Destined Martial God

Chapter 1025: Both lose (two more)

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Along with the deafening roar, the extremely powerful knife gas gave each flying dragon to Hong Fei directly.

However, the dragon's defense power increased at least nearly a hundred times. Although it was strongly bombarded by the knife gas, it did not suffer too much damage.

After re-stabilizing the dragon's body, the bombarded dragons continued to growl and rushed towards Chen Dongyun.

"Sword Spirit, is this the result of my overdraft of 30 years of vitality!" Looking at Sword Spirit, whose strength has increased dozens of times, facing the attack of nine dragons, he did not take the upper hand at all, and Chen Dongyun, who was extremely upset, immediately reprimanded Road.

"Don't worry!"

Chen Dongyun was comforted casually, while the sword spirit quickly lifted off, he slowly closed his eyes.

"One strike and two breaks!"

When he opened his eyes again, the original cold look became more indifferent.

The soft sip in his mouth made Yu Haoran feel a kind of disrespect for the world, and the sadness of taking everything as the dog.

An ordinary knife gas slowly and slowly chopped on the body of a dragon, which could have been cut into two halves directly by virtue of its powerful defense, ignoring the attack of the sword.

And cutting off the sword of one dragon, the power was cut to the second dragon without any damage, and the result was also cut with two swords.

In the end, the spleen formed by martial arts with one sword and two broken swords completely disappeared after cutting off five dragons.


Just when the dragon body was cut off with a double-edged sword, Miao Cangshui hidden in the formation directly spit out blood.

"This, this, how is this possible?" Five blood spit out in succession, his face paled instantly, and his breath fell directly to Miao Cangshui, who was in the realm of Zhunzun Zun, with an incredulous expression to himself.

Because Chen Dongyun's sword technique just broke not only broke the fierce defenses of the five dragons, but also cut off the dragons and died directly.

In other words, he can now be used to deal with the strongest killer in Chen Dongyun, which has basically lost its effect.

Chen Dongyun frowned as he saw the top-level knives of nearly 70% of his strength and finally killed only five dragons.

Subsequently, he took a deep breath, secretly inspiring a part of the vitality he had just intercepted, in exchange for his peak strength, and then beheaded the remaining four dragons.

Feeling that Chen Dongyun's momentum began to rise again, returned to the Miao Cangshui of God, immediately took a top healing elixir, and then used the top healing elixir to stabilize the injury he just suffered, and his eyes showed a tinge of color.

All the forces remaining in the formation were penetrated into the remaining four dragons, and then the divine mind controlled the dragons and rushed to Chen Dongyun with a posture that all belonged together.

Feeling the strength of the four dragons, Chen Dongyun, who was experiencing vitality, was using his vitality to improve his strength and could not help but change his face.

Looking down at Miao Cangshui, he found that what was revealed in his eyes. Then, he could only gnash his teeth and directly provoke all his vitality in exchange for sufficient defense power.

It was also found that Miao Cangshui intends to use the self-exploding method of Chen Longyun to kill Chen Haoyun's Yu Haoran, who can't help but change his face. The thought of separation immediately breaks away from the formation and quickly returns to the body.


Along with the four deafening roars, Yu Haoran felt that the practice room and the entire Dongfu government began to make a sensation.

When the four roars ceased, he didn't hesitate at all, and the divine thoughts immediately emanated.

With the help of Shenglong Dan transformed into a dragon, the four dragons self-destructed, which not only directly destroyed the guardian formation of the Dongfu, but also the destruction power formed by the self-detonation, which destroyed nearly 80% of the entire Dongfu.

For example, like the treasure house where treasures are stored, the chambers of the refining machine are all turned into ruins, which makes Yu Haoran feel very painful.

After all, he urgently lacks high-quality instruments to upgrade Ruyizhong's grade.

However, compared to the physical pain of losing the high-grade artifacts in the treasure house, he was really disappointed that Chen Dongyun, who was under the explosion of the four dragons, was only seriously injured and did not kill him immediately.

He knows that the instruments of ancient instruments such as Yuta and Xuanhuangdao have many ways to save lives. As long as he cannot kill the other party in the first time, he can have the ability to fight back and leave.

Therefore, although Yu Haoran felt very disappointed, but did not continue to pay too much attention, Shennian immediately cast himself in Miao Cangshui.

As the Miao Cangshui, which is closely combined with the formation method, the moment when the formation method was destroyed by the self-explosion of the dragon, the mind was struck by an unimaginable moment, and his own breath fell directly to the peak of Wusheng Jiupin.

In this regard, Yu Haoran could not help but secretly rejoice.

After the roaring self-detonation was completely over, Miao Cangshui, who did not care about the heavy damage himself, first glanced at the practice room and found that the practice room had not been affected by the self-explosion of the dragon, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Subsequently, he directly took out a blood-red elixir, and then used the elixir to overdraw all the potential of the flesh, in exchange for the strength of re-Zunwuzun realm, intending to leave the severely damaged Chen Dongyun directly.

"Old guy, when this boy is completely recovered, he will surely pump your muscles and peel your skin in order to revenge today!"

Feeling that Miao Cangshui used the elixir to stimulate all the potential of the flesh, in exchange for the strength to return to the realm of Zunwu Zun, Chen Dongyun re-exchanged control of the flesh without any thought of fighting back.

After stabilizing the injury with the help of the top healing elixir, he immediately fled to the entrance of the cave, leaving behind a vow of **** revenge in the future.

In this regard, Miao Cangshui only sneered, neither thinking of Chen Dongyun's threat to his heart nor thinking of pursuing chase.

Seeing that Miao Cangshui was not chasing Chen Dongyun, Yu Haoran knew that he had been thinking about occupying his own body, and even withdrew the thought of attention.

Within three seconds of his return to the body, his breath fell to the peak of Wusheng Qipin Miao Cangshui and returned to the practice room.

After seeing Yu Hao lying on the ground calmly, Miao Cangshui breathed a long sigh of relief, then bent over to lift him up, and put on a knee-flexion sitting with his palms facing upwards.

Later, he sat on the opposite side of Yu Haoran with his knees bent, then closed his eyes slowly.

"Ran, the old guy is coming in!"

A reminder to the second avatar hidden in the World of Extinction, Yu Haoran's consciousness directly entered the tower of the domain, and then used the secret method taught by the tower spirit to completely hide the tower of the domain.

"Sure enough, it is the potential of the most top-level evils!" The spirit entered Miao Cangshui, who knows the sea, and praises him after seeing the boundless knowledge of the sea.

And when he saw the center of the boundless sea, sitting on his knees, sitting cross-legged, without the slightest swaying spirit body, not only the ecstatic expression appeared in his eyes immediately, but his voice was a little excited and speechless .

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