Destined Martial God

Chapter 1126: Five Elements Origin (three more)

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Know the sea!

"That being the case, you also want to take over my flesh and gain new life by loosing and rebirth."

Looking at the towering spirit, who could hardly conceal his eyes, Yu Haoran's face suddenly gloomed, forcibly suppressing the murderous spirit that constantly appeared in his heart, and asked his teeth.

"No, don't get me wrong, I won't get a new life through resignation."

Feeling the escalating murderous spirit in Yu Haoran's body, Ta Ling quickly shook his head to deny it, and seriously asked.

"Yu Haoran, you have traversed so many relics of ancient, middle and modern times in previous lives. I wonder if you have heard of the origin of the Five Elements?"

After getting a firm denial from Ta Ling's attitude, Yu Haoran's constant emerging murderous spirit weakened slightly.

After hearing the Five Elements Origin he mentioned, he thought for a while, then nodded.

"The five elements are born from yin and yang, and follow the initial Taoism of martial arts: one life, two life, two life three, and three life."

"It can be said that the source of the five elements is the foundation for building the entire world."


Nodding in agreement with Hao Ran's evaluation of the origin of the Five Elements, Ta Ling said excitedly.

"Yu Haoran, if your cultivation can break through the realm of Valkyrie, then you can use a special power to help me isolate the induction from the tower in the ontology domain."

"If I can get the energy of the five elements, then I can reshape the body, completely break away from the identity of the towering spirit, and have a new life."

After hearing the real purpose of reincarnation, Ta Ling had been lying on a boulder in Hao Ran's heart, and it finally landed suddenly.

Later, he thought that since he met Ta Ling, Ta Ling has been helping himself as much as possible.

Now that Taling has a life-long goal for him, he should do his best to help him fulfill his wish.

So, close your eyes and think back to the experience of the previous life, and finally think of the whereabouts of one of the original energies.

"Ta Ling, I know that in the depths of Death Marsh, there seems to be a fairy wood vine that contains the energy of the source of wood."

"Yu Haoran, what you said is true!"

Having just said that he needs the energy of the five elements to reshape the body, Yu Haoran directly gives the whereabouts of the source energy.

This kind of good thing that dropped the pie in the sky made Taling unbelievable for a moment.

"In the previous life, when I was led by the ethereal rat to escape the pursuit of the aborigines of the Death Swamp, I once saw a mature immortal vine in the holy land of the aborigines."

"Ta Ling, the source of the wood contained in the immortal vines in the mature period should be able to meet the energy you need to reshape the body."

Yu Haoran introduced in detail how he saw the immortal rattan in his previous life, so as to relieve the suspicion in the spirit of the tower.

After being confirmed by Yu Haoran, Ta Ling directly stood up in excitement, and then began to circle around the tower of the ontology domain. After walking nine full laps, he was considered to calm his inner emotions.

After sitting back in front of Hao Ran, Ta Ling thanked him seriously.

He waved his hand to signal that Ta Ling didn't need to be polite. Yu Haoran continued to tell his next story.

After hearing that he had obtained Ning Ning Dan Shu, Fu Xi Ba Gua Tu, and the incomplete Zhou Tianxing array from the hands of Miao Cangshui, Ta Ling's face gradually condensed.

"Taling, do you say that the opportunity that Miao Cangshui gained and the various means of using the extinguished Dan cloth are related to the arrangement of the rules of heaven?"

Looking up at Ta Ling, Yu Haoran asked the second question that he had accumulated.

"To be more precise, is the reason why the rules of heaven intervene?"

Taking a deep look at Hao Ran, Ta Ling nodded silently, believing that he had just speculated.

However, Ta Ling did not reveal more secrets about the rules of heaven.

In this regard, Yu Haoran knew that Ta Ling might have some fears about the rules of heaven, and was unwilling to discuss too much about the rules of heaven, so as not to attract the attention of the rules of heaven.

Therefore, he took the initiative to expose the topic of the rules of heaven, and continued to talk about his experience during this time.

"Bad!" Ta Ling shouted suddenly when he heard Yu Haoran mention that he was in front of everyone and admitted that he could make the third-order and first-grade Huazundan.

"Ta Ling, what's wrong?" Yu Haoran immediately asked nervously.

"Yu Haoran, how long has it taken you to admit that you can refine Zundan in front of everyone?" Ta Ling asked with a serious look without explaining Yu Haoran's question.

"About twenty days!" After thinking about it, Yu Haoran replied.

After hearing the time given by Yu Haoran, Ta Ling immediately got up and returned to the Yuta.

Three minutes later, he returned to the Taling in front of him, reminding him solemnly.

"Yu Haoran, three days, you can only stay for three days at most, you must leave Shuangniu Mountain."

"Ta Ling, no matter whether it is three days later or you are leaving Shuangniu Mountain now, but you must give me a reason to leave!" Can't help but ask directly.

"The short dragon is four days, the long is ten days, and the blue dragon family that inherited the blood of the four ancient guardian beasts will send law enforcement officers to kill you." The towering spirit said solemnly.

"Why?" After hearing the explanation given by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran questioned suddenly.

Between themselves and the Qinglong family, not only did they not have any grievances, nor did they even have real contact with each other. They relied on sending out law enforcement officers to kill themselves.

"Because your ability to refine Zundan has broken the rules established by the four guardian families." Ta Ling said word by word.

"Taling, I don't understand!"

From ancient times to today, even if there are no more than a thousand masters of Dan Dao who can refine Zun Dan, the number will definitely exceed one hundred. Why are those masters of Dan Dao not hunted down by the four guardian families.

"Because the four guardian families need to gather all their strengths to complete a plan that has been in preparation since ancient times."

"Now that they are getting closer and closer to their plans, it is absolutely forbidden for any rules to be broken."

Explaining here, Ta Ling asked with a long sigh.

"Yu Haoran, think about it carefully. For the last 10,000 years, has there been any record in the Tianxuan Continent, or there is rumored news that the master of Dao Dao refining and converting Zun Dan."

Closing my eyes and thinking carefully for a while, a trace of cold sweat gradually emerged from the forehead.

Because he suddenly thought that when the first avatar accepted the inheritance of Yaogu Danzun, he once said that when Danzun successfully broke through the kingdom of Dan Dao, he was suddenly assassinated by a group of men in black.

Moreover, taking Danzun's Dan Dao Xiu as an example, the success rate of refining Huazun Dan will not be less than 80%, but the entire Yaowanggu's record of Danzun also has no information about Huazun Dan.

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