Destined Martial God

Chapter 1081: The efficacy of unicorn blood (three more)

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Mirror Lake Forest!


However, when the roar of the second kind of beast sounded in the depths of Jinghu Forest, Xiu Qihao said to himself in shock.

"This is a fierce empty cow that contains the blood of ancient gods and beasts."

As an inherited family containing the ancient blood of the ancient beast Ba Ba, the Xiu family retains many records of ancient beasts.

Therefore, only by the roar of the sky, Xiu Qihao can distinguish the origin of the strange beast that made the roar.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

Looking up at the depths of Jinghu Forest, Xiu Qihao said solemnly to himself.

"In the Mirror Lake Forest in the Central Region, there is an ancient empty cow with a purity of 60% in the blood of ancient gods and beasts. This is unbelievable in the southern forests of Hainan."

When Xiu Qihao muttered to himself, lamenting the purity of the blood of the ancestors in the fierce empty cow, the snarling anger that followed immediately made his face exult.

"This, this, this is the roar of the ancient **** beast Kirin, like a thunder. It is a **** beast that truly inherits the blood of all ancestors."

Looking down at the spotted ant in his hand, Xiu Qihao's eyes flashed a cold light.

"According to the records I have obtained from the remains of the demon demon, as long as the essence of the beast Kirin is used, the imprisonment of the patriarch on his bloodline can be broken."

"By that time, with the nine-star soul-hunting sword of honored products, Xiu Qihao will definitely be able to break through his own territory in the Central Region."

"Even I can create a new family, a Xiu family who thinks I am Xiu Qihao."

Thinking of this, Xiu Qihao with an excited expression directly shattered the spotted ants with his powerful power and then went straight to the place where the unicorn Kirin was.

In the depths of Jinghu Forest, in front of a huge corpse of a strange beast.

After hearing the roar of the fierce air cow and the **** beast Kirin, a silver-haired old man who had reached the peak of the second martial arts realm of supreme martial arts appeared with surprise in his eyes.

He greeted the young man who was dealing with the body of the alien beast, and then the two rushed to the location of the **** beast Kirin.

The roaring sound of the fierce empty cow and the yin and yang different fires through the clouds not only attracted the attention of some strong people of the blood of the greedy beast Kirin, but also alarmed many terrifying beasts in the quasi-respect state.

Ignoring the pressure brought about by grades and bloodlines, nearly thirty horrifying monsters in the quasi-respect state also rushed to the location of the fierce air cow and the **** beast Kirin.

"Kirin, the beast, immediately surrender the essence and flames of your body. I will let your spirits go!"

Although the height and shape inspired by the unicorn Kirin are not inferior to themselves, a pair of bulls like the iron hammer of the fierce empty cow flash a threat of disdain.

"If it is not, I will not only swallow the essence of you, but I will imprison your spirits and merge into the sea of ​​knowledge of ordinary beasts."

"Let you obviously have a powerful strength, but you can't use it with your eyes open, and eventually die of depression and self-destruction."

After hearing the threat from the fierce air bull, Yu Haoran frowned slightly, carefully thinking about the process of the beast Kirin and the fierce air cow roaring and provoking each other.

Then a shocked thought came to mind.

The fierce empty bull in front of him not only has reached the level of the three jewels, but also has the blood heritage of the ancient gods and beasts, making his true strength infinitely close to that of Wu Zun.

With such a powerful strength, even the unicorn Kirin, who is in front of him, is actually transformed from yin and yang, which can only explain one problem.

That is the sage that can be bred by the yin and yang different fires, and the grade is promoted to the peak of the nine levels of the holy realm, I am afraid that it is related to the flame energy it refines.

The flame energy it refines is inseparable from the powerful alien beast that contains the blood of the **** beast unicorn.

In addition, the purity of the unicorn blood in the other animal must be at least 70%, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to hide the fierce empty cow.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran looked at the unicorn Kirin, which was condensed by yin and yang, with a look of longing in his eyes.

As an ancient **** and beast symbolizing good luck, the blood in Kirin's body can not only directly promote cultivation and physical grade, but also assist the perception and control the power of the law.

What's even more tempting is that the blood of Kirin has a powerful healing power, and its effect is comparable to the top-notch healing elixir.

For Yu Haoran, in addition to the above powerful effects, he actually valued Qilin's blood, which has a powerful auxiliary alchemy effect that is far superior to Tianjing Shenshui.

If he can get part of the blood of Kirin, then he does not need Dan Dao Xiu to break through the realm of the Grand Master, he can use the Nether Ning Shen Dan to refine the elixir created by the master of the Dao Dan peak.

In addition, when it is to reach the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, it is possible to use Tianjing Shenshui and Kirin Blood to make a second-order Yipin medicine that can help break through the 30% chance of Wu Zun's realm.

Facing the threat of the fierce air bull, the unicorn Kirin, who is condensed by yin and yang, responded by first roaring, and then two red and white flames.

In the face of the two red and white flames sprayed by the unicorn unicorn, the fierce empty cow snorted with a disdainful look, then opened the blood basin and mouthed the red and white flames directly into the body.

"Although the strength is very strong, but the brain is not aura!" Seeing that the fierce empty cow dared to directly swallow the different fire ejected by the yin and yang fire, Yu Haoran shook his head and commented.

The flame power in the initial state of Yin-Yang Different Fire can directly destroy the quasi-wuzun strong who survived the calamity.

Then, you have been promoted to the top of the nine grades of the Holy Realm and ranked at least in the top forty red and white fires. I am afraid that even the strong in the realm of Wu Zun can be directly burned to the ashes, not to mention being repaired to only three robbers. Severe empty bull.

"Hmm ...!"

At first, the fierce empty bull who swallowed the red and white flames looked at the unicorn Kirin with a disdainful look.

But when the red and white flames really began to show their power, a look of doubt appeared in the bull's eyes.

Then, it suddenly roared to the sky, then mobilized the green flame that belongs to its bloodline heritage, and wanted to suppress and refine the red and white flames.

The results of it!

However, he was horrified to discover that the green flames of the blood lineage not only could not suppress the red and white flames in the body, but were forcibly devoured and refined by the red and white flames.

The swallowing and refining characteristics exhibited by the red and white flames give the fierce empty cow a familiar feeling, especially when the red and white flames are refining the green flames that they just mobilized and begin to devour the flame energy contained in the blood veins. A piece of memory in the inheritance reminds it of the origin of the red and white flames.

"you you you…!"

Raising the huge ox hoof, the fierce empty cow wanted to call out the true origin of the beast unicorn, and quickly invaded the red and white flames in the sea, so that it ended up opening its mouth, but eventually did not say the other party's origins came down to the ground. Died.

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