Depressed Fairy

Chapter 519: Crossing the demon is as warm as home, and meeting a corpse is as empty as compassion

"There is actually a demonic aura in this incomplete realm..."

Not to mention the many changes outside the cave, Chen Yuan disturbed the seal again, tore the seal, and stepped into it. The surroundings were endless darkness. He could no longer see the aurora. There were many twisted thoughts of demons flying in front of him, which were easily killed by him.

He looked carefully, and his Dongxuan Eyes could not see through this darkness!

"It seems to be some kind of formation. It is not affected outside, but once you are here, it will be affected. Moreover, it not only involves the spatial arrangement, but also the time breath."

As he thought, there was another faint aura of estrangement that enveloped him. Later, there were still many demonic thoughts that turned into ghosts and whistled over, as if they would not stop until he was completely infected.

But Chen Yuan had no intention of getting entangled here. With a thought, the ferocious ghost face from the depths of the Black Lotus Yuanshen flew up and appeared directly above his head. It opened its mouth and swallowed countless ghostly demonic thoughts. No matter how fierce and continuous the flying demonic thoughts were, they could not fill this ghost face. Instead, it became more and more fierce, and fed back to Chen Yuan, making him gradually merge with the surroundings.

"What is sealed here is the remains of the ancient gods, and the one guarding it is the Taoist sword immortal. How can there be such a strong breath of the heart demon? As far as I know, in the cave inside this jade tablet, the demon path is the enemy of all parties. In addition to the Blood Sea Demon Sect that was born from the Boundless Blood Demon Path, the Shura Demon Path and the Heart Demon Path also have inheritances, but they have all been suppressed by all parties and have long been broken into pieces and acted in secret. Why do they appear here in a dignified manner?"

The heart demon thoughts swallowed by him were messy and fragmented, chaotic and chaotic. Even though Chen Yuan's current heart demon cultivation has long surpassed the ordinary Hedao Tianmo, he cannot absorb a clear breath from such a chaotic heart demon thought, so he is confused.

Fortunately, after swallowing many heart demon thoughts, Chen Yuan's heart demon face gradually merged with this piece of darkness, as if to blend into it. The faint barrier disappeared, and he felt a little bit of home instead.

"Could it be that the so-called remains of the ancient gods are actually related to the devil path, and are the bodies of the devil gods?"

Thinking in his heart, with the help of the fusion of the heart and the devil, Chen Yuan quickly noticed a little obscure flow. After a slight calculation, he knew that it was a path, so he went along with it.

"It is pitch black here, and there is no way out. There is also the heart demon making trouble, and the soul has no way out. It can be said that the body and mind are confused. It is more serious than the most complicated maze. I am afraid that I need the corresponding formula to find the way. Even if I don't have the heart demon's thoughts to lead me, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort to find the route. Now I save a lot of trouble."

The space in the incomplete realm here is quite distorted, and sometimes the direction of moving forward will be distorted, but Chen Yuan has the heart demon's thoughts as a guide, but he has no way out, and soon he reached the edge of an invisible barrier.

He stretched out his hand and tapped it lightly.


Amid the crisp sound of breaking, the invisible cracks expanded rapidly, and then shattered with a bang, revealing a desolate land!

Looking around, there was a vast sea of ​​sand and wind. With Chen Yuan's eyesight, he could find many traces of the past, including the desertified ruins of towns, and the nearly disappeared roads and well fields.

"This is a wasteland world. I think this broken realm may have had civilization and the most people in the past, but in the end the entire realm was incomplete and fell, and was completely broken." Chen Yuan sighed and looked up at the sky. What he saw was a dark night sky. A series of colorful lights like a silk thread turned into the shape of aurora, extending far away, covering the entire night sky, and converging at the end of the horizon.

He didn't even need to use his divine mind to explore it deliberately. As long as he could see, he could see that at the intersection, there was an extremely huge palace, undulating like mountains, almost occupying the entire horizon!

The many obscure auras that Chen Yuan had captured before were emitted from it. In addition, there was a hidden, heavy and decayed terrifying aura hidden in it. Even if he only sensed it from a distance, Chen Yuan still felt his mind trembling, and even his vision and perception tended to be suppressed!

