Bought at the supermarket?

That shouldn't be the problem with this dresser.

If it is an antique found in a second-hand store, it is very likely.

Many of the supernatural incidents that Poncart received were because his employer found some inexplicable things in a second-hand store, and then the supernatural incidents occurred.

It was something on the dresser.

It has to be said that any woman’s dressing table has a lot of cosmetics.

It is really not easy to find something unusual among so many cosmetics.

Finally, Poncart discovered that among the cosmetics, there was a wooden comb that was incompatible with the other cosmetics.

When Poncart lifted the wooden comb, he immediately felt a breath.

The pointer of the compass in his hand was also beating crazily.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with this comb."

Ponkater looked at Shayla: "Where did this comb come from?"

"I bought it from a handicraft store." Shala said.

"What kind of handicraft store?" Ponkart asked.

"On Downey Street..."

"No. 558?" Poncart continued.

"Huh? Mr. Poncart, do you know that store?"

Poncart was even more confused: "How did you find that store?"

"How did you find it? I was just shopping, and when I saw that store, I went in to take a look. But it's hard to imagine that such a special store could exist in such a prosperous area. Is there anything wrong with that store?"

"That shop is a psychic shop. The only one who can find it there is a psychic like me. But don't have any magic power on your body, so it's impossible to find that shop. 558 Downey Street is well-known among psychics."

"But...I just found it."

"This is the strange thing." Pangkat looked at the wooden comb in his hand: "How much does this comb cost?"

"Three hundred dollars."

Poncart glanced at Shara, he was so rich, even as a psychic, he couldn't spend three hundred dollars to buy a magic comb.

However, 558 Downey Street probably won’t sell props that bring bad luck.

Poncart's heart moved, and he suddenly understood.

It's not that the people in that store deliberately sell props that bring bad luck, it's because the magic prop itself has magical power and attracts unclean things.

This is certainly not a problem if the purchaser is a psychic.

After all, no evil spirit would take the initiative to trouble a psychic.

But Shaila is just an ordinary person, so this becomes the biggest problem.

Ponkat checked Shala several times to make sure that she was indeed an ordinary person and did not have any magical powers.

This is very strange. 558 Downey Street is absolutely impossible to be seen by an ordinary person without magical powers.

After all, that store has a very long history, and I have never heard that ordinary people can find it.

Of course, as long as you can enter that store, the people inside will not refuse.

This wooden comb is a magic prop, but it is not the originator of supernatural events. The wooden comb itself will not harm its owner.

However, the thing attracted by the wooden comb obviously had bad intentions towards Shara.

Now even destroying the wooden comb may not solve the problem.

If you want to solve the problem, you still need to get rid of the thing that is harassing Shaila.

"Miss Shara, if it's convenient, I may need to stay here tonight." Ponkart looked at Shara.

Xia La hesitated for a moment. After all, the man and woman were in the same room, and the other party was not an acquaintance, so it was inevitable that she would be a little embarrassed.

However, Xia La really didn't dare to stay at home alone. It would make her feel more at ease if someone was with her.

"Mr. Poncart, can you solve my problem?"

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

"Fali, where are little Gerin and little Larissa?"

When Chen Zhao came back, he saw Fali lying on a recliner with a mask on her face.

"Chen, you came back just in time, help me apply sunscreen." Fali said: "The sunshine is still a bit too much when living by the sea. Chen, are there any skin care products that can whiten my skin?"

In fact, Fali was not fair at all in the past. After all, she was a member of the Coast Guard, so how could she be fair.

But since she became pregnant, she rarely goes out. The ten-month pregnancy has made Fali a lot whiter, and now she no longer wants to tan.

"I'll prepare some tonight." Chen Zhao said.

"Your two daughters are down at the beach," Fali said.

Although she was lying on it to bask in the sun, she could still observe the entire beach at a glance.

Moreover, there are many pets on the beach, so little Gelin and little Larissa will not be in danger.

In the sea, the Five Tiger Generals are a rogue gang on this coastline.

Apart from the five of them, there were no other sharks roaming around.

The only threats to the two children on this beach are probably poisonous creatures such as sea snakes and cone snails.

However, antitoxins are always available at home. In addition, Wanda, Heima, and Baima often patrol the beach. Their sense of smell can distinguish cone snails.

However, they don't happen often in the Los Angeles area, and the number of injuries is only once in more than ten years.

It is impossible for Chen Zhao to stop eating and not let his two daughters go to the beach for this reason.

As for sea snakes, they are easier to spot and therefore less of a threat.

Little Larissa can already move on the beach on all fours.

At this moment she was sitting on the beach, with a small bucket full of shells next to her.

Little Gelin was holding a small clam shell and ran towards little Larissa with a face full of joy.

"Little Larissa, look at it, is it big?"

"Haha... babbling..." Little Larissa smiled happily and clapped her hands vigorously.

It wasn't until evening that little Gelin and Larissa were reluctantly carried back to the villa by Black Horse and White Horse.

"Dad, Mom, we haven't had dinner yet, why can't you let us play for a while longer." Little Gelin folded her arms and looked unhappy.

However, her little arms were not long enough, and because they were hung in mid-air by Heima, she looked a little funny.

"There is thick chicken soup tonight. If you don't come back, the princess will drink it all."

The so-called thick chicken soup is stewed with phoenix.

Although there is no such thing as confinement abroad, Chen Zhao still wants to keep Fali healthy.

However, every time she made chicken soup, Fali could only drink two bowls at most, and the rest was snatched up by the two little guys and pets.

Not to mention little Gelin, little Larissa also knows how to drink chicken soup, and she likes it very much.

Chen Zhao is now considering whether to go underground again.

Let's see if we can still hunt the phoenix. After all, the phoenix from last time has almost eaten it.

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