Depressed Fairy

Chapter 123 Physical Knot

Marquis Jingyang's head suddenly felt as big as a bucket, but he still tried to persuade her with good words: "Since Yun Niang has also been invited, I don't want her to go, for fear that Wushan Villa will be dissatisfied."

"What dissatisfaction can there be in Wushan Villa? They came to invite Shishuang because they value Shishuang's talent." Ms. Zheng raised her eyebrows. "What big deal can a wild girl do if she doesn't go?"

Marquis Jingyang sighed and said: "That's not what you said. Shiji is now the number one person in the world. Wushanzhuang invited us, it must be because of his face. He is not in Jiangzuo, and you don't want to let Yun If I go with my mother, the people of Wushan Villa will feel that their invitation was in vain!"

"What do you mean by your words!?" Madam Zheng screamed, "That bastard can be boasted as the best in the world, and his blood is in the blood of Shishuang. He is equally talented!"

Marquis Jingyang's face turned cold, and he said to the housekeeper: "Marquis Yong'an will come to the house later. I have something important to discuss with him. You can help my wife go back to rest first."


Butler Yu is about to go.

"Okay! Okay!" Mrs. Zheng glared at the old slave, and then glared at Marquis Jingyang: "Just let... you're right! I'm afraid of my son! Aren't you just afraid that the big boy will come back to settle accounts with you? ? Shiyou even risked his life, but I can't let you see the true face of that bastard! I'm so blind!"

She waved her sleeves at Butler Yu again: "Get out! I can walk by myself! At first, you were like a dog in front of Shiyou, but now you know how powerful the bastard is, and you are wagging your tail at him again! You are also a white-eyed wolf!"

Butler Yu quickly lowered his head and suppressed the fierce look in his eyes.

As soon as Zheng left, he said to Marquis Jingyang: "Master, I have met the prince, and he is different from the past. Not only is his cultivation unparalleled, he is also ruthless and ruthless! If my mistress continues like this, The day the prince returns is the day she dies!”

"How could I not know? In the past, how could Shiyou have lost his life?" Marquis Jingyang also looked gloomy, "Even my whole father was frightened when he heard what he did and recalled his past deeds. Therefore, these words must not reach Shiji’s ears! Those people around Madam must be laid off as soon as possible.”

Butler Yu then asked: "Where is Madam?"

Marquis Jingyang's eyes flashed coldly and he said: "She has a dead son after all. Let her go for now. He will send her to her hometown in Jingyang in a few days and let her recuperate there. If the Zheng family refuses to let go, then Tell them that I have interceded for them in front of Shiji, but if they don’t know what to do, the whole Zheng family will die!”

"I can't stay in this Marquis Mansion any longer!"

Zheng, who returned to the room, called the brothers Chen Shishuang and Chen Shijing over, hugged them and started crying.

Chen Shijing was only eight or nine years old, and he was at a loss for a while.

Chen Shishuang was already twelve years old, so he said: "Who bullied my mother? You tell the child, and the child will vent his anger on you!"

Chen Shijing also bravely said: "Yes, mother, others say that the eldest brother is the best in the world. Who bullied you? Tell the child, and the child will let the eldest brother..."


Mrs. Zheng's face changed drastically, she pushed Yaozi to the ground and said angrily: "You unfilial son! You consider a thief as your brother. Don't you know that your real eldest brother has been killed by that bastard?"

Chen Shijing's face was confused.

Chen Shishuang pulled his little brother up and said, "Mother, my little brother is still young and ignorant. Don't blame him..."

"Let's all go! Let's go!" Mrs. Zheng's eyes were red, "I can't count on you! Only my Shiyou, my Shiyou, loves me the most! I want to go find Shiyou!" She suddenly stood up, as if Crazy, rushed towards the inner room.

Chen Shijing was frightened and did not dare to follow him.

Chen Shishuang looked worried and followed.

Mrs. Zheng ran all the way, and when she reached the bookshelf in the back room, she pressed it. The bookshelf turned and revealed a compartment.

