Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1075: How to fall asleep with a headshot (sixth update, please vote for me)

Everyone on this ship gave them only one feeling, evil.

Yes, it is evil!

"What do we do now?"

"I've seen it. There is a lifeboat on this ship. If we can get that lifeboat, maybe we still have a chance to escape." Domingo said.

"That lifeboat was too small and couldn't sustain us back to Hawaii Island," Alger said.

"No, we just need to escape from the hands of these pirates. We don't necessarily need to return to Hawaii Island."

"What's the meaning?"

"In addition to getting lifeboats, we also need to get communication equipment."

"But how are we going to get lifeboats and communication equipment? They all have guns."

"Don't worry, they don't plan to kill us yet, so we can slowly plan. The first thing is to get familiar with them and gain their trust." Domingo said.

"It seems very interesting." Raisa said with interest as she looked at the scene of five people discussing on the surveillance camera.

"You can play whatever you want, as long as it doesn't go too far." West said casually: "Besides... don't disturb the president... I think he is in the best condition now."

It's not that West has any ulterior motives, it's just that Chen Zhao can't take any time off.

Just like the first day, he started various activities within an hour of getting on the boat.

He didn't feel like he had the energy to deal with Chen Zhao, who was full of energy all day long.

Therefore, he felt that it was not entirely useless for Chen Zhao to be so confused before disembarking.

"Okay..." Raisa shrugged.

"A group of energetic young people." West felt that he was older, so both Chen Zhao and Raisa were both young people in his eyes.

The wind and waves seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and the Conqueror kept moving forward in the wind and waves.

Chen Zhao didn't know how long he slept. Anyway, his head was getting more and more painful and he couldn't sleep peacefully.

I opened my eyes and looked out the window. It was still dark outside, and the sound of waves was endless.

Chen Zhao is a doctor, he can treat most diseases.

But Chen Zhao was also at a loss to deal with the physiological reaction of seasickness.

There are also seasickness pills, but they are not very effective.

On the one hand, it was Chen Zhao's own resistance to the drug, and on the other hand, it was the wrong properties of the drug.

For example, motion sickness, airsickness and seasickness are all physiological reactions, and to put it bluntly, they are innate.

This physiological reaction cannot be alleviated by taking medicine.

Some people have strong dizziness symptoms, similar to female dysmenorrhea, which are difficult to eradicate.

Chen Zhao staggered out of the cabin door. The cabin was really stuffy.

He planned to go to the deck to enjoy the breeze.

Arriving on the deck, Chen Zhao saw that there were already people on the edge of the deck.

It was a strange woman, and Chen Zhao's mind was in chaos.

He pinched his forehead and stepped forward: "Who are you?"

Fios turned to look at Chen Zhao, frowning slightly.

At this moment, Chen Zhao felt his stomach churn again. He fell to the edge and opened his mouth to spurt out filth.

Chen Zhao felt more uncomfortable than when he was shot in the past.

Chen Zhao would rather be shot more than a dozen times now, rather than suffer this constant torment.

Chen Zhao wiped his mouth and body.

Chen Zhao usually pays great attention to appearance, and he has never been so sloppy.

Chen Zhao staggered to the cockpit. At this moment, a member of the Lightning Team was at the helm.

"President, why are you here?"

"Give me a shot, I feel so bad."

"Ah?" The team member looked at Chen Zhao in confusion.

"I said... give me a shot in the brain, preferably one that knocks me out."

"President...are you serious?"

"Hurry up..." Chen Zhao grabbed his deputy, his body still swinging unconsciously.

The team member raised his gun and pointed it at Chen Zhao's head: "President, did I really shoot?"

"Hurry up...what are you talking about."


Chen Zhao looked up and fell to the ground.

Fios on the deck saw this scene.

But what she saw had her own interpretation.

She thought that after Chen Zhao entered the cabin, he had an argument with the man, and then the man shot Chen Zhao.

"These people are so cruel."

But, strangely, the man stood up again.

Wasn't he shot in the head? Why did you stand up again?

Chen Zhao rubbed his forehead. As expected, the small-caliber pistol had no effect on him.

Chen Zhao now hoped that the bullets from the large-caliber firearms would give him a concussion and allow him to have a good sleep.

"Don't you have a large-caliber gun?"

"President, there is something on the ship... How about I have someone bring a large-caliber gun over?"

"Okay... hurry up."

The team member was speechless. It was the first time in his life that such a request had been made.

He doesn't consider other people's feelings at all, and his own president really has a brilliant mind.

This team member held a walkie-talkie and informed his teammates.

Not long after, another team member arrived.

It looks like this companion must have been sleeping.

"President." The team member also greeted.

Chen Zhao's body was swaying with the boat: "Where's the gun?"

"President, the large-caliber gun is a sniper rifle. It hasn't been assembled yet. I've got a machine gun here. It may have some effect. Do you want to try it?"

"Okay, let's try it with the machine gun."

"President, please step back outside, otherwise we will be in trouble when the bullets are reflected back."

"Oh..." Chen Zhao took a few steps back and stood at the door: "Don't hit your eyes, it will be very painful."


Da da da--

Chen Zhao raised his head and fell backward.

Then he hit the deck with a drop of several meters.

" seems to have worked. The president fell asleep."

"Send the president back to his room."

Fios looked at those people and dragged the man into the cabin.

"These people are simply cold-blooded butchers." Fios felt cold all over.

When these people killed people, they didn't hide it at all. They killed them completely in front of her.

That poor guy, God bless, may he rest in peace.

The next day——

The wind and waves did not calm down, but became larger and larger, and the undulations of the ship's hull became even greater.

When Emily got up, she saw Fios curled up in the corner wrapped in sheets, shivering.

"Fios, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Emilyka noticed that Fios' face was pale.

Fios looked up at Emilyka: "Emilyka, I saw last night that the Asian was shot dead."

"what happened?"

"I was on the deck last night for ventilation, and then I saw the Asian man who seemed to be uncomfortable, and then I saw the Asian man arguing with the people in the cockpit, and then they shot the man with machine guns."

Emilyka's face also turned pale: "Are we going to die here? These people will definitely kill us."

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