Destined Martial God

Chapter 1130: The evil plan of resurrecting the ancestors (two more)

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In Leling City!

Looking at the crowded traffic in the city, the voices were full of enthusiasm, and he was not affected at all by the vow of luck and blood. The family's horrible control of Leling City also made Yu Haoran admired.

In previous lives, he passed Leling City from the future, and it is not clear about the layout of the city and the specific location of the Gu Liang family.

Therefore, after taking the second avatar and searching for the jade bamboo slips of the family members of the Guliang family through the soul-searching technique, he carefully examined them with his thoughts.

According to the records in Yujian, after Yu Haoran was generally familiar with the situation of Leling City, he went straight to the house of Guliang Family.

It is different from the site selection of general family building mansion.

The location of the Guliang Family House is not in the center of the city, but in the Xicheng District near the Ganges, and it occupies the entire area of ​​Xicheng.

Looking at the huge group of buildings in front of him, Yu Haoran also had to lament the benefits of the long-standing heritage.

"Ta Ling, according to the architecture and location of the Guliang Shijia Mansion, what kind of matrix method should you look at?" Stepped to the edge of a willow tree that won't attract others' attention, consciously reminded Ta Ling in the sea. .

The powerful thoughts of Emperor Wudi's realm quickly swept across the entire house of the Guliang family, and a look of surprise immediately appeared in Ta Ling's eyes.

"Yu Haoran, it seems that in the ancestors of Gu Liang's family, there have been masters of the art of fine arts."

"How to say?" Yu Haoran, who was also proficient in inferior determinism, and was familiar with Feng Shui, immediately asked with interest.

Knowing that while he was asleep, Yu Haoran used the practice of Fuxi's gossip chart to become a good wizard.

Therefore, Ta Ling was too lazy to explain too much, and directly used the powerful divinity in Wudi's realm to help him shield the fluctuations in his breath and signaled him to watch it.

Fly to the sky above Guliang Shijia Mansion, and use the familiar Feng Shui technique to carefully observe the structure and layout of the entire mansion.

After seeing the water of the Ganges, through the gaps in nine different locations, they were respectively introduced into an artificial valley in the core of the mansion, Yu Haoran said with a sigh of relief.

"Kowloon Arch Moon!"


After hearing Hao Ran shouting out the geomantic layout, Ta Ling in the sea nodded and agreed, and further speculated.

"Yu Haoran, it seems that Gu Liang's family ambitions are not small, and they even want to use Jiulong Gongyue to converge the city's air transport to cultivate a powerful emperor in the realm of Emperor Wu."

"Do not!"

In the face of Taling's speculation, combined with his own understanding of Feng Shui, Yu Haoran shook his head and gave different opinions.

"Ta Ling, I don't think Gu Liang's family wants to cultivate a powerful emperor in the realm of Emperor Wu, but wants to use the Fengshui array method of Jiulong Gongyue to extract the luck of millions of souls in Leling City. To restore the vitality of their ancestors. "


After hearing the inference given by Yu Haoran, Ta Ling immediately shook his head to deny it.

"If you want to resurrect a powerful Emperor in the realm of Wudi, let alone the luck that brings together a city, even the luck that brings together all the souls in the entire southern region is impossible."

"Ta Ling, if you have used hundreds of thousands of years of huge luck and then integrated the vitality of millions of people, then is there any chance of success!" Yu Haoran reminded with a sneer.

"What do you mean!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's reminder, Ta Ling couldn't help but change his face, and immediately used the powerful divinity in the Emperor Wu realm to re-examine the layout of the entire Leling City.

With the detailed observation of the divine mind, Ta Ling's face gradually became gloomy.

In particular, he ventured to take advantage of the extreme thoughts of Wu Di's realm and quietly dived into the artificial valley, his face was even more gloomy as if he could drip water.

"Yu Haoran, your conjecture is correct. The people in the Guliang family really want to extract the vitality of millions of people in the entire Leling City to resurrect a Wudi ancestor in the family and a Wuzun Jiupin peak. Ancestors. "

For fear of attracting the attention of the Wuliang strong men of the Guliang family, Ta Ling fully adjusted his breath for nearly five seconds before he could successfully suppress the strong murderous spirit emerging from his heart, and then grit his teeth to confirm.

"Ta Ling, think carefully about what kind of formation you need to arrange in order to completely destroy the Guliang family that has fallen into the evil path."

Compared to the anger of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran's reaction to the evil ways of the family resurrection of the ancestors of Gu Liang was very flat.

Because of his past life, he has seen it more than once, and even experienced first-hand ways that are many times and dozens of times worse than Gu Liang's family.

"Golden Lock Wraith!"

"Starlight Seven Kills!"

Without too much consideration, Taring gritted his teeth and said that the array he wanted to arrange.

After hearing the two arrays that Ta Ling planned to arrange, Yu Haoran couldn't help but said in surprise.

"Ta Ling, I didn't expect your hatred of the Guliang family so deep."

Whether it is the Golden Lock Ecstasy Array or the Starlight Seven Kill Array, they are all extinction arrays that have no entrance, no death, and no break.

Had it not been for the evil plan of the Gu Liang family, it would have really annoyed the towering spirit, and according to his character, this extermination array would never be arranged.

"Yu Haoran, then you continue to take off, then hide in the clouds and adjust, and then the second avatar and I arrange the array." Without responding to Haoran's surprised interrogation, Ta Ling commanded unquestionably.


In this regard, Yu Haoran continued to vacate without the slightest opinion.

After waiting for the cloud to rise to a height of 10,000 meters from the family of Gu Liang, a few clouds were gathered using the divine thoughts, and then sitting on the clouds with a bent knee, he began to adjust his breath.

Taling used the powerful divine spirit in the Emperor Wudi's realm to help the second avatar cover up the fluctuations in breath, and then began to instruct him on how to arrange the Golden Lock and the Star Killer.

After all, the annihilation of the Guliang family is witnessed by the rules of heaven, and Yu Haoran's righteous vow of blood luck, Taling cannot intervene in the battle between the two.

Just as Tal Ling instructed the second avatar to arrange the extinction array, Guliang Family House was in a courtyard next to the valley.

The patriarch Gu Liangmingquan of the Guliang family, the nine elders of the Zhunwu state, and the fifteen church leaders of the Zhunwu state all stood in the courtyard.

At this time, everyone's eyes were all concentrated on a middle-aged man in his early forties, wearing a starlight robe, in the early days of Wusheng Yipin.

At this moment, the eyes of the middle-aged man in Xingpao were closed, and a palm-sized turtle shell was held in his left hand.

"Yushan, what is the result of the calculation?" After waiting for the middle-aged man to slowly open his eyes, Gu Liang Mingquan immediately asked.

"Patriarch, Yu Haoran is also a powerful wizard who is proficient in numerology and inference, and can interfere with and shield his own gas engines."

Shaking his head, Gu Liang Yushan replied exhaustedly.

"So, now I can only infer that he has entered Leling City, but I cannot find out his exact location."

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