This compartment seemed to be printed on the wall out of thin air, taking up no space and was dark inside.

It was empty, except for a wooden table with a memorial tablet and the words "Beloved Son Chen Shiyou" written on it. Each one was extremely dark, as if connected to an abyss.

Zheng Shi hugged the wooden sign and cried: "Shiyou, Shiyou, please come out, mother trusts you."

Black mist emerged, outlining twisted black shadows.

"How is it? But like I said? My father doesn't care about you and me at all, and you still speak for him."

Mrs. Zheng cried: "It's my fault that my mother is wrong. Your father is like a dog and only wants to please the bastard. There is almost no place for my mother. What should I do?"

He twisted his human form and said, "Is the temple I asked you to build for me finished?"

"Okay, okay." Zheng said eagerly.

He twisted the human form and said: "If you let someone make a clay sculpture, remember, you can't carve it according to my appearance when I was alive. My face must be blurred, and then put the name of Lord Black Lotus on it, so that I can enjoy incense and be reborn."

"Mom, I remembered it."

The human figure added: "Besides that, we need to go to Chen Shiji's house and find one or two personal belongings of his. It is best if they are stained with his blood and placed in front of the clay sculpture as a tribute."

"This..." Mrs. Zheng looked confused.

"What?" The man was a little impatient, "Don't be reluctant, because he is an enemy, this sacrifice is meaningful."

Mrs. Zheng then said: "My son should also remember that there is no room for him in the Hou Mansion a long time ago, and all his things are thrown away and burned, just to prevent him from thinking about it."

"What!?" The man said angrily, "Look for it! You must find it! Otherwise you won't be able to get revenge!"

"I want revenge! I want revenge!" Mrs. Zheng looked panicked, got up and walked out. When she reached the door of the compartment, she found that there was still a crack in the secret door, and a black eye was peering inside!


When she opened the door, she saw Chen Shishuang standing outside, and then she realized that she had been so frightened and angry that she had neglected to care about her two sons. They had discovered the secret and were waiting for a few instructions.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.

"Well done! I don't trust this crazy bitch when she's doing things! I just want to lend you your body!"


Thick black smoke wrapped around Chen Shishuang's hand. He screamed and was pulled into the darkness!

Three days later.

The inside and outside of Wushan Villa were decorated with lights and colorful decorations, making it very lively.

The city's prominent aristocrats, officials, gentry, and local tyrants gathered in the village with their sons and nephews.

"This is Wushan Villa? It really looks like a fairy house. I heard that there was a scene of falling stars in the daytime a few days ago. It's really auspicious!" Emperor Shengtai wore a white dragon fish suit, a brocade robe, and waved a folding fan. Shu Chang said, "I must meet a few immortals today so that they know my thoughts."

Not far away, a man and a woman noticed a wisp of purple energy on the body of the Great Ning.

"Ziwei Emperor Qi? Although it is thin, it is extremely pure. Could it be the emperor of Daning?"

These two are the Zhu family brothers and sisters, but their faces have an extra layer of disguise.

They saw the Shinto spiritual light descending from the sky that day, and returned to the city in horror. They were taken care of by Guitianzang for the next three days and lived in his place. Because they were afraid of those who would take action, they did not dare to inquire about the news until they heard that Wushan Villa was hosting a banquet for every family in the city. , just came to see the situation. Seeing Emperor Daning now, Wushan Villa looked calm, so he felt a little relieved.

Looking back, Zhu Junshu whispered: "Brother, with the abilities of these elders, even if there is a strong enemy, they will still be invincible. We were too careful that day."

"Be careful with the ten-thousand-year-old ship. Go in first and check the situation."

The brother and sister walked slowly into the villa.

Someone in front was counting invitations, but they were bypassed by the brother and sister.

After them, there is the gloomy man who returns to heaven and hides that day.

