Destined Martial God

Chapter 1248: Blood Sacrifice to Millions of Spirits

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Yan Luocheng!

When hearing Xiao Jiufa's mention of the sword mountain fire sea and blood pool torture, the middle-aged strong surname Cui could not help but tremble, a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

When Xiao Jiufa mentioned that there was no chance of reincarnation, his face was pale and his inner resistance was gradually replaced by fear.

"Not good, Brother Cui, Yu Haoran suddenly speeded up the tower, and now he has rushed to the seventh-floor Daoshan Hell space."

For nearly 30 years, he co-created the cooperation of the eighteen levels of **** in the Black Tower. Xiao Jiufa was too familiar with the hesitant character of the middle-aged strong surname Cui, and knew how to force him to change his mind. Means of life.

Therefore, when he saw the fear revealed in the eyes of the middle-aged strong surnamed Cui, he continued to exert the pressure that crushed the last trace of conscience inside him.


He took a heavy breath, and then slowly exhaled. The fear in the eyes of the middle-aged strong surname Cui was replaced by the chill, and then the whole person slowly floated over the black tower.

Subsequently, he took out nine Dan bottles from the storage ring, and then used the divine mind to control the nine Dan bottles to fly to different corners of Yan Luocheng.

The corner of his mouth rose slightly, and Xiao Jiufa stepped to the middle of the tower, showing a conspiracy smile in his eyes.


As the nine Dan bottles were shattered one by one, the essence and blood stored in the Dan bottles quickly melted into the ground.

Soon, one by one the evil atmosphere appeared in the entire city of Yan Luo.

The matrix that exudes an evil atmosphere is like blood painting, which makes thousands of masters above the Wuzong realm rise into the air, and then desperately escape from Yan Luo City.

It is a pity that just when a strong man in the realm of Zunwu Zunzhuang was about to rush out of Yan Luocheng, a map exuding an evil atmosphere crossed the obstacles of space and time and quickly integrated into him.

In less than half a second, the formation method devoured the spirits in the sea, making him lose consciousness, and the corpse floated directly to the black tower.

The experience of the three robbers in Zhunzun Realm quickly spread to other Zhunwuzun strongs who wanted to escape from Yan Luocheng.

"Cui Zhihao, what exactly do you want to do?" A Zhuang Zhunzun strong who realized the rule of quickness, saw the middle-aged strong surname Cui who was floating above the black tower and was constantly imprinting. Speed, avoiding the maps that are constantly approaching, asked with a sharp smile.

Glancing at each other coldly, Cui Zhihao didn't say anything, but closed his eyes slowly to speed up the execution of Fayin.



As the physical body of the first unconscious three-robber Zhunzun strong body suddenly exploded, countless strong body bodies floating around the black tower also started to explode.

The blood mist formed by the body's self-explosion gradually gathered in the middle of the top of the black tower, in an altar exuding a more evil atmosphere.

Xiao Jiufa was standing on the altar at this moment.

As more and more blood mist was incorporated into the altar, Xiao Jiufa's cultivation also began to rise rapidly, and soon broke through the middle, high, and peak of Wuzun Sanpin, and then smoothly advanced to Wuzun Sipin.

When the blood mist formed by the millions of civilians in Yan Luocheng exploded into the altar, Xiao Jiufa's repair not only successfully broke through Wuzun Bapin, but still did not slow down in the slightest.

Cui Zhihao, who stopped casting the blood sacrifice, slowly opened his eyes. When he saw that Xiao Jiufa's cultivation had far exceeded the state of advance notice, a bad idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

After quietly using the special crystal to record Xiao Jiufa's use of blood sacrifice to improve his cultivation, Cui Zhihao quietly took out the judge pen and a charm.

"Break me!"

When Xiu was promoted to the top of Wuzun Bapin, a feeling of powerlessness made Xiao Jiufa know that the blood sacrifice Dafa had reached the limit for his own improvement.

But he knows that Wu Zun Bapin's peak cultivation can not successfully complete his plot.

Looking up, there is still a lot of blood mist integrated into the altar. Xiao Jiufa directly casts the magical method of engulfing the incomplete enchantment of the magic road, forcibly absorbs more blood mist, and yells at the same time.


Along with Xiao Jiufa's outburst of immense power, his cultivation was a breakthrough in the early promotion to Wuzun Jiupin.

Feeling the powerful power of writhing in the body, an illusion that dominates the world, Xiao Jiudao couldn't help looking up at Cui Zhihao.

"Brother Xiao, congratulations!"

Holding on to the judge pen placed in his sleeve, Cui Zhihao reluctantly squeezed a smile of congratulations.

"I didn't expect the bloodline energy transformed by the blood sacrifice Dafa, even let Xiao Xiu your cultivation be directly promoted to the early stage of Wuzun Jiupin."


In the face of Cui Zhihao's congratulations, Xiao Jiufa rose into the air while a strange smile appeared in his mouth.

"Brother Xiao, what do you want to do?" Obviously felt the strong murderous effusiveness of Xiao Jiufa, raised Cui Zhihao, the judge in his hand, and asked sharply.

After seeing the judge's pen in Cui Zhihao's hand, Xiao Jiufa's eyes showed thick and greedy eyes.

"Give me the judge's pen!" Xiao Jiuhua growled hoarsely with a slightly dry left hand.

"Brother Xiao, you have been controlled by countless resentments, quickly dissipate part of your bloodline energy, and maintain your self-cultivation at the peak of Wuzun Qipin." When you saw Xiao Jiufa's dry left hand, and his hoarse and howling voice Later, Cui Zhihao finally knew why he would have a strong murderous attitude towards himself, and reminded loudly.


Faced with Cui Zhihao's reminder, Xiao Jiufa made a strange laugh and then disappeared.


Seeing the sudden disappearance of Xiao Jiufa, Cui Zhihao did not hesitate at all, and immediately waved the judge pen in his hand to write a big word guard.

It is a pity that Xiao Jiufa, who appeared beside Cui Zhihao at an instant when the last point of the word was not written, not only interrupted his continued writing, but also his lightning-fast left hand penetrated his chest directly. Take away his heart.

For the peerless powerhouse in Wu Zun realm, losing his heart will not kill him, but it will affect his own strength.

Holding the wound that lost the heart in his right hand, Cui Zhihao looked at Xiao Jiufa with a mad look.

"Xiao Jiufa, I will never die with you!"

Seeing Xiao Jiufa directly swallowing his heart, Cui Zhihao was replaced by madness instantly, and he overwhelmed all his power and soul power. When he planned to perform the taboo secret method belonging to the judge's pen, a trace of black suddenly appeared in the wound that lost his heart. gas.

The black gas ran along the blood vessels and meridians, and instantly poured into Cui Zhihao's sea of ​​knowledge, and began to attack the spirits of the sea with all his strength.

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