The Warrior Alliance is fighting against the underground black market.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for the black market to exist in the city, and only places outside the district can survive. Human cities are protected by the Warrior Alliance, but outside the city, life and death are arbitrary.

Many ordinary people do not have the ability and qualifications to live in the city, and can only build houses around the city, but once demons appear, there is basically no escape.

Fang Chen is basically familiar with this black market, and he also knows a few resellers.

Walking into the entrance of the black market cave, there is a dilapidated elevator about 30 meters inside, and two first-class warriors are standing at the door of the elevator.

The other party saw Fang Chen and directly helped him open the elevator.

The elevator started and went down quickly.

A minute later, the elevator door slowly opened.

The noisy and noisy sound instantly entered the ears, and a heat wave rushed towards them.

This is a huge underground space.

In front of the elevator entrance is a road about five meters wide, the road surface is blue-gray, and on the left and right sides are various shops, and a red lantern stands at the door of each shop. There is a shop every three meters, extending all the way deep, and there is no end in sight.

The bustling crowd is bustling, and Fang Chen's appearance did not attract anyone's attention.

Fang Chen looked around and then walked forward.

In the black market, no one cares too much about your identity. You get what you pay for, and the highest bidder wins.

After walking for a few minutes, Fang Chen stopped in front of a shop.

""Tongsou Wuqige" is a very"friendly" name.

The door of the shop was closed, and the lantern at the door was still lit.

Fang Chen knocked on the door.

After a moment, a little head poked out.

It was a little old man, bald, with a small braid tied at the back of his head. His golden rat teeth matched his sharp mouth and monkey cheeks and green bean eyes, and he looked very cunning.

"Mr. Fang? Oh, Mr. Fang, you are finally here. I missed you so much."Big Dashin's face immediately bloomed with an extremely happy smile, opened the door and made way for

""Mr. Fang, please come in."

Fang Chen smiled and nodded, then walked in.

Damen Ya was a rather special shopkeeper in the black market. He would not open the door, but wait for others to come and do business.

The layout of the shop was the same as before, with a row of cabinets, numerous grids, and a coffee table and a few wooden stools in the middle.

""Mr. Fang, I haven't seen you for a while. Where did you go to make money? I thought you had forgotten about me. If you, a big customer, didn't come, I would be hard-pressed to make ends meet. Come on, Mr. Fang, please sit down." Daqian Ya laughed and helped Fang Chen move the stool.

Fang Chen sat on it directly.

"Still the same? Xingcong Tea?"Danishiya pointed at the tea box on the table.

"Yes." Fang Chen nodded.


Daqian Ya immediately made a pot of tea with skillful hands, then sat in front of Fang Chen, rubbing his hands and asked with a smile:"Master Fang, what good stuff did you bring this time? Any seventh-level stuff? Recently I met an old rich man who specifically asked for good stuff, seventh-level and above, the price is negotiable."

Fang Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, took out the inner pill and threw it directly on the table.

Daqian Ya blinked, then took out a magnifying glass and put his head close

"Oh my god!"

The big front tooth suddenly screamed, and the small braid on the back of the head stood up.

"The Demon Lord's inner elixir?" Damen Ya looked at Fang Chen in astonishment and asked.

"Do you know why I like doing business with you? Because you have a good eye." Fang Chen said with a smile.

Daqian Ya wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, swallowed his saliva and asked in a low voice:"Can I pick it up and have a look?"

""Okay." Fang Chen nodded.

Daqian Ya wiped his clothes with both hands, swallowed his saliva again, held up the inner pill with some trembling, and then took the magnifying glass to observe carefully again.

"Ten ring patterns, orchid color with a hint of green, this should be the one-eyed snake, right? The one in Jinzhou?" Daqian Ya asked with wide eyes. Fang

Chen raised his eyebrows and said,"Your connections are even more powerful than before. Do you know where the monster in Jinzhou came from?"

Daqian Ya quickly shut up, looking nervous

""What? Don't want to talk about it?" Fang Chen narrowed his eyes. He smiled awkwardly, placed the inner elixir carefully on the coffee table, and said softly:"I heard from a guest that the demon in Jinzhou was actually sent by a demon god, and seemed to be here to investigate something. I guess it has something to do with Minister Nan Long."

"Minister Nanlong? Fang Chen's eyes flashed with coldness.

Was he coming for his wife?

Was he planning to take advantage of his wife? Qingyan?

When he killed the one-eyed snake, that guy did say that it was Qingyan's subordinate.

"Master Fang, I am telling you this because of you. No matter how close I am to other people, I dare not tell them. If this gets out, I will lose my head. Please don't tell anyone about this." Daqian Ya said with a worried look on his face. Fang Chen regained his sight, smiled slightly and said,"Of course, I only do business."

"Hey, I just admire Mr. Fang's temperament. We just want to make money, and the rest is none of our business."Big Front Tooth laughed

"Tell me, how much is this?" Fang Chen asked

""Five hundred million!" Fang Chen was surprised by the price of five hundred million. He thought it was only one or two hundred million.

"I sell it for 530 million and make 30 million, and you make 500 million, how about that?"

"Deal, take 5 million first, I have no more money. Fang Chen agreed directly

"OK! I'll transfer the money to your account right away!" Daqian Ya snapped his fingers.

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