The headquarters of the Royal Club is located in the most central part of the human area of Blue Star.

It is an island.

There are no modern buildings on the island, only attic wooden houses, which look very retro.

If you look at this side from a distance, you can't see anything, it's flat.

Feng Sihai set up a hidden formation here, which people below the Royal level cannot see through.

In the headquarters of the Royal Club, except for the members of the Royal Club and those who are responsible for daily life, no one else can enter.

Grandmasters are not qualified.

This is the most mysterious and powerful place for humans.

Countless people yearn for it.

But there are less than fifteen people who can enter.

The Royal Club is not a force, unlike the Warrior Alliance, which is in charge of the world's stability and development, but the life and death of the Warrior Alliance depends on the words of the Royal Club. The

Secondary Warrior Alliance wants to promote itself to the ranks of the top ten warrior alliances, while the top ten warrior alliances want to have a Royal level in their alliances, and then they can join the Royal Club, and at that time their alliances will have a higher status in Blue Star.

Unfortunately, among the ten major warrior alliances, only one alliance leader is at the emperor level, so he naturally joined the emperor level without hesitation. As for the rest, they are all at the level of grandmasters.

Therefore, warrior alliances without emperor levels need to find a backer.

Who is the backer?

One of the emperor-level bosses in the emperor level.

If you provide enough resources every year, you can get protection.

The backer of the Shenwu Alliance is Ren Yidao, who was then killed by Fang Chen.

As mentioned earlier, the emperor level is not a force, but a"chat group" of the strongest human beings.

Here, there is no such thing as disciples protecting the law. Except for servants who do miscellaneous work, there is not even a guard to watch the door.

The president is naturally Feng Sihai, and the vice presidents are Li Kui and Lin Changye. As for Jing Chengtian, he has no special identity, but his status is second only to Feng Sihai.

Once humans and demons go to war, the warrior alliance is the main force of the war, and Jing Chengtian is the commander-in-chief of the war. Everything must obey his orders.

On the square outside the main pavilion of the emperor level.

Green mist suddenly appeared and rolled.

Then several figures appeared in it.

Naturally, it was Jing Chengtian and the others.

Everyone had a very ugly expression on their faces, especially Jing Chengtian. His face was now cracked and bleeding, and his teeth were exposed, making him look very ferocious.

This battle was the most humiliating battle in his life. He was being hammered by a demon, and he had no power to fight back! In front of so many members of the Royal Club, this greatly reduced the majesty of his number one killer.

It was a shame!

"Sir…are you…alright?"

Lin Changye looked at Jing Chengtian’s horrible face, swallowed hard, and asked in a low voice.

Jing Chengtian glanced over, and the look in his eyes frightened Lin Changye so much that he trembled all over and lowered his head in a hurry, not daring to look at him.

Others also felt the overwhelming murderous intent from Jing Chengtian, which was icy and piercing, as if their souls were about to be frozen. They were so scared that they trembled all over and dared not speak.

"Well, Fang Chen's matter is a bit troublesome, we'll talk about it later, you can find any reason for the destruction of the Shenwu Alliance, skip Fang Chen, and investigate the others, so all the people involved must be arrested."

Feng Sihai's voice came from all directions, the voice was not loud, but it was as clear as if it was ringing in everyone's ears, with a trace of unquestionable majesty


Lin Changye and his group hurriedly bowed to the main pavilion in front of them, and then quickly retreated.

Jing Chengtian did not leave, his angry and cruel eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He refused to accept it!

Why would he lose to an unknown demon?

Who is he?

All these years, the demons were driven to the four poles of Blue Star, all thanks to Jing Chengtian!

Which demon would not be terrified to hear his name?

He was not afraid of even Zhihuan and Yuye!

But today, he was beaten by Fang Chen!

Boundless anger surged in his heart, making him want to tear Fang Chen into pieces.


"Why didn't Fang Chen show up before? I have met Yu Ye and Zhi Huan in ten expeditions against demons, but why haven't I seen him before?"

Jing Chengtian stood alone on the square, the space around him was distorted, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, his voice was extremely angry, he was trying his best to suppress his anger.

"Among the monsters, there is one that is extremely fast and is said to be a dragon. Haven't you heard of this rumor?"

Feng Sihai's voice came slowly, without any emotion.

"Is he really a dragon?"Jing Chengtian raised his head and gnashed his teeth.

"I don't know." Feng Sihai said.

Jing Chengtian's face suddenly became more distorted, and he said angrily:"If you don't know, then it's not! Even if it is, so what? Will it be your opponent? Is it appropriate to let such a demon go outside without signing any treaty? Yesterday, Ren Yidao was killed, and just now, Lin Changye and others were almost killed. What about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? Leave it alone?"

Why do Yuye and Zhihuan rarely show up, and why do wars between humans and demons rarely occur?

That's because Feng Sihai signed an agreement with them.

Once people and demons of their level get involved, it will be a devastating blow to Blue Star, and it will not be able to withstand it.

So both parties have signed a treaty and will not show up easily.

This is where Jing Chengtian was angry. He and Qingluan are equally powerful. One is a human war commander, and the other is a demon war commander. The two of them can take action.

But Fang Chen's strength just now, although he didn't want to admit it, he knew very well in his heart that it was obviously above him!

Such a person appeared among the demons, and Feng Sihai actually chose to bring them back?

This made him completely unable to understand

"Why not kill the demons who didn't sign the treaty immediately? When Yuye and Zhihuan react, they will have another Zun Wuliang by then!" Jing Chengtian continued to question

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Feng Sihai's tone was still very indifferent, and no emotion could be heard.

But Jing Chengtian's face turned pale in an instant, and he lowered his head hurriedly:"I dare not, I was just angry for a moment, please forgive me, President."

Feng Sihai said slowly:"Fang Chen is special, he does not stand on the side of the devil or the side of humans, neither humans nor demons can influence his position. I have important things to do now and I can't be away. Moreover, if I go at this time, with his speed, I can't absolutely guarantee that I can take him down. By then, forcing him to the demon camp, is it a good thing or a bad thing for us humans?"

Jing Chengtian looked stunned

"He is a demon, but he doesn't stand on the side of demons? He doesn't stand on the side of us humans either? Why?"

"I don't know. You should go and heal your wounds first, and call Zheng Qiankun over. You must remember that you are only responsible for the war. Zheng Qiankun should have gone today, but you insisted on getting involved. You got hurt in vain. You should learn a lesson from this pain."

"" Go away. I will handle other matters with Zheng Qiankun."

Jing Chengtian's expression kept changing. Finally, he gritted his teeth in anger and bowed and left.

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