Depressed Fairy

Chapter 195: Qi is weak and blood is dry, two treasures come together in one body


Colorful brilliance, concentrated flame!


Cracks appeared in the clouds and mist in all directions, as if they couldn't bear this spark!

Even Chen Yuan's fourth-turn mysterious body, when blessed by sparks, was vibrating with death energy and steaming Yin blood. Half of the body was shriveled and the other half was bulging!

But his expression remained unchanged, as if he was unaware, he wholeheartedly stamped this palm on the ugly Taoist's body!

The man's ten eyes and five mouths all became silent.

The violent and condensed power of destruction was all blasted into the body of this ugly Taoist!

At the same time, the copper kettle roared, and thousands of thoughts poured in to build the formation of Yin and Yang, the barrier of the five elements, the isolation of the forest and Luo, and the gap between all things. Layer by layer, one by one, a line of defense was built in his body to block it. That surging light of destruction!

But that little bit of fire suddenly broke out!

break! break! break! break! break!

Yin and Yang are destroyed, the five elements are destroyed, the sun and the sky are annihilated, and all things are cut off!

The aura of destruction that transcended realms and levels exploded, unstoppable and invincible. In the blink of an eye, it broke through the thirty-six restrictions in the body, exhausting the energy and blood, breaking the bones and flesh, and then broke open its back, facing towards the body. The Qianyuan five-faced teapot hits the past!


The body of the ugly Taoist instantly became limp, as if all the bones in his body were broken. Several mouths on his face roared, screamed, cursed, and begged for mercy, but there was still one mouth that was smiling: "Wonderful! Wonderful! You It can hurt us so much, but we are the carriers of that supreme treasure's great power. How can we deal with that supreme treasure even if it hurts us? Although you have the ability, you still rely on temporary stimulation. No treasure of the same level can be shaken! Please note that there is an endless supply of supplies here, hahaha..."

As if to confirm what he said, the copper pot suddenly shook, flew into the air, shrank in size, and penetrated into the ugly Taoist's body.

In an instant, the Taoist's limp body straightened up, his body surface glowed with bronze, and his ten eyes showed coldness. He stretched out his arms, and dense cracks appeared around him, as if endless incense, thoughts, life and blood stretched out from them and converged on this man!


When the strong wind blows, the clouds and mist surge!

Chen Yuan was forced to retreat a few points. Looking at the Taoist again, his momentum was rising steadily!

"Is this going to drain the energy, blood and thoughts of thousands of creatures in Huaiji Port to strengthen the body of this 'driver'? Is this a divine passage method? It's almost the same as extraterrestrial evil spirits and body-stealing evil spirits!"

He exhaled and waved his hand, and a fainter fire appeared on the fingertips of his left hand. Deep inside my body, I felt a feeling of emptiness.

"There is only one chance, but now it is like facing the body of a treasure with great supernatural powers, and it may also be close to the body of returning to the void. If it fails...

Chen Yuan's mind turned and he thought of what the ugly Taoist mentioned.

"A treasure of the same level?"

He suddenly thought of two things and shook his head secretly.

"Those two items, even if they were originally equivalent to objects of the same level, have fallen in status after being damaged. Unless they are completely repaired, how can they be repaired in an instant? Moreover, they have not been completely refined, and there are loopholes in their performance. It’s a fatal weakness in a life-and-death fight! But..."

In the strong wind and thick fog, Chen Yuan waved his sleeves and presented a dark bell and a small cauldron.

"Spiritual Aperture Resident Method!"

Use the mysterious power silently and regard the treasure as your god!

The bell and the small cauldron turned into light and fell into the spiritual orifice in Chen Yuan's left arm!

Immediately, two balls of flame burst out in his left arm, and a strange, repulsive, and bulging feeling grew in his body, as if it was about to tear his body apart and break open his flesh and blood! Don’t want to stay even for a moment!

"My mysterious body is also a magic weapon! It is used for conquest! By combining the two treasures with the spiritual aperture method, the power can be superimposed, and all of them can show their holiness with this body!"

Chen Yuan grunted, suddenly rushed forward, split his hands, and tore apart the strong wind. Fine cracks appeared all over his body, and his whole body's momentum also increased!

"Sure enough, I can't bear it. Fortunately, it's just a temporary increase! As long as I can hold on until..."

