Could it be fake?

Or is it that there has been some change, but the princess has not felt it?

Chen Zhao began to think wildly again.

But think about it again, the last time the princess gained the power to tear the earth apart, she knew how to use it directly.

It's like instinct.

If it has undergone some changes this time, it should be discovered and understood directly.

Forget it, if there is no change, there will be no change.

Chen Zhao was still a little disappointed.

Of course, I am not disappointed with the princess.

"Fali, I'm going to practice. I'll come back later." Chen Zhao stood up and turned to Fali, who was playing with the children in the living room.

"Don't bring down government planes again."

Last time, Chen Zhao shot down an Air Force plane.

It was broadcast on the news the next day, but the explanation given by the military was that a mistake occurred during training, which caused the plane crash.

Chen Zhao and Fali were watching the news at that time, and happened to catch this news.

Chen Zhao casually said at that time, isn't this the plane I shot down last night?

Then Fali knew what Chen Zhao had done.

"Chen, if you really want to shoot it down, get the wreckage back, then repair the shell and put it in the yard at home for the children to play with."


Chen Zhao patted the head of the princess beside him, and her figure instantly appeared at half a meter.

But at this moment, the princess actually appeared next to Chen Zhao.

Chen Zhao was stunned for a moment. The moment the princess appeared, her huge body fell down.

The princess was waving her limbs there and howling continuously.

Chen Zhao quickly grabbed the princess.

"Princess, why are you here?"

Chen Zhao put the princess back on the ground.

He looked at the princess in confusion.

At his own speed, even if the princess could really fly, she wouldn't be able to catch up with him, right?

Unless... Chen Zhao's eyes focus on the princess again.

Unless it moves instantaneously.

Chen Zhao took out a ball and tossed it gently in his hand: "Princess, catch it."

With that said, Chen Zhao threw the ball in his hand outside the cliff.

Although the princess is not a dog, her personality is similar to that of a dog, and she also likes to play with her family.

The princess' figure moved again and disappeared instantly.

The next moment it appeared in mid-air, opening its mouth to catch the ball flying in front of it.

But it miscalculated, and the ball flew out of the range it could bite first.


The princess roared and fell from the sky.

Chen Zhao caught the princess again.

Although this teleportation brought magic to the princess, it also put her in danger.

It still can't control this ability well.

Once it teleports into the air and is not used continuously, falling directly from a high altitude will cause huge damage.

"Princess, can you jump continuously?"

The princess tilted her head and looked at Chen Zhao, as if it was difficult to understand what Chen Zhao said.

Chen Zhao touched his head. How should he explain this sentence?

Chen Zhao thought for a while, then flashed and appeared dozens of meters away at the fastest speed.

"Come, princess."

The princess also flashed and appeared beside Chen Zhao.

But this time Chen Zhao did not go to pick up the princess, but flashed again and appeared dozens of meters away.

Looking at the princess who had been falling, she shouted: "Come on, princess, come here."

In panic, the princess flashed again and appeared next to Chen Zhao again.

"Very good, good job, continue." Chen Zhao still did not pick up the princess and continued to move forward.

The princess began to get used to the process and the rhythm.

In about ten minutes, the princess has teleported two hundred times in a row.

At this time, it was already starting to get tired, and Chen Zhao could clearly feel the princess's tiredness.

It seems that it cannot teleport infinitely.

The princess returned to the ground and began to recover quickly.

Chen Zhao discovered that the princess could absorb a large amount of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the ground.

Soon, the princess regained her vitality.

And once it becomes familiar with its abilities, it starts to enjoy it.

It seemed very excited.

Although this ability cannot be used for long-distance travel, for the princess, this ability is enough.

At least the princess liked this new ability.

At this time, Zhang Tianyi called again.

Chen Zhao felt that Zhang Tianyi was too idle and came to argue with him.

First, he said that Chen Zhao was too cruel and cruel, and his disciple could not get out of bed for a year.

Chen Zhao didn't believe it, he was a doctor himself.

He knew how to keep people in bed without becoming paralyzed.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Tianyi just wanted to get some benefits from Chen Zhao.

Chen Zhao would not follow Zhang Tianyi.

Chen Zhao also wanted to get some benefits from him.

Chen Zhao and Zhang Tianyi had just finished chatting when another unfamiliar phone call came in.

"Hello, are you Mr. Chen?"

"I am, who are you?"

"Why can't your phone get through? You're always on the phone."

"Um...Sorry, I was talking to a friend just now. Who are you?"

"I am Rila. Mr. Gaevich introduced me. He said you are looking for a witch."

"Huh?" Chen Zhao responded immediately: "You know what I'm looking for a witch for, right?"

"I know, you are looking for Treasure Island, right?"

"Since you know, can you take me to Treasure Island?" Chen Zhao asked.

"Do you know what price I have to pay to find Treasure Island?" asked the witch on the other side of the phone.

"I don't know, just put forward your own conditions, as long as the conditions are suitable."

"In history, a total of three witches led pirates or adventurers and found the legendary Treasure Island, and they all lost their lives."

Chen Zhao was silent for a while and then said, "Then do you refuse or accept?"

"I need a piece of devil's gold, an extremely powerful evil spirit, a gray eye, and ten million dollars."

"The ten million dollars you want is no problem, but the three conditions you put in front of me make me very embarrassed. Is there devil's gold in this world? And the extremely powerful evil spirit you mentioned is extremely powerful. What level is it? And the gray eyes, what is this?"

In fact, Chen Zhao has devil's gold.

Devil's gold is the most useless thing to Chen Zhao.

No matter what happens, Chen Zhao can still go to hell for as long as he wants.

The second condition is an extremely powerful evil spirit. This is a very general explanation. What is the concept of extremely powerful?

Is it the incomparable power in this witch's eyes, or is it the incomparable power in her own eyes?

In addition, what Chen Zhao didn't understand the most was the gray eyes. Chen Zhao had never heard of gray eyes.

"There is demon gold in this world. As for how you get it, that's your problem. And the extremely powerful evil spirits I'm talking about must be at least disaster level."

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