Destined Martial God

Chapter 1349: Patient assessment (one more)

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Qianlong Fortress, on the cloud steps!

As the spring boundless forest disappeared, the independent space of wooden properties began to collapse rapidly, and Yu Haoran reappeared on the familiar cloud steps.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yu Haoran stepped onto the 467th step.

Later, a feeling of suffocation and oppression made him quickly mobilize the power of the soul and soul to form a protective cover, and found himself in the clear waters.

Immediately sending out the thoughts of the limit, he looked around, and Yu Haoran found that he seemed to be entering an endless ocean, without knowing the end and the depth.

At the same time, this ocean is just like the endless forest in the space of wooden properties. Except for the dead water, there is no living thing.

Without the slightest confusion, Yu Haoran directly took out the white sticks of the top quality, and then controlled his body to start rising quickly.

In the end, he wanted to bring out the danger in the water, thereby breaking up the independent space of water properties.

Second, if there is no danger in the water, then he also wants to know where the end of the ocean is.

After raising 10,000 meters, Yu Haoran suddenly stopped moving, and frowned slightly, looking at the clear water, a puzzled look appeared in his eyes.

There is neither the feeling of being peeped in the water, nor the danger of being in the sixth sense, indicating that the water area in which he is living is different from the endless forest in the wood property space. The crisis does not come from the clear water.

At the same time, the feeling of suffocation and oppression has not changed at all when it exceeds 10,000 meters, indicating that in the independent space of the entire water property, I am afraid that it will be filled with clear water.

There is no danger in the water, and for the time being, it is impossible to escape from the boundless waters. For the time being, Hao Ran had no idea about how to break up the independent space of water properties.

At the same time, since stepping into the white clouds, he has completely lost contact with the towering spirit in the sea, and now he can't ask for the help of the towering spirit.

Take a deep breath, try to calm down your slightly irritable emotions, and then slowly close your eyes, Yu Haoran began to look carefully for this water area, or a flaw in the independent space of water properties.

Just when Hao Ran was trapped in an independent space of water properties, the list over the castle's central square suddenly changed drastically, and many players' rankings began to rise and fall.

For example, Huangyan, which was originally ranked 93rd, suddenly fell out of the 300 rankings like a falling star, which instantly made the look of the girl in yellow and the kind old man instantly tense.

But the tense look hadn't really reached the limit yet, falling to three hundred names outside, and rushing to more than forty instantaneously at a rocket-like speed, which immediately surprised the faces of the girl in yellow and the kind old man. Smile.

But the surprise smile has not really bloomed, just rushed to more than forty rankings and fell directly to the top 500 at a meteor-like speed.

At the same time, Qin Emperor and Meng Zhengkai, who have always been concerned about the performance of the players of the Qin Empire, have also been completely confused by the changes in the rankings.

Qin Emperor Qin and Meng Zhengkai, who had participated in the Qianlong competition for the Southern Region and visited the site no less than a dozen times, had never encountered such a situation.

However, when their eyes saw that it had been steadily rising, and the rankings did not flicker up and down like other players, the two looked surprised and more confused.


Water property in a separate space!

Although the test items for each preliminary Qianlong competition are the same, they need to pass three levels of tests and then eliminate the vast majority of unqualified players. However, the assessment in the independent space of the Five Elements is ever-changing. The content is different.

Therefore, the rumors that Yu Haoran had heard in previous lives did little to help him break through the independent space of water attributes.

However, although the rumors of previous lives are not very helpful, he seems to have found a hint of it.

If the assessment content of the independent elements of the five elements is based on the strength, mood, perception, and resilience of the players, then the assessment of strength corresponds to the metallic independent space, the assessment of resilience corresponds to the independent space of wooden attributes, and the mood and perception also correspond to the other two. Independent space for each attribute.

However, if assigned in this way, it seems that there is a lack of assessment content corresponding to the independent space of the elements.

Therefore, there is no danger, and there is no flaw in the independent space of water attributes. It should be the patience of the players, or meticulous insight.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran decided to use constant means to deal with the assessment of water attribute space.

Later, he floated directly in the water with his knees bent, devoting half of his energy to the changes in the waters, and the remaining half of his energy continued to comprehend the ancestral witch martial arts.

Time passes by every minute!

The list over the central square of the castle has changed the rankings of the players more and more. Even the top ten wicked geniuses, the rankings often change dramatically.

This also makes the mood of the spectators stand up and down following the changes in player rankings.

The only thing that seems to be normal is just Yu Haoran's ranking, which has been steadily and rapidly improving, and soon reached 12,365.

But when Hao Ran's ranking reached 12,365, there was a sudden burst of sound in the independent space of silent water properties.

With the crisp sound of the space breaking, Yu Haoran immediately opened his eyes and found that he had successfully passed the examination of the independent space of water attributes and appeared sitting on the 533th step.

Lifting his feet, Yu Haoran looked up at the remaining cloud steps, with a relaxed look in his eyes, and then hesitated to step on the 534th step without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, a breath of hot heights blew towards my face!

Looking up at the sea of ​​fire in front of him, Yu Haoran began to think about the content of assessment of the independent space of fire attributes, whether it is the cultivation of mood or the ability to perceive.

"Hmm ...!"

It is because when thinking about the assessment content of the independent space of the fire attribute, the deafening sound of dragons suddenly comes from the endless sea of ​​fire.

Accompanied by the deafening sound of dragonine, a red dragon reaching 10,000 meters in length soared from the sea of ​​fire.

However, the 10,000-meter red dragon did not attack Haoran, but instead constantly shuttled through the sea of ​​fire and the void, as if looking for something.

Looking at the 10,000-meter red dragon traveling through the sea of ​​fire and the empty space, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a consciousness, he immediately sat down with his knees bent, and endured the burning barbecue, watching the 10,000-meter red dragon carefully .

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