His eyes were dark and his thoughts were poured into him. The two flames gathered towards his fingertips and merged with the spark!

Chen Yuan looked at the increasingly towering figure in front of him, gritted his teeth suddenly, held the firelight in his palm, and then shot it again!

"Great Sumeru Mountain Seal Residual Technique!"

The shadow of the mountain appears with the palm of your hand!

The next moment, the shadow of the mountain became more solid, there were flames burning in the mountain, and a metallic luster covered the mountain peak!

The mountains are stacked one after another, gradually forming the shape of a palm!

Twin Saints True Fire Five Finger Mountain!


His hands crushed layers of clouds, strong winds, human thoughts, and blood, leaving them imprinted on the man's chest.

The sound waves vibrated and spread in all directions in an instant!


Wherever it goes, the formation is shattered!


Two rays of light streak across the sky!

Wrapped in the brilliance are Yi Dangxian, the elder of the White Crane Sect, and Hua Mengjing of the Qingcheng Sect.

"I didn't expect the General Alliance to hide it so completely! The thirteen elders who suppressed the luck, and even the alliance leader were eroded by karma. It was not infected at all as originally mentioned! The karma is deeply rooted in the bone marrow, and it is difficult to cure it with medicine and stone. Even if the cultivation level is not completely lost, His vitality was severely damaged! He was seriously injured again and faced a near-death situation!"

Yi Dangxian was dressed in black, and his long hair mixed with strands of white hair moved in the wind. Eight talismans rotated around him, taking him flying through the sky, but his words were full of anger!

Beside, Hua Mengjing, who was dressed in red, frowned and whispered: "This is nothing, the leader is now trapped in the Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Formation! That supreme treasure and great magical power has been missing for more than fifty years, and it is actually under our flag. Mountain Island is here again!”

Ahead, one can see the long coastline and the harbor city obscured by dark clouds.

Hua Mengjing turned her eyes and spotted the merchant ship parked at the edge of the port.

at this time!


A beacon fire burst through the sky, coming quickly and urgently!

Yi Dang first stretched out his hand to grab the beacon, then squeezed it again. The flames scattered in all directions, and the spiritual thoughts entrusted in it came out, making them suddenly stunned.

"The fate card is broken! Dead...dead?"

The two looked at each other in shock.

"How could this be so? How could this be so?" Yi Dangxian looked angry, "As the leader of the alliance, it was enough for him to be personally involved in danger. How long ago did he die?"

Hua Mengjing said: "He was eroded by his karma, the golden elixir, and the Yin Shen. This time he made a desperate attempt to deal with the imposter, but he plotted for the treasure and the great supernatural power. It was not a crime of war..."

"Such a rash advance! It is a betrayal of the entire alliance of eight sects!" Yi Dangxian's face was full of anger, and there were wisps of mist rising in his eyes, almost going crazy, "He is the True Lord of God Refining! Suppressing the fate of the sects, uniting the sects' Treasure, it can shock the heroes of the Northern Territory! Once the news spreads like this, I don’t know how many people will tear off the disguise and challenge the prestige of the Eight Sects Alliance!”

Hua Mengjing sighed and made a seal with her hands.


The clouds and mist gather and disperse again!

Yi Dangxian suddenly woke up with a look of fear on his face: "I almost fell into the inner demon tribulation! Thank you junior sister for your help."

Hua Mengjing sighed again: "Senior brother was almost confused today. Maybe it will be my turn next time."

The two looked at each other speechlessly.

Soon, Hua Mengjing broke the silence and said: "Now that the alliance leader is gone, we may not be able to get an advantage with our ability to transform into gods, so we might as well wait and see what happens."

"That's fine."

"not good."

Suddenly, a voice came from the wind, causing their expressions to change!

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding stars moved and the scenery rotated!

When they came to their senses, the two of them were already at sea.

Hua Mengjing suddenly looked back and found that the merchant ship was close at hand.

On the boat, Li Pozi sat cross-legged in the air, looked at the two people and said with a smile: "Now that we are here, how can we leave at will? Doesn't it seem that I, the landlord, are somewhat unsatisfactory?"

"Landlord?" Yi Dangxian said with cold eyes, "This is the territory of our eight sects in Qishan. What kind of landlord do you think you are?"

