Depressed Fairy

Chapter 192 It’s hard for Yin spirits to become saints, and they will be sent to the next life with

Why did he die?

Chen Yuan suddenly felt like he couldn't take a breath, and had an indescribable feeling, as if someone had robbed him of his head.

After all, they came here with great momentum. According to the previous development, it should be a fierce battle!

"The mantis stalks the cicada, with the oriole behind? Someone was hiding in the dark, and when the Red Blood Sect leader jumped out because he thought he had a trick? But according to normal thinking, this person shouldn't be fighting me here. Fighting to the death, jumping out in one fell swoop to harvest the two of them in the middle of a fierce battle? Moreover, even if it doesn't work, the Crimson Blood Sect Master is still a god, so he can be tricked so easily?"

While thinking, a small sound suddenly came from——

"How could this be? All of this is within my control..."

"I used words to confuse this person, and risked my soul to be destroyed by coming here in person. I want to suppress the enemy at the last moment, seal it into the Blood Mountain, and leave a trump card for the Scarlet Blood Sect..."

"Who exactly attacked me? Why was my soul-fixing formation swallowed up by someone else's formation? No..."

Along with the whispers, an illusory figure floated around Chen Yuan, far and near.

Suddenly, the figure trembled.

"I am dead? How did I die?"

He covered his head and fell into some kind of chaos and riot!

When Chen Yuan heard the sound, he couldn't help but look at it intently and saw a soul shadow, which was round in shape, with a halo of colored glaze on the surface, and a thousand-changing brilliance inside.

Yin Shen!

"This should be the Yin Soul that was condensed after the three souls of the Eight Sect Leaders and the Red Blood Sect Master merged into one! That's right. Once the God is refined, the Yin God will be like light. Even if the physical body falls, he will not die instantly. But this person’s evil spirit..."

A golden light flashed in his eyes, and he realized that this Yin spirit was like snow under the scorching sun, decomposing and degrading, and the various mysteries condensed in his soul were rapidly declining.

Immediately afterwards, white flowers emerged from the inside of the soul body and bloomed, gathering and swallowing the Yin spirit light!

When the wind blows, broken runes are scattered like crystals from the Yin Shen, and there is a thin layer of ice crystals around them.

"Although the Yin God is afraid of masculine energy and blood, it shouldn't degenerate so easily, and the god-refining monks shouldn't be so fragile! The Yin God is formed by the aggregation of three souls. Even if the body is beheaded and the Yin God jumps out, he should still think Qingming, you shouldn't be so confused! Is it because of these flowers? The Crimson Blood Sect master must have relied on fairy flowers and fairy energy to advance. Or is this a hidden danger? Because of the array?”

Chen Yuan noticed the danger. The memory of the Yin God turned into crystals and Yin Qi, which continued to spread. If there were mortals here, their minds would be contaminated by the memory immediately, and their flesh and blood would be eroded by the Yin Qi, and they would die in madness.

It seemed that he was affected by Chen Yuan's gaze. The degenerate spirit, which was originally dazed and confused, suddenly became excited, suddenly woke up, and his face changed!


He hurriedly raised his hand to squeeze the seal to stop the scattered soul body, but the flowers all over his body still bloomed and spread on the surface of the soul body, but the speed slowed down.

Yin Shen looked at Chen Yuan with shock and anger on his face, his eyes were cold, but he immediately shook his head.

"It's not you! You shouldn't have such ability!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the seal on his hand changed.


The insect Gu that fell to the ground began to boil one by one and flew in all directions!

Chen Yuan saw that these insect Gu were connected with the Yin God's aura, as if they were one body.

"Refined Fayou Yuanling into Gu worms? Or the other way around?"

Just as he was thinking about it, Yin Shen's expression suddenly changed drastically.

"Is this? The Great Five Elements..." He suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and asked, "Looking at you, you seem to know something about this formation. Why don't you talk about it first?"

"Seeing that the situation is not good, you want to join forces with me? Delusion!" Yin Shen looked back and smiled coldly: "You are using the name of Fianxia to deceive. Is his death related to you? He sneaked into Qishan Island alone. It’s nothing more than plotting mystical skills and magic weapons! It’s a pity that you didn’t expect that you would fall into the magical formation, and now you are unable to advance or retreat, and you want to ask for help from me!”

As he spoke, he showed a bit of a malicious smile: "I wanted to be reincarnated after the war, and I wanted to suppress you at the last moment and turn it into nourishment for a hundred years of sealing the mountain. Now, you have to be buried with me! Ha! Haha! I am the overlord of the Eight Sects, even if my luck declines, not everyone can step on me!"

