Destined Martial God

Chapter 1206: Blood Hand Demon (three)

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A void in the mountains!

Although the dark clouds covering the entire Hengduan Mountains make Dan's power as if the end is coming, but the nine nine-nine poly magic dandelions blended into the Qipin black lotus and the soul not only condense the energy inside the elixir, but also remain in the soul. A little consciousness also successfully offset some of the power of thunder.

ten minutes later!

With the disappearance of the thunderbolt, the thick black clouds over the Hengduan Mountains gradually dispersed. Nine black palms the size of a baby's fist, and nine pure white blazes like a longan floated in the air quietly.

"Damn seven-pin black lotus, I will never let you go, Master!"

Looking at the dark clouds that gradually dispersed over the Hengduan Mountains, Yu Haoran sweared rather ugly.

"Hao Ran, what's the matter with you?" Yu Haoran's sudden curse of anger and frightened Qin Lingfei, and quickly reached out and grabbed his arm, asking with concern.

"Ling Fei, under normal circumstances, like refining the elixir that needs to survive thunderstorms, as the master of refining the alchemy, he will be rewarded by the rules of heaven after the annihilation."

In the face of Qin Lingfei's concern, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and pointed at the cloudless sky.

"The power of the Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan to seduce Tianjie and the rewards of the rules of heaven after Danjie are enough for me to directly upgrade to the limit of Wusheng Jiupin."

"But now!"

Having said that, Yu Haoran's gaze turned to the rushing out of the deep pit, and he was desperately fighting for the Qipin Black Lotus, which was ninety-nine jujudan.

"Everything was destroyed by this **** Qipin black lotus, there is no reward for the rules of heaven after Danjie's lightning strike."

"Haoran, don't be angry!"

After hearing the cause of Yu Haoran's desperation, Qin Lingfei immediately persuaded with a bitter smile.

"Anyway, you will have to re-refine the Seventh Order Xuanmen Dan of the third order and one product, and you will be able to regain the rewards of the rules of the heavens, without having to worry about the momentary gains and losses."

Reached out and patted Qin Lingfei's jade hand, signaled that he was okay, Yu Haoran looked at Qipin Heilian's eyes, still full of deep hatred.

Although the third-ranking and nine-ranking Jiu Jiu Judan is made by using the soul-splitting spirit of Qipin Black Lotus and the accumulation of black energy for nearly a thousand years, it contains the spirit-sharing consciousness in the elixir and is bombarded by terror Now, it's long gone.

Therefore, in the face of the three mighty powers in the Zhunzun realm and the nine peerless powers in the Wuzun realm, Qipin Black Lotus did not occupy any advantage, and eventually only grabbed a Jiu Jiu Judan.

And a middle-aged strong man dressed in a star robe, to reach the realm of Emperor Zhunwu, not only won three Jiuju Judan, but also grabbed three Huadan.

"Ta Ling, it seems that your speculation is not wrong. The rules of the heavens are no longer involved in any affairs of the Tianxuan continent." Seeing the eleven strong men and the seventh-ranked black lotus just now, all strength broke out without any scruples. , Did not attract the punishment of the rules of heaven, Yu Haoran said with some worry.

With the exposure of the Nether Dan technique and his powerful alchemy ability, it is easy to cause some real Emperors to peep at him. He is worried that without the suppression of the rules of heaven, he is likely to become the prey of some inherited families.

"Yu Haoran, don't worry too much, things are far less serious than you think."

Knowing what Yu Haoran was worried about, Ta Ling smiled and relieved.

"Because the rules of the heavens are not nothing to interfere in, at least until the end of the five-horse Qianlong competition, the powerful emperor in the realm of Wudi can not be born."

"Really?" Yu Haoran asked with some disbelief.

"Of course!"

Ta Ling confirmed with a smile.

"Just after the Jiu Jiu Ju Dan had just passed thunder and thunder, a Emperor of the Three Dragons from the Qinglong family forcibly shot and intended to take all the elixir directly, the rules of heaven had already been punished."

"The results of it!"

It turned out that the Emperor Wudi who wanted to take the crown was the Qinglong family from his enemies. Yu Haoran immediately wanted to know the final result of the punishment by the rule of heaven.

"The realm was reduced to the realm of Wu Zun, and it takes 10,000 years of deep sleep to recover!" Ta Ling's tone seemed relaxed, but his face was a little dignified.

As the rule of heaven that supervises everything in the Tianxuan continent, when it is at its peak, let alone the mighty power of the Emperor Wu, even if it is a realm of life and death, the warrior who can enjoy eternal life cannot bear the rules of heaven. punishment.

But now!


After hearing the results of the Tiandao rules, Yu Haoran couldn't help but scream in secret.

The realm was cut off, and forced to fall into a deep sleep for thousands of years. Even if the Qinglong family passed on long enough, I am afraid that it would be difficult to bear the loss of a powerful Emperor in the realm of Wudi.


After seeing that he had sacrificed nine souls, and nine nine-nine-gathered magic dandelions that had been saved for nearly a thousand years, he was snatched by these abominable human beings, and Qipin Black Lotus screamed in anger. sound.

Along with the harsh hissing sound, a horrific momentum descended from the sky, directly covering the three quasi-power emperors who had just won the Jiu Jiu Ju Mo Dan, as well as a peerless power in the peak of Wu Zun Jiu Pin.

"A great master of magic road in the realm of potential emperor Wudi!" Feeling the oppression of terror, the strongest middle-aged man in the star gown at the scene, said with a somber expression.

Accompanied by the voice of the middle-aged strong man in the star robe, a middle-aged strong man who was more than two meters tall and very strong in blood, came out slowly in the void.

"Blood Demon Master of Blood Demon!" Zhou Fengxu shouted unbearably after seeing the middle-aged strong man in the blood robe coming out of the void.

Demon Sect, Land Demon Sect, and Blood Demon Sect, and also called the three holy places of magic Tao, their status and strength are not lost in the top seven denominations.

If the three cases are combined into one, it can even suppress one side of the Yuxu Palace, and not lose to the top inheritance family. This is also an important reason why the magic path in the suppressed state can still occupy the northern realm.

The blood hand demon statue is a master of the magic road that became famous 30,000 years ago. The 79th head of the blood demon sect, with his own blood devil hands, he pressed all the positive demon strong at the same time. It was true at that time. The first strong man who is really being killed.

"Blood Hand Demon, wasn't he dead at the end of 30,000 years ago, and was buried in the forbidden area of ​​Blood Demon Sect!" A Wu Zun peerless strongman from Liu Yunzong heard bleeding from the whispering voice of Zhou Fengxu. After the origin of the old man in the robe, he retorted incredulously.

In this regard, there was a slight disdain in the eyes of everyone at the scene.

Although the life expectancy of Wuzun Realm is no more than 5,000 years, with the help of some secret methods to avoid the restrictions of the rules of heaven, he can still live for tens of thousands of years. Otherwise, most of the eleven strong men on the scene may have already arrived. End of life.

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