"Is Qishan Island still the territory of Qishan Sect? Hasn't it also changed its owner? Today, we killed eight sect leaders. After refining Huaiji Port, we will use this place as our foothold to head west and conquer As an island, it’s hard to say who will own Qishan Island in the future!”

"You are not ashamed of your words!" Yi Dangxian was not used to it at all. He started with thirteen talismans and activated them with seals to calm the Taoist in front of him.

Li Puzi smiled slightly and swept the dust with a whisk.

There are five elements of light shining around, and then the five elements are reversed.

The talismans lost their spiritual energy and fell one after another. The two elders of the eight sects were also entangled in the yin and yang energy, as if they were stuck in a quagmire!

The two of them were surprised and stopped.

"Is this the ultimate treasure and great supernatural power?" Hua Mengjing's face changed slightly and she stared at the other party, "Are you the master of the great supernatural power?"

"I don't dare to be the master, I'm just a member of the temple." Li Puzi smiled slightly, and the whisk fell on his arms, "However, my Taoist temple is extraordinary. It can solve all the worries in the world and alleviate all the regrets in the world. You two It is not easy to become a god. If it would be a pity to die here, why not join in the contemplation and become friends with us?"

"You want to instigate us?" Yi Dangxian's eyes widened, "Is this all your plan and calculation?"

"That's wrong, that's wrong," Li Puzi smiled even more happily, but shook his head, "Well, it's just empty talk, how can I convince the two of you? Wait until that fellow Taoist Xuyanzi is persuaded by the master of the temple, let him show up and speak out, and let the two of you Only when you know the great freedom of practicing in my yin-yang and five-element contemplation can you understand the mystery."

"Xu Yanzi? That casual cultivator on Wangzang Island? Did he come to Qishan Island?" Yi Dangxian narrowed his eyes, "You want to subdue him? What secrets does he have? Is it worth setting up this trap for you?"

"Wrong again, it just happened to happen. How could we have planned it for him? We..." Li Puzi was smiling when his face suddenly changed, he covered his chest and spit out a mouthful of black blood!


Then, he widened his eyes and looked at the city shrouded in black clouds.

"Someone has broken through the great supernatural power? Penetrating the inside and outside of reality and reality? Who is it?"


Yi Dangxian and others suddenly saw the change in Li Puzi, and were still confused when they suddenly heard the sound of breaking. They looked anxiously for the sound and saw shocking cracks on the surface of the billowing black cloud!

"The formation set up by the Supreme Treasure and the Great Divine Power was broken from the inside?!"

Yi Dangxian and Hua Mengjing were both surprised.

"This Great Five Elements Yin-Yang Formation once trapped three God-Refining True Lords for ten years! In the end, it was the fourth True Lord who secretly attacked the people who set up the formation and freed the three of them! Today, someone was able to use brute force to break it open from the inside. ?”

They knew the power of this treasure, so they were so afraid of Li Puzi, but they didn't expect...


The two were thinking about it when suddenly there was a loud noise!

The black clouds rolled rapidly and then shattered layer by layer!

A Taoist priest with colorful flames burning all over his body screamed and flew out of it!

In an instant, the physical body almost collapsed and was completely burned by the flames!

"Xingjun is really hot?!"

Deep in the sky, clouds and mist are rolling.

A few hidden in the side, peeking at the scene here were all shocked, and they didn't even bother to hide, they were exposed!


Li Puzi looked horrified! Then I saw the Taoist disintegrate in the air, turning into one soul and four souls, wrapped around a copper pot!

"Qianyuan five-faced pot!"

The thoughts of peeping around immediately boiled up, and there were many lights flashing on the horizon, like big hands trying to catch him!

"Li Puzi! Store it quickly!"

"Here!" Li Puzi woke up from a dream, made seals with his hands, opened his mouth and sucked in, trying to swallow the remaining half of his soul into his mouth!

But just then!

when! when! when!

It's like the ringing of a bell, and it's like the hammering of a hammer!

While the broken dark clouds were flowing, Chen Yuan was walking in the air, his long hair flying, and he was walking slowly.

His left arm was as black as iron. Before everyone could recover, he suddenly raised it and grabbed it forward!'s late again, because the number of words is more than planned...

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