Fang Chen returned to the Nine Swords Cave.

Su Xinyi was still awakening the inheritance, with no sign of awakening.

Fang Chen didn't know much about inheritance.

Demons have inheritance, a bloodline inheritance, but Fang Chen didn't.

Whether it was humans or demons, they all needed to practice to improve themselves, but Fang Chen didn't need to...

It was impossible for him to practice, he had never practiced in his life.

""What was that noise just now?"

Qin Ziyu was a little numb now.

Every time Fang Chen went out, there would be an earthquake, each time more exaggerated and terrifying than the last. If it weren't for the protection of the Four Symbols, she estimated that the Nine Swords Island would have been gone long ago.

"It's okay, just a bunch of clowns causing trouble." Fang Chen replied with a smile.

Qin Ziyu looked at Fang Chen with complicated eyes, then sighed:"My Nine Swords Island has become a dangerous island now, right? Will such things happen frequently in the future?"

"No, it will be fine after a while." Fang Chen said, and then looked around and didn't see the shadow of the group of elders.

"where are they?"

"I asked them to leave. After all, there was such a big commotion outside, and the people on the island were panicking and needed to be appeased."Qin Ziyu explained.

Fang Chen frowned.

He still felt that all these elders should be killed.

Everyone has their own position and must pay the price for their position.

""After my wife completes her awakening, what are you going to do with them? Keep them?" Fang Chen asked.

Qin Ziyu was speechless for a moment, and she couldn't answer.

If she continued to use their words, there would always be a gap in her heart, but she couldn't find a suitable candidate in a short time.

There are 130,000 residents on Jiujian Island. After so many years of discovery, an economic circulation system has been formed on the island. Once something goes wrong, it will put the whole island in trouble.

The role of the elders is to stabilize the system on the island. Once they are removed, there will definitely be chaos.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I know what you mean, but some things are tricky and need to be done slowly."Qin Ziyu said with a wry smile. Fang

Chen shrugged:"As long as you are happy."

Anyway, he didn't care about the Nine Swords Island at all. If it weren't for his wife who was still here to receive the inheritance, he would not have come here.

""Saint! Saint!"

Just then, an elder rushed in.

When he saw Fang Chen, his face trembled and he was too scared to speak.

""What's the matter?" Qin Ziyu frowned and asked.

The elder glanced at Fang Chen and was a little afraid to speak.

""We are our own people," Qin Ziyu said sternly.

The elder nodded hurriedly and said,"We just received an imperial edict to prepare for war in Changping in three days."

"Prepare for war? Prepare for what war?" Qin Ziyu's face changed immediately, and he subconsciously looked at Fang Chen on the side.

Fang Chen also narrowed his eyes, with a meaningful smile on his face.

The elder said:"The Royal Association will issue an edict, and all major alliance organizations will send the specified troops to report to Changping in three days, and attack the Yansen Land in five days."

Qin Ziyu widened his eyes and said loudly:"What a joke? Gather in three days and attack in five days? Aren't the war preparation orders of the Royal Association issued one month in advance? How to prepare in such a hurry? Moreover, why attack the Yansen Land? Even if we capture it, we humans can't live there at all. What's the point? Don't you take human life as your own?"

Among all the places on Blue Star, the Yansen Land is the least suitable for human life. There are no animals other than demons.

The lowest temperature there is over 100 degrees all year round, and that's just the outer periphery! The demons with fire attributes are the most powerful and bloodthirsty demons. That place is their paradise. If they want to capture the Yansen Land, the loss will be greater than other places. To start a war for a completely useless area, Qin Ziyu thinks that it is not taking human life seriously.

The invasion of demons and the revival of spiritual energy have expanded the overall size of Blue Star ten times, and the area for human life is completely sufficient.

The previous wars were all demons invading human territory, but now they have to take over a barren land. This really makes Qin Ziyu disagree.

"I don't know either, but the war order has been issued. We, Nine Swords Island, also signed a wartime treaty that year, so we must send troops there."The elder shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Although Nine Swords Island is different from the Warrior Alliance, it also belongs to the Blue Star forces and must sign a wartime treaty, so once there is a war, it must join.

Qin Ziyu's face became very ugly, and her eyes were struggling.

She didn't want her people to fight for this useless benefit, but she didn't dare to disobey the wartime treaty.

"No need to go." Fang Chen said.

The elder and Qin Ziyu looked at Fang Chen at the same time.

"If this wartime treaty is violated, our Nine Swords Island will be isolated, and when other demons invade, no one will lend a helping hand." Qin Ziyu said bitterly.

The elder also said hurriedly:"Yes, son-in-law, if we don't participate, and the people from the Royal Association blame us, then no one will dare to do foreign trade with us in the future! The consequences are terrible!"

Fang Chen chuckled and said:"Jing Chengtian failed to attack Nine Swords Island just now, so naturally he had to find a way to let me leave. If you send troops over, I can't guarantee that I won't kill people from Nine Swords Island by mistake."


Qin Ziyu and the elders turned pale when they heard Fang Chen's words, and looked at Fang Chen in horror.

"You mean... the commotion outside just now was caused by you and Jing Chengtian? The Emperor-level would make a fuss?" Qin Ziyu felt that she was beginning to have difficulty breathing.

This was going to cause a big fuss!

Who was her son-in-law?

"That…���Then why did they attack Yansen Land? Why would you accidentally kill our people if we sent troops?" the elder asked timidly in a low voice.

"Because it was Qingyan, the owner of Yansen Land, who stopped them with me just now, so they planned to attack the east and west, seemingly attacking Yansen Land, but actually to force me to leave and then take over the Nine Swords Island."Fang Chen explained with a smile

"Qingyan... cooperate with you to stop the Emperor Level Meeting?"

At this moment, Qin Ziyu felt dizzy.

She was already shocked that Qin Wei was colluding with the demons, and now her son-in-law was also related to the demons? Cooperating with the demons? And their relationship seemed to be very unusual!

Otherwise, how to explain why Jing Chengtian would lead his army to attack Yansen Land in order to lure Fang Chen away?

"Old acquaintance. Fang Chen did not say that he was a demon.

His identity would be exposed sooner or later, but he did not want to say it now, and there was no need to say it.

""Is Fang Chen here? Come out and chat?"

Just then, a voice came from all directions.

Fang Chen was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said to Qin Ziyu:"I am now an enemy of the Royal Club. If you want to send troops, then send them. I don't care. I just want my wife to awaken the inheritance safely. You can do whatever you want with the rest. I'm going to meet someone, you can discuss it yourself."

After that, Fang Chen left the Nine Swords Cave directly.

Qin Ziyu and the elder looked at each other, their heads were a mess, and they didn't react completely.

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