"Brother Kuang, Xiao Zhu said that this is actually the No. 1 sect in the world. I need to experience it today. It would be better if I could find a few people to compare with." Seeing that the man still lowered his head, Guitianzang said: "You Why do you look so dead? If you keep doing this, people might misunderstand you and say you are here to cause trouble."

As they talked, the two of them walked in and also used their body skills to bypass the door check.

Not long after, several more carriages came and stopped at the entrance of the villa.

Butler Yu walked over quickly and opened the curtain.

Marquis Jingyang walked down, followed closely by a pretty young man with watery eyes and fair skin, who was obviously disguised as a man.

After she got out of the car, she looked left and right and asked curiously: "Father, is this Wushan Villa? I heard from the Zhao family's sister that there are gods living in it. Is it true?"

Marquis Jingyang nodded and said, "If you say he is an immortal, that's not bad."

The girl asked again: "Are these immortals as powerful as my elder brother? Sister Zhao said that my elder brother is the best in the world and a true immortal on land!"

"This..." Marquis Jingyang hesitated for a moment and then said: "They are probably more powerful than Shiji. The methods of these people are beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and they have strength in numbers. No matter how powerful Shiji is, they are still difficult to defeat with two fists. But don’t worry, the two sides won’t fight for no reason.”

The girl was a little unhappy and was waiting to say more, but when she saw someone, she excitedly greeted: "Sister Zhao, you are here too!"

In front, there was a handsome young man in white clothes with a folding fan, a pair of red phoenix eyes, red lips and white teeth. She saw the girl and said with a smile: "Sister Yun Niang, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Then she saluted Marquis Jingyang and said, "I have seen you Junhou. "

"It's Xi'er. You came just in time. I was worried that no one would talk to Yun Niang." While Marquis Jingyang was talking, Chen Yun Niang couldn't wait to run over. The two of them were chattering and giving directions to the village from time to time.

Marquis Jingyang breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a chill on his back. He turned his head and saw his third son, Chen Shishuang, coming to his side at some unknown time.

Chen Shishuang lowered his head and trembled slightly.

"Shishuang, there's no need to be nervous. Several of your friends are inside. Let's talk more when we meet." Marquis Jingyang patted Chen Shishuang on the shoulder, and then put on a smile after seeing a few acquaintances. greeting.

As soon as he left, Chen Shishuang raised his eyes, his dark pupils reflecting the lights of the world, and he trembled with excitement.

"I didn't expect that my original intention was to find Chen Shiji's true blood, but I would have such an opportunity, allowing me to sneak into the stronghold of Gouchen Realm! Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could infect one or two Gouchen disciples? That's it! It was discovered that this body is a blood relative of Chen Shiji, and I found his blood sacrifice, just in time to disguise myself as him and leave a grudge between the two parties! If I'm lucky, I can get some of him! Fate! In the future, you can use the art of blood discoloration!"

Thinking about it, he walked into the manor.

Buzz buzz——

In the quiet room, Chen Yuan sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

In front of him, a sign trembled.

This token was left behind by the people from the Outer Tribulation when he was refining the elixir in Longcheng. He had understood it thoroughly and knew that it contained the essence and blood of the twenty-eight heroes who founded the Daning Kingdom.

Gurgling gurgling——

Suddenly, cold Yin blood surged through Chen Yuan's body, and his dead heart began to tremble. In a hazy state, vague chains appeared all over his body.

"Wherever the intention is and where the fate is, the fate of the time is not free. The intelligence of the world and the earth realize that today is my opportunity to cut off the cause and effect of the physical body and break free from the shackles and obstacles of this world!"

He opened his eyes, grabbed the beating token, and poured the death energy and Yin blood into it, immediately suppressing the source of the commotion within it.

"Succeeding in luck and removing dirt, the name is fixed in the body without any leaks. The dead body of the flesh is tied to the causes of the past, and breaking away from the past, getting rid of the tediousness, is also refining elixirs. If you practice the elixir of seeking Taoism, there will inevitably be a calamity, and you don't know where to go. . I asked the monk to find all the relevant people, just to facilitate the tribulation."

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