time.

Based on Wu Zhengjun's qualifications, combined with his original cultivation of the woman and speculation of strength, I am afraid that at the end of the secret method of overwhelming tenderness, his cultivation will likely surpass himself.

In addition, the cultivation and strength improved by using the water-covered tenderness and secret method have no side effects except that they can continue to strengthen the foundation. This can't make Yu Haoran envious.

"Jingjun, you must treat that woman well, and you must not disappoint people's deep affection for you, and the willingness and willingness to make a huge effort." He patted Wu Zhengjun's shoulder, Yu Haoran solemnly reminded.

Later, he directly passed Wu Zhengjun and walked towards Fengting.

Scratching his head with a puzzled look, Wu Zhengjun stood on the spot for a while and wondered what was happening with the brother's just call.

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