Destined Martial God

Chapter 1073: Disciple of Zongmen who has owed money (five more)

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Jinghu Forest, located in the central area, is about 70,000 miles away from Shuangniu Mountain. It is one of the famous dangerous places in Tianxuan Continent.

Jinghu Forest, like the Death Valley outside Lanling City, has a relatively safe outer periphery and a dangerous inner periphery.

The inner wall of Jinghu Forest is where Yu Haoran needs to venture into.

"Master, the depths of this forest give Lao Hei a sense of extreme danger!" The powerful divine thought swept across the forest where he could not see the end, and he held the black bear of two meters in height, reminding him solemnly. .

"The imperial realm must die, the holy realm must be disabled, and the divine realm can protect itself. This is the most realistic evaluation of the inner circle of Jinghu Forest." After hearing the reminder from the black bear, Yu Haoran sighed a bitterly. .

Then he took a deep breath, readjusted his emotions, and motioned to the black bear: "Let's go!"

Although the periphery of Jinghu Forest is safe, it is only quite speaking.

Compared to the periphery of the Valley of Death, ordinary warriors can be allowed to enter the alchemy and treasure hunt, and the minimum requirements for the strength of warriors on the periphery of Jinghu Forest must at least reach the Wuzong realm.

Because there are a lot of poisonous beasts in the periphery of Jinghu Forest.

If you do n’t have the divine mind to be vigilant and look at the surroundings at any time, you may be attacked by a poisonous beast at any time.

Perhaps it was because of the horror of the peak of the Seven Souls of the Black Bear Scenic Realm. Since entering the Mirror Cave Forest, Yu Haoran has not been attacked and attacked by strange animals. This has saved him a lot of strength and energy.

"This brother, my sister and sister have been poisoned by the eight-claw black spider. Now they are on the verge of death, and urgently need to detoxify Dan to save their lives!"

It is because Hao Ran penetrated into Jingdong Forest for more than twenty miles. A young man at the peak of Wu King Jiupin suddenly fell to his knees and begged bitterly.

"If my brother has a poison detoxification agent, I hope to be able to rescue him, and my brother's life-saving grace, I will never forget me."

Looking down at Li Zhiyuan, he looked up and fell out 20 meters away. A girl in a purple long dress flashed a cold light in Yu Haoran's eyes.

Then he chuckled and proposed.

"Brother Li doesn't need to be polite. Brother, I know a little bit about the Taoism, so let me see how your sister is injured?"

"Really!" Li Zhiyuan, who immediately raised his head, asked with surprise on his face.

"At this time, how could I be joking with my brother!" Nodded, Yu Haoran confirmed with a smile.

"That's great!"

Standing up quickly, Li Zhiyuan sighed fortunately, and led Yu Haoran to the girl in the purple dress.

After inspiring the ancestral witch's body in secret, Yu Haoran stooped to turn over the girl in the purple dress.

But the girl in the purple dress just turned over, her closed eyes suddenly opened, and her clenched left hand suddenly gave him a ball of white powder.

And Li Zhiyuan, who was standing behind him, immediately took out his natal sword and stabbed directly at the key behind him.

Whether facing the white powder with toxic substance in front of him, or the sword sword in the king's realm behind him, Yu Haoran didn't dodge, but looked indifferently at the girl in the purple dress with a smug smile on his face.


The powerful defense of the ancestral witch body, after successfully blocking the sneak attack of the sword in the king's realm, the strong rebound force directly shattered the sword.

"Puff puff!"

The sword sword that was closely connected to the spirit was broken, causing Li Zhiyuan, who was severely hit instantly, spit out three essences in a row, and the breath fell to Wu Wang Yipin.

Standing straight, waving his hands to disperse the white powder left in front of her, Yu Haoran looked at the girl in the purple dress with a smile.

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Yu Haoran, who had no sign of poisoning, shouted incredulously from the girl in the purple dress.

"How impossible."

Facing the shouting cry of the girl in the purple dress, Yu Haoran said calmly.

"I can dispel the ghostly soul eater which ranks 17th in the Tianxuan Continent's Top 100 Poisonous Rankings, so why shouldn't I fear that Parrot, who doesn't even have the qualifications to join the list, will lose heart."

"Who the **** are you?" Li Zhiyuan walked to the girl in the long purple dress and asked with a somber look, with the help of the healing elixir, who reluctantly suppressed the damage to the sword sword.

"Before asking my origins, shouldn't the two masters from the Holy Poisons introduce themselves again?"

Facing Li Zhiyuan's questioning, Yu Haoran did not answer, but just smiled and pointed out the true origin of the other party.

Although the holy drug religion is only the second-class sect of Tianxuan mainland, even if it is an ordinary first-class sect, it is not easy to provoke them.

The reason is that, like the Five Poison Sects, the Holy Poison Sect is based on the sect of Poisonous Tradition.

In the previous life, when the poisonous path was a little small, he accidentally offended a successor disciple of a Buddhism, leading to his followers being pursued and killed.

In order to escape the enemy's pursuit, he accidentally broke into the holy poison religion.

The lord of the Holy Poison Church and the five elders neither questioned his origins nor questioned the enemies who pursued him, and went straight to help him kill his enemies.

Afterwards, according to the leader of the Holy Poison Sect, it is that the world ’s poison martial arts are a family, no matter what the circumstances, they should help each other.

But unfortunately, when he was wounded in the poisonous religion, three months after leaving, he heard the news that the poisonous religion was destroyed.

Moreover, the murderer who killed the Holy Poisonists was the follower who sent his followers to kill him.

It is also because of the previous life's owedness to the Holy Poison Cult that he would tolerate two people's sneak attacks. Otherwise, according to his violent personality, the black bear would have been made into a meat pie.

"You know where we come from!" Li Zhiyuan, who was paler, heard Yu Haoran point out his own history, and stepped back subconsciously, his voice trembling slightly.

The girl in the purple dress also bit her lip with a pale face.

"I don't know if the poisonous elder of Poison Soul has been promoted to the rank of Grand Master?"

Ignoring the frightened Li Zhiyuan, Yu Haoran continued to ask with a smile.

"I don't know if Elder Poison Source has developed Lieutenant Fischer?"

"You, you, who are you?"

The two elders that Yu Haoran mentioned just now are not only the elders with the highest cultivation and the strongest strength, but also the foundations that the drug poison can lead and deter the sects.

"You haven't answered my question yet!" Ignoring Li Zhiyuan's terrified questioning, Yu Haoran reminded gently.

Perhaps it was Li Zhiyuan, who felt that he was not malicious, and reluctantly stabilized his heart.

"Seniors and juniors are indeed named Li Zhiyuan, and they are one of the core disciples under the seat of Elder Golden Scorpion of Holy Poison."

Pointing her finger at the girl in a purple dress, Li Zhiyuan introduced it on her behalf.

"Her name is Heiman, and she is one of the core disciples under the seat of Elder Soul."

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