"Do you want to pay attention to what you said? It's confusing and illogical. That's right. The Yin Shen has retreated, the soul has been damaged, and the brain can't work." Chen Yuan shook his head and said regretfully: "You said that I am plotting your mysterious skills. Secret Technique, you are not the original owners of Qishan. You took over other people’s land, and maybe you killed other people’s people, and you relied on Qishan’s heritage to become the overlord of the Northern Territory! What do I want from you?”

"What ignorant words!" The Yin God's expression changed, and murderous intent stirred in his soul, about to burst out!

But before the man could make a move, Chen Yuan suddenly rushed forward, pointed his finger into a knife, and slashed out with one palm!


Hot breath billows out, roaring out!

Yin Shen showed a ferocious expression, and the seal on his hand changed, and he said: "Someone is setting up a trap behind my back, and you still want to fight with me? I don't know if we should join forces at this time?"

swish swish——

Insect Gu from all directions gathered towards him, overlapping and crowded together with the Yinshen, turning into a ball of light!

Chen Yuan had already arrived, and cut it off with a light palm of his right hand.

"You are also planning to take action, why bother to be so high-sounding? Your mind is confused, so you are erratic, and your spirit is incomplete, so the flaws in your character are extremely magnified! Join forces with you, waiting for you to beat up my teammate? Don't let the enemy see you before they are killed. You're going to die! Since you're going to reincarnate, I'll give you a ride!"

"I don't know whether to live or die!" Yin Shen raised his hand and pointed, "In this world of Yin and Yang, I have a sharp eye and have already seen through your true cultivation level! You are just a great golden elixir monk. Relying on a little inherited magical power, you dare to Actively provoking! Seeking death! The reputation of our Eighth Sect in Qishan is really not as good as it used to be. I dare to do anything wrong!"

As he spoke, he was covered in insect gu and glowed brightly!

Each of these poisonous insects stands out after competition, is refined by spiritual light, retains its will, and turns into a ray of mana to breed spirituality.

The law has its essence!

"Thousands of Insects Devouring the Soul Light Technique!"


But the light of thousands of insects has not been exhaled yet.

A halo appeared behind Chen Yuan, and the fairy in his palm was like a sword.

Fairy spirit!

But he instantly borrowed the power of the immature incarnations of the three corpses to attract the energy of the immortal spirit to fall.

The Yin God was originally shrouded by the fairy flower, and the fairy energy in the soul was chaotic, all suppressed by a single thought. At this time, it was attracted by the fairy energy from the outside, and resonated internally and externally, and the whole body's breath was out of balance!

"How can you control the spirit of the fairy?"

The Yin God screamed miserably, and the stagnant and slowing flowers on the surface of the soul body accelerated instantly. The flowers were like an abyss, swallowing up the glowing insect Gu. In the blink of an eye, they were all swallowed up. They were all over the body and began to swallow the spirit of the Yin God again!

"No, no, no! Stop! Stop!"

No matter how much the Yin God shouted, it was of no avail. He was like a deflated balloon, quickly drying up and shrinking, and his malicious thoughts came out——

"This Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Realm! It is the most precious treasure and great magical power! Since you have rebuked me, no one can join forces with me. The only way is defeat! Just wait! You are dead!"

When the last ray of spiritual light was swallowed up by the white flowers, he screamed one last time and was no longer visible.

Then, the bunches of flowers actually devoured each other, and countless hoarse and harsh sounds were heard. In the end, the flowers devoured each other and turned into a huge white flower that rose in the wind, but slowly withered in the blink of an eye.

After a few breaths, the white flowers withered, leaving no trace.

Auras, fairy auras, poisonous insects, yin spirits, divine thoughts, nothing.

Chen Yuan's eyelids jumped.

"How evil! But now is not the time to explore."

Turning his gaze, he looked at the corner of the street. At the moment when the flowers were withering, he caught a bit of death energy beating.

"The Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Realm? The Supreme Treasure and Great Divine Power? Can you see my true cultivation level and see that I am not a living person?"

With a shudder, Chen Yuan appeared at the corner of the street. Following a trace of death energy, he grabbed him suddenly!

Here it is!

He actually tore off a layer of the street scene, like someone lifting a corner of the canvas, revealing a patch of darkness.

A few Qi talismans popped up with a few fingers and fell into the darkness, Chen Yuan looked thoughtful.

"The entire island is shrouded in a large formation, and it is still the headquarters of the eight sects that have been operating for four hundred years. Even if it is the most treasured magical power, it can be deployed silently and kill the leaders of the eight sects in one fell swoop. It is really outrageous! It is so outrageous. , Dingyuan should have been in chaos long ago."

