Destined Martial God

Chapter 1149: Dan Yi becomes **** (one more)

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Yiyuan Pavilion!

The hundred-meter giant transformed by the four elixirs is not only brave and burly, but also exudes a mysterious atmosphere.

This breath is neither a breath of martial arts, nor a breath unique to living beings, but rather a mysterious breath of detachment from martial arts and living beings.

"Ninghe, what's going on?"

Pointing at the four elixir giants rushing into the dark clouds, Zhou Zhige asked with a stunned expression.

In the face of Zhou Zhige's interrogation, Ning He who was unfamiliar with Dan Dao shook his head.

"Danyi, this is the state of Danyi becoming a god!"

But at this time, a master of Dan Dao Peak outside Yiyuan Pavilion shouted like a madman.

Dan Yi is a god!

When I heard the master of Dan Dao's voice shouting out of the state of the four elixirs becoming giants, all the warriors on the scene who knew Dan intended to be a **** realm cast their sights in Yiyuan Pavilion in the first time. Shi restores strength and soul to the young man.

Zhou Zhige and Ning He glanced at each other, and found that shocks like raging waves appeared in their eyes.

If Dan becomes a god, he will become the emperor. This is not only a legend that has been passed down from the ancient times in the Tianxuan continent, but also a realm that Danshi has been struggling for.

No one had thought that Yu Haoran, who had just broken through the realm of the master of Dan Tao, would not only be able to refine the third-order and first-grade Huazun Dan, but also be able to advance the realm of Dan into God.

"Ninghe, have you figured it out?" Zhou Zhige, who used a single elixir to barely suppress the shock in his heart, stared at Ninghe's eyes and interrogated with the voice of God.

"Uncle San, although I have outstanding talents and an extremely determined heart to seek the Tao, the Zhou family's contempt and restrictions on women have left me with no confidence to be able to advance to the realm of Emperor Wudi, nor the strength to change my destiny. "

When responding to Zhou Zhige's interrogation using divine thoughts, Ning He sat down with her knees bent and curled up, sitting on her knees, with a complex expression of rejection, longing, expectation, and unwillingness in her eyes.

"Whether it is from family history, talent, appearance and character, or future success, although Yu Haoran cannot compare with the talents of the top inherited families, at least in Dan Dao Cheng will far exceed them."

"And Dan Dao is also the only strongest assistant that can help me break through the realm of Wu Zun and Emperor Wu."

Speaking of this, Ninghe's complex eyes gradually firmed, and his tone was resolute.

"In order to change my own destiny and to get justice for my father and mother, any sacrifice is worth it, and I am willing."


Although his eyes were firm and his tone was firm, Zhou Zhizhong was still able to hear the trace of pain in Ninghe's tone, and finally couldn't help sighing.

"Yu Haoran, Dan Yi becomes a god, but this represents the artistic conception that can break through the realm of Dan Emperor!" Looking at the four elixir giants rushing into the dark clouds, Ta Ling couldn't suppress the shout of inner excitement.

"Ta Ling, even if I haven't reached the realm of Dan Yi becoming a god, I have the confidence to succeed Dan Emperor, and it's not worth the excitement."

Facing the towering spirit of excitement, Yu Haoran's response was very calm, or that he had known for a long time that he had reached the realm of becoming a god.

"Yu Haoran, this is different."

Faced with Hao Ran's overly calm response, Ta Ling still couldn't suppress his inner excitement.

"If Dan Dao Xiu is in the realm of the Grand Master, he has not been promoted to become the **** realm, then the highest achievement in your life is Dan Emperor."

"And Danyi Chengshen not only allows you to break through the realm of Emperor Wu earlier and faster, but also has the potential to achieve Dan God. This is the most important auxiliary ability of Danyi Chengshen."

In this regard, Yu Haoran was still calm in the water.

If it is the experience of life, he knows far less than Ta Ling about martial arts, equipment, and frontiers, then Yu Haoran knows far better than Ta Ling.

Danyi Chengshen only has the potential to break through Danshen, but whether he can be successfully promoted to Danshen in the end, the success rate is less than one percent.

Really want to break through the realm of Dan God, rely on his own practice and deep understanding of Dan Tao.


As the four elixir giants rushed into the dark clouds of thousands of miles, they began to tore up with the thunderous thunder in the dark clouds, and the entire Shuangniu Mountain heard the deafening roar.

With the deafening roar, Yu Haoran put away the spirit stone in his hand, while secretly stimulating the ancestral witch's body, while incorporating the Ruyi bell into his body, he continued to increase his defense.

Then he got up, looked up at the void, looked at the dark clouds in the void, and looked at the lightning flashes in the dark clouds.


With the sound of a crisp sound resounding through the clouds, thousands of remnants of elixir were blasted out of the clouds and fell down.

Looking at the remnants of the elixir floating down, everyone knew that one elixir giant could not withstand the baptism of Thunder Robbery, and was eventually destroyed in the attack of Thunder Robbery, and couldn't help feeling a little distress.

After all, it is a Huazun Dan that can help Wu Shengqiang break through the realm of Wu Zun. Even if you have hundreds of thousands of soul veins, it is difficult to exchange it!

Along with the residue of the elixir, a thunderbolt full of nine thumbs suddenly burst out of the dark clouds.

After the nine lightnings quickly condensed into nine hundred-meter-long thunder dragons, they roared and rushed to Yu Haoran standing in the Yiyuan Pavilion.

"I want to leave at this time, it's late!"

Just as Nine Dragons roared and rushed to Yiyuan Pavilion, Yu Haoran felt the five gods attached to her, and wanted to leave quickly, and couldn't help sneering.

The ancestral body of the ancestor and witch inspired instantly, and with the extreme speed rising from the sky, when the five thoughts were about to leave, Yu Haoran immediately met the fastest Thunder Dragon.


With the ancestral witch's physical body crashing into Thunder Dragon, Yu Haoran felt a severe pain, but this pain was still within the scope of his ancestral witch's body.

Compared with the severe pain caused by the physical body, the five screams that suddenly sounded in Yiyuan Pavilion made him feel extremely happy inside.

"Abominable, some people have been using God's thoughts to hide in Hao Ran's body. They still have to be shameless, and there is no dignity of the strong!" Hear five screams from Yu Haoran's body, Zhou Zhizhong Cursed immediately in anger.

"Uncle San, forbid!" Ning He immediately reminded nervously after hearing Zhou Zhizhong's curse.

"Ninghe, what's wrong?" Zhou Zhizhong didn't understand why Ninghe was so nervous.

"The five screams represent five gods, and each **** represents a peerless power in the realm of Wu Zun."

Ning He looked diligently at the north, and looked at the central area where the Zhou family was located, and said heavily.

"One of them is the ancestor of Jianyue."

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