Destined Martial God

Chapter 1023: Li Dongyun (make up)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Destiny Valkyrie!

Sorry, there was another wedding yesterday, and I drank straight down. I made up today!


"Young people, there is an old man's collection in Dongfu. If you are interested and have the courage, you can come in and try!"

"Cut, this boy will be afraid of you!"

Faced with Miao Cangshui's provocation, the youth in Tsing Yi dismissed it with a sneer, and then walked into the cave.

After the self-exploded divine thought returned to the body, Miao Cangshui glanced gloomily at Hao Ran first, then suddenly shot out to stun him, and the secret of the seal with his ten fingers.

After completely sealing Yu Haoran, Miao Cangshui got up and left the practice room, intending to use the means hidden in the cave to deal with the young man in Tsing Yi who brought him a lethal threat.

After Miao Cangshui left the practice room, Yu Haoran, who had been stunned, opened his eyes immediately, a gleam of cold light flashed in his clear eyes.

Later, he wanted to mobilize the spirit to take a look and see what kind of seal technique Miao Cangshui had applied to himself.

But as a result, he was unable to mobilize his own thoughts.

"Damn old guy!"

Yu Haoran couldn't help cursing, and consciousness immediately notified the second avatar hidden in the extinct formation, and he checked the seal to seal himself.

"This is the soul seal of the subordinate!"

After the divine thought swept over Hao Ran's body, the second person explained.

"Maybe Miao Cangshui is too confident, only seals the spirits you know in the sea, and does not seal the seven meridians and eight veins and Dantian in the body."

"Can it be undone?" Yu Haoran quickly asked after seeing the origin of the second avatar, who was familiar with the art of sealing.


While responding to Yu Haoran's interrogation, the second person left Shihai and appeared in the practice room. Then, using the special technique taught by the Taling, it took less than one minute to successfully lift the seal.

Subsequently, the second avatar returned to knowing the sea, and then continued to hide in the soul-eliminating array.

Although the seal was lifted, Yu Haoran did not get up to escape the practice room. Instead, he directly mobilized all the gods' thoughts, and paid careful attention to the battle that had officially started in Dongfu.

Nine white dragons, about several hundred meters long, roared and slammed their teeth while besieging a young man, about twenty-six years old, in a Tsing Yi shirt.

"Chen Dongyun!" After seeing the appearance of the youth in Tsing Yi, familiar memories immediately came to his heart, Yu Haoran whispered to himself.

Chen Dongyun is from the Chen family in Tianshan, Dongyu.

Although the Chen family can not be compared with those inherited families that have existed for millions of years, they are also well-known in the Eastern Regions and their overall strength is not inferior to that of the first-class faction.

Chen Dongyun is the most outstanding talent and potential in the Chen family. At his sixteen-year-old ceremony, because of his outstanding talent and potential, he was directly determined as the heir of the patriarch.

Due to the huge gap between the two people, there would have been no intersection, but after entering the tomb of the demon god, he was once captured by Chen Dongyun's unreasonable and unreasonable life, in order to let him serve as a test product. Come and test the danger in the tomb.

Fortunately, his fortune is not bad. There are no deadly dangers in the three ancient tombs of the Emperor Wu Di.

Had it not been for Chen Dongyun's accidental pursuit of the enemy and no time to continue to use himself, he would not have been able to break into the core of the devil's tomb, nor would he have the opportunity to be reborn and to meet the Taling.

Now, seeing Chen Dongyun who was supposed to die in the detonation of the tomb of the demon god, not only did he live well, but also knew the hidden location of the cave. How could Yu Haoran not know that the person who Taling said was the one who obtained the black sword .

Enemies meet, jealous!

Although he was anxious to hold Chen Daoyun with a sword in order to report the hatred threatened by previous lives, Yu Haoran failed to act lightly.

Because Miao Cangshui uses the hidden formations and spirit veins in the Dongfu to condense the nine dragons, all of them have reached the peak of the second state of quasi-respect.

However, when facing Chen Dongyun, who only had a perfect rule, he not only failed to gain the slightest advantage, but he used the mysterious sword technique to create three dragons in succession.

Yu Haoran knew that he was definitely not Chen Dongyun's opponent now. If he took the initiative, it would surely attract the attention of Chen Dongyun in the sea.

Therefore, Yu Haoran not only did not rush out, but instead watched the divine thoughts more carefully to avoid being detected by Chen Dongyun.

"Flying in Kowloon!"

Seeing that Chen Dongyun used a trick to cut off the water, he almost chopped off a dragon, and Miao Cangshui's face hidden in the formation instantly gloomed.

Nine dragons are not illusory. They are forcibly condensed by using the nine fifth-order Zhongpin spirit veins buried in the ground of Dongfu, and then formed by the array of flags and dragons.

If the dragon is beheaded, it will not only be unable to regroup in a short time, but it will also reduce the power of the formation.

In order to avoid being killed by Chen Dongyun and finally breaking through the formation, Miao Cangshui directly used the means of consuming his own thoughts to drive the nine dragons to perform the combined attack, by increasing the power of attack.

Looking at each other, quickly rushing towards his nine dragons, Chen Dongyun, who had a relaxed look, immediately coagulated.

After taking a deep breath, when he quickly rushed towards the nine dragons that were rushing, he directly waved the long knife weapon in his hand.

"The knife is cut off!"

Along with the soft drinking, one after another exudes the mysterious scent of the sword, directly across the distance of the space, and chopped directly on the dragon's body.

Each piece of mysterious sword air will directly take away a large piece of flesh from the dragon.

However, because the nine dragons rushed in an intersecting manner, they were able to share the attack and damage of the mysterious sword.

In the end, the nine dragons that were not severely damaged in strength smashed into the front of Chen Dongyun like a sea wave, which not only interrupted the performance of the mysterious sword technique and martial arts, but also made nine strong impacts, which also made him back.

After the impact of the last dragon was over, Chen Dongyun not only looked very embarrassed, but also spit a few mouthfuls of blood, which also completely stained the Tsing Yi on his chest.

More importantly, the full breath of the original rules fell directly to the peak of Wusheng Jiupin.

"You forced me!" Reaching out to wipe away the blood on the corners of his mouth, Chen Dongyun stared at a corner of the array space with a sullen expression.

Then, an unimaginably powerful momentum rose quickly from Chen Dongyun's body.

With the rise of the fierce momentum, an ancient atmosphere that has experienced the vicissitudes of the sea makes Chen Dongyun look like a person.

Yu Haoran knew that this was Chen Dongyun's knowledge of the Xuanhuang Sword Spirit in the sea. He temporarily replaced Chen Dongyun with the spirit body.

At this moment, Chen Dongyun is no longer himself, but an Xuanhuang sword who has not known for thousands of years or even hundreds of millions of years.

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