Chen Yuan's heart moved, and he did not follow this suppression and retract his thoughts. Instead, he let his mind rush out like a sword, straight to the continuous palace!

"The so-called remains of the ancient gods should be in it!"

With this thought, his mind was like a sword, piercing through several invisible barriers, and finally came to the front of the continuous palace!

This palace is old and dilapidated, and even the original color has long faded, but the overall structure is quite complete, and it is not a building circle composed of palaces, but a whole huge palace!

From a distance, Chen Yuan felt like he was looking at a huge coffin. However, when he looked carefully and his eyes passed through the palace, he only saw a huge figure. The figure was blurry and he couldn't see clearly. However, he could vaguely see many tiny runes flowing in the blur.

"The things inside should be the target this time. However, if the remains of the ancient gods inside are the same as I guessed, they are also the remains of the previous Yuan Dynasty. Then the surroundings are really too peaceful. In the past three years, the remains of the previous Yuan Dynasty that I have seen in the starry sea, even if it is just a broken stone tablet with no power, are surrounded by many destructive traps. In comparison, there is only a layer of inner demon formation outside here, which is really conservative and low-key."

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yuan's black lotus incarnation had also arrived at the top of the huge palace, but it did not fall down rashly. Instead, with a thought in his heart, his eyes turned to the edge, where several figures were sitting cross-legged. , all of them lowered their heads and closed their eyes, as if they were falling asleep.

The leader is a spirited old man. Although he is sitting cross-legged, his waist is straight. He wears a straight robe and carries a long sword on his back. His white hair is neatly styled. A faint sword energy is wrapped around him, but it is gentle. Just like running water, there is no sharpness at all.

"This should be the Immortal of the Yunxiao Sword Sect who is guarding here. He is indeed a Sword Immortal, and his sword energy is like water. This means that he has practiced sword energy to an extremely advanced level, but he actually fell into a deep sleep, but even if Even though I was sleeping, I shouldn't have noticed my arrival. After all, the inner demon array outside was shattered. Could it be that the terrifying pressure here disrupted my perception? In addition, I sensed the auras of the two immortals outside. Where is the other person? "

Just as Chen Yuan was thinking about it, the terrifying coercion surrounding him suddenly changed and enveloped him like a substance. Then came a series of confusing sounds and chaotic whispers, vaguely trying to pull his will to another world!

"Good guy, I came to the Jade Monument World, found the incomplete cave sky here like a doomsday wasteland, and was actually led to another world. Isn't this a nesting doll? Then the other world is in where?"

With a thought in his mind, Chen Yuan separated a thought, followed the pulling force, and slowly approached the blurry figure, and finally fell into it, and saw a world full of darkness and confusion!

In a trance, he actually saw countless creatures walking through the blurry figures, some of which were struggling to escape, so they desperately searched for extraordinary power, and finally found several "great wills" , worshiped and prayed for this, and gained strength!

The world is full of joys and sorrows, and it is colorful. In just a short moment, Chen Yuan's world has been in chaos for nearly a year.

When Chen Yuan came back to his senses, gathered the consciousness that had been pulled over, and immediately understood it!

"Could it be that there is still a cave hidden in the remains of the ancient god? And..."

He couldn't help but look strange as he recalled the many pieces of information he had obtained in an instant.

"The world there is quite strange. The people there cannot practice cultivation on their own and can only rely on devout prayers to attract external forces. In their words, they become servants of the gods. The most powerful god among them is called the 'ancestor of the sword'. He is the supreme righteous god, and there are many subordinate gods under his command. In addition, there is also a ghost master, but he is also a righteous god no less than the sword ancestor..."

Chen Yuan thought like this, and couldn't help but look at the sword immortal who was sitting cross-legged with his head down and the people around him, and he already had the answer in his heart.

"Then the second ghost master should be what I noticed, the second immortal."

As he thought about it, his eyes and thoughts wandered around, scanning the surroundings. Finally, his eyes rested on the huge palace coffin, thoughtfully.

After a few breaths, he shook his head: "No matter what secrets there are, since I am here, I have to take action! Since the sword immortal is involved in the confusing world, just give me time to prepare. If both sides can take action at the same time, it will definitely It can save you a lot of trouble and further confirm your guesses.”

"The twisted breath of nothingness..."

