Destined Martial God

Chapter 1044: Jianlou Sword List (one more)

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You Niu Shan, the peak!

After leaving the sword tower and returning to the peak of the mountain, Yu Haoran wanted to thank Qian Shuhao.

Because when encountering the old man using a black ball to attack, he has seen Qian Shuhao's intention to help.

It was only because he used the poison dan to control the black saliva's self-detonation in time, and there was no danger to his life for a while, he stopped trying to help.

He will always remember this feeling in his heart, but also need to express his gratitude in person.

But at this moment, the sword tower behind him suddenly burst into a dazzling purple light, so that if he had reached the mouth, he swallowed stiffly.

Subsequently, he followed the peak and watched the sword tower with the bright purple light.

"The purple light is dazzling, and the sword list is born!" Looking at the brighter and brighter purple light, a list of powerful swords was gradually condensed, Qian Shuhao glanced at Hao Ran and couldn't help but sigh.

"Predecessor Qian, what is the sword list?" Qian Shuhao sighed just now, and Yu Haoran immediately asked with enthusiasm.

Because in the memory of his previous life, he has never heard of any news on the sword list.

"The so-called sword list refers to a list condensed by the rules of the sword tower, which records the strength rankings of all those who entered the sword tower for the first time since the sword tower appeared in Shuangniu Mountain in the southern region."

Before the rules of the heavens were perfected, the cultivation environment of the Tianxuan continent was getting more and more difficult, not to mention the strong in the realm of quasi-wuzun, even if there were few martial arts who could break through the realm of martial arts.

This has led to the fact that few genius warriors of the evil level have been able to break into the 60th floor directly when they first entered the sword building for more than 10,000 years, let alone the 64th who can inspire the birth of the sword list. Floor.

Therefore, with the exception of the seven top sects and the ancestral families with more than tens of thousands of years of history, there are records of Jianlou Jianbang, and few people in the entire Tianxuan continent know the existence of Jianbang.

Yu Haoran, who was born in the second-class sect of Baijimen, did not know that the existence of Jianlou Jianbang was normal.

The reason why Qian Shuhao was able to understand the existence of Jianlou Jianbang was also due to the fact that top sects and inherited families valued his talents in Kendo, and in order to draw closer to each other, he deliberately revealed to him.

After hearing Qian Shuhao's explanation of Jianlou Jianbang, Yu Haoran suddenly came up with a surprise thought, that is, the birth of Jianlou Jianbang this time, I am afraid it has inextricable relations with himself.


Nodded to confirm Yu Haoran's speculation, Qian Shuhao looked at him with admiration in his eyes.

"It's because of your first amazing performance in Jianlou that the Jianlou Sword List was born."

"And it seems that nearly 100 years have passed since the birth of the last Jianlou Jianbang."

Speaking of which, Qian Shuhao's eyes gradually turned towards the purple light, gradually revealing the ranking of the sword list, and continued with a hint of envy in his tone.

"Moreover, based on my general understanding of Jianlou Jianbang, your ranking this time will definitely be in the top 100."

Just the top one hundred!

After hearing Qian Shuhao's speculation about his final ranking on the Jianlou Sword List, Yu Haoran was slightly disappointed.

However, when he saw a lot of Jiantian Xuan mainland ’s kendo powerhouses, either on the list or ranking lower than himself, disappointment was immediately replaced by surprise.

Fifty people!

This is his ranking on the Jianlou Sword List.

The strongest Kendo in the 49th place is from the land of the Emperor of Yuxu Palace.

And like Hou Caicai, who is flying flowers and leaves, and seeing the famous swordsman such as Hong Ximen Yu for hundreds of years, he has not even entered the list.

After the surprise, Yu Haoran was immediately attracted by the top few words on the sword list.

First place sky sword!

Second place sword!

Third person sword!

But the back of the three swords of heaven and earth were all covered by a layer of purple light, and the name behind the ranking was not visible at all, which made him wondering.

"Predecessor Qian, which famous predecessor do Tianjian, Dijian and Renjian represent?"

Turning his head to look at Hao Ran, and then looking up at the top three rankings of Jianlou Jianbang, Qian Shuhao was silent for a while, and then explained.

"Tianjian, earth sword, and human sword are three kendo geniuses born of adhering to kendo."

"The talents of the three geniuses in Kendo have surpassed the highest definition of talent in the world and reached the legendary level of Godland."

"The darling of the sword!"

Hearing the kendo talents of Tianjian, Earth Sword and Renjian, Yu Haoran's mind immediately appeared the four words of the sword's darling.


Nodded, Qian Shuhao turned his head to look at Yu Haoran, and said with a touch of disappointment in his eyes.

"Master Yu, self-Qian Shuhao has been practicing Kendo for 137 years. There are countless geniuses in Kendo, but no one can outperform you in Kendo."

"So, just when you broke into the 64th floor of the sword, I thought you were one of the three swords of heaven and earth."

"But a pity!"

Without adhering to Kendo luck, Yu Haoran was somewhat disappointed, but his mind was attracted by some information disclosed by Qian Shuhao just now.

Because from the information just now, he can vaguely guess who the so-called Heaven and Earth People's Three Swords are.

But further confirmation is needed.

"Qian Qian, what are the rankings of Jianlou Jianbang?"

"The level of the first breakthrough, the performance on Kendo when you pass the barrier, and your luck on Kendo!"

The information on the ranking of Jianlou Jianbang is not a secret, as long as you can know it clearly, so Qian Shuhao did not hide the detailed introduction.

"It must be them!" After listening to Qian Shuhao's explanation of the ranking of Jianlou Jianbang, Yu Haoran sneered to himself.

Later, he suddenly remembered that before the Tallinn fell asleep, the battle of luck that he had mentioned with himself, a more evil plan gradually came to his mind.

"Qian Qian, why doesn't your name appear on the Jianlou Sword List?"

After a period of digestion, the people at the peak finally accepted Yu Haoran's final ranking on the Jianlou Sword List, and began to search for people they were familiar with. Finally, they found that Qian Shuhao, with the nickname of the sword fan, was not on the Sword list. This made everyone at the scene very confused.

Among them, Uncle Ling from Ling Xiaoge asked directly.

"Qian came to the Sword Tower in Shuangniu Mountain sixty years ago. When he first crossed the barrier, he was repaired to the peak of only the seventh emperor of the Emperor. He eventually broke into the 60th floor of the Sword Tower." There is no ranking on the sword list, and there is no expression of disappointment on his face, Qian Shuhao explained with a smile.

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