Inexplicably, the figure of Master Fengxia flashed through his mind, and he thought of what Lin Xiangjuan had mentioned - the fate cards were broken, the karma infected the top eight sects, and someone just happened to sneak in and severely injure the Crimson Blood Sect Master!

"It's all too much of a coincidence. It's a pity that the memories of the scattered souls are fragmented, and the number is limited, making it difficult to explore."

After thinking about it, Chen Yuan suddenly realized that he had overlooked an important point.

"Putting together the events of Shenzang and Gouchen, it is clear that Xiang Xia's life was originally from the Shenzang realm. He ascended to the upper realm and gained a foothold after having some opportunities. The war between the old and the new broke out, and he was on the way to migration. He betrayed his original sect, threw himself into Mingxia Valley, and eventually became the God-Refining Lord alongside the Crimson Blood Sect Master! Then, Shen Zang was rediscovered, and this man did not hesitate to seal his cultivation and enter Shen Zang again. His plans were very big. It refers to the Palace of the Void King and the Divine Way of Heaven, but the light of the righteous way shines in the eight wastes, and a fierce battle makes him fail."

"But what if there is no intervention from me?"

"If Xian Xia gets the Void King Palace as she wishes and even tames the will of heaven, of course she will come back. At this time, the Red Blood Sect Master has been severely injured, what will be the result? But as the True Lord of God Refining, he wants to gain the power of the eight sects. It shouldn’t be so troublesome, right?”

After grasping the key link, Chen Yuan shook his head.

"It's boring. Life is short, and it's too late to find the way. What's the point of being attached to temporary power? Or, what does Xian Xia want to do with the power of the Eight Sects? After all, he is the overlord of the Northern Territory, but he has declined. Really There are only two refining gods? If this is the case, the upper limit of this Dingyuan small world is not high, or is it too weak? "


With a soft sound, a Qi Talisman staggered back and collapsed in front of Chen Yuan.

There were layers of shadows reflected in his eyes, as if reflecting something.

"So that's it. I have roughly grasped the characteristics of the Yin and Yang world of the Five Elements. No wonder I just fell into it and was not affected too much. It must be the person who set up the formation. He hasn't seen my essence yet, so he is a dead body. It won’t be too late…”

Stepping forward, Chen Yuan walked into the darkness.


Strong winds stirred the sea.

Dark clouds enveloped the entire Huaiji Port.

On the sea, a merchant ship drifted with the current.

On the bow of the boat, two monks, a man and a woman, looked from a distance.

The man is wearing a Confucian robe, with a tall and straight figure, long hair shawl, and a five-willow long beard.

The woman is wearing a coat and a skirt, and is dressed in red. Although her appearance is beautiful, she has a rustic feel.

The flower-coated female cultivator asked uneasily: "It's been a while, but I don't know if I have succeeded. If I delay for a while, it will be difficult for the eight sects to arrive. My injury last time has not been cured yet!"

Before the long-bearded male cultivator could answer, a chuckle came from behind the two of them.

"My temple master personally took action, how can I make any mistakes?"

The speaker is holding a fly whisk in his hand and wearing a black Taoist robe. He has a handsome appearance, his eyes are closed, and he walks with the breeze blowing on his clothes and the Taoist spirit of immortality.

The flower-coated female cultivator hurriedly asked: "Li Puzi, do you know the situation over there?"

Li Puzi, who had his eyes closed, smiled slightly, jumped up, sat cross-legged in the air, waved the fly whisk, and his whole body was covered with mist, and a gentle breeze came from a distance.

"Wherever the wind blows, the clouds open and the sun shines. There are so many things in the world that I have nowhere to hide. Come!"

After finishing the poem, Li Puzi raised his eyebrows slightly and said calmly: "Du Ruji has fallen."

"The leader of the Scarlet Blood Sect is dead! Great! This way, we can go find..."

The flower-coat girl trimmed her eyebrows and smiled, but before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Li Puzi——

"There is still a little trouble."

Li Puzi smiled faintly: "There is an uninvited guest in the Great Divine Power Formation. It looks like Xuyanzi who appeared not long ago. This person suddenly appeared from Wangzang. He looks like a fellow countryman. Can you recognize him? Why don't you do it? A lobbyist asked him to come and stay in Guanzhong.”

The male and female cultivators looked at each other and shook their heads.

When Li Puzi saw this, he smiled and said, "That's okay. When he gets into a mental block, you'll find out once you ask him."

The second update will be at about half past nine...

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