The sky boat continued to sail towards the intersection of the auroras. Along the way, there were many small gravel asteroids and small dead realms. Under the impact of this behemoth, they were all shattered in an instant.

Chen Yuan's white lotus incarnation stood at the bow of the ship, feeling the breath coming from the front, catching a familiar yet unfamiliar breath, and couldn't help but feel his thoughts.

He once felt this aura in the twisting black hole that was about to engulf and absorb him when he was ascending in Hedao, and he also captured it when fighting the ferocious king.

"The realm of nothingness."


With a roar, the sky boat trembled and swayed, as if it had hit an undercurrent on the water.

Chen Yuan's heart moved, and he pressed the seal with his hand, causing Tianzhou to stop.

Immediately, two machine spirits approached. Both of them looked like children, but their bodies were made of jade wood, and their joints were made of black iron. Their fingers were nimble, and they held up their hands like ordinary people and said: "Master Qi, there is a void ahead. The turbulent flow seems to be due to several space cracks located in front, so the void turbulent flow leaked out. "

"Void turbulence..."

Hearing this name, Chen Yuan's heart moved and he ordered: "In this case, you guys will guard here."


These monsters, warriors, etc. were all following Chen Yuan's orders. Even though Chen Yuan had given orders, they would not dissuade them at all. When Feng Ming and others learned the news, they hurriedly sighed, where could Chen Yuan's shadow be seen on the bow of the ship? I can only see a white sword light flying in the distance, pointing directly at the intersection of the aurora!

A young monk whispered: "Oh no! How could the Realm Lord be so impulsive! There are pre-primordial artifacts hidden there, and I don't know how dangerous they are..."

Feng Ming, who was standing next to him, shook his head after hearing this and said, "With Senior Chen's methods, there are probably not many places in our vast starry sky that he can be afraid of."

When the young monk heard this, he was surprised and said: "So that's what Brother Feng thinks. Then why were you so anxious just now?"

"Alas!" Feng Ming sighed with pity on his face, "I didn't want to follow Senior Chen and go to the ruins of the Qianyuan Dynasty to take a look, but since I couldn't catch up, I can't get close to this dangerous place. , to avoid any accidents."


Chen Yuan’s body was like a long rainbow, crossing the starry sky.

Along the way, many tiny cracks in the starry sky appeared around him, and many tiny particles filled with annihilation and dead silence often appeared.

But after three years of traveling in the starry sea, Chen Yuan had already fully understood the various dangers around the former Yuan ruins, so he was able to deal with them easily.

Moreover, most of what he encountered now were still aftermath, and the real danger was actually ahead!


Accompanied by a tearing roar, a space in front was shattered, and the violent space turbulence swept out with countless space fragments!

That was directly caused by the tearing of space, which directly shattered the space that carried the foundation of the existence of the starry sky creatures. Even the Fudexian who had achieved success in body refining had to retreat in the face of such a situation.

Chen Yuan pinched the seal with his hand, and his body suddenly turned into a shadow, moving directly to the depths of the distant starry sky, and came to the intersection of the aurora and the edge of the huge body.

The huge body is even bigger than a cave!

Its body is like bronze, gold and iron, with many strange patterns on the surface, and dense runes everywhere. For this body, the runes are very small, but for Chen Yuan, each rune is about the same size as himself. Although it is dim, it seems to contain some mystery.

A faint death aura lingers around this body.

Ancient corpse!

"This size is much larger than the palace coffin in the forbidden area of ​​Kunyu Back Mountain! Am I wrong?"


When Chen Yuan's eyes fell on this huge body, his mind trembled immediately, and a force of the five elements pulled him, trying to pull his will into the huge body!

"Hmm? Could it be that there is also a cave hidden inside, or... are they connected?"

This change is similar to what his black lotus incarnation encountered just now, so Chen Yuan did not panic, and thought about whether to release a few thoughts and go over to investigate to further confirm his guess, but...

"There is still a little hidden danger here. After all, I just sensed it from a distance, but I noticed..."


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and then distortion and nothingness descended in an instant, like a curtain, unfolding in this area, blocking the colorful aurora, and even shrouding Chen Yuan in it.


A sigh came from the void, seemingly compassionate, but actually cold.

"Daoyou, you shouldn't have come. With such a cultivation, why don't you cherish your life?"


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