Qin Wei's words made Qin Ziyu look extremely ugly, with anger flashing in his eyes.

"My daughter has half the blood of Nine Swords Island, so it's no problem for me to bring her back." Qin Ziyu said coldly. Qin

Wei laughed and never looked away from Su Xinyi, with a hint of greed in his deep eyes.

"What you said makes sense.

Qin Wei nodded and walked in front of Su Xinyi.

"You should call me second grandpa." Qin Wei said.

Su Xinyi replied coldly:"I don't know you, and I don't belong here, let me go back."

Qin Ziyu was about to speak when he was interrupted by Qin Wei.

"Where are you going back to? This is your home, isn't it? Your mother is here too. If you want your father to come and live with your family, that's fine. I'll have someone bring your father back."

"You dare to touch my father!" Su Xinyi immediately stood up and glared at Qin Wei.

Qin Wei looked at Qin Ziyu with a smile and said in a teasing tone:"Your daughter's temper is quite like yours, but I like it. People from my Nine Swords Island want this.���, fearless"

"Can you leave now?" Qin Ziyu said in a deep voice.

Qin Wei smiled and said,"Don't worry, she is the descendant of the Sword Emperor. She must go to the Nine Swords Cave to confirm her identity. If it is accurate, she will be the next island master of my Nine Swords Island. I will train her well."

As soon as Qin Wei finished speaking, the two elders walked to Su Xinyi and made a gesture of invitation:"Miss, please"

"She's not going anywhere!" Qin Ziyu stood in front of Su Xinyi.

"Saint, please don't embarrass us. You know the rules of Nine Swords Island. This concerns the future of Nine Swords Island. If the young lady is really the heir of the Sword Emperor, then the natural disasters and disasters lost by Nine Swords Island will be able to reappear in the world, and Nine Swords Island will be able to return to the Emperor Level Association."An elder with long eyebrows said

"Didn't you bring her back just to retrieve the lost magic skills of my Nine Swords Island? When we arrive at the Nine Swords Cave and confirm the identity of the inheritor, we will do our best to assist the eldest lady in awakening the inheritance and reviving the reputation of my Nine Swords Island."Another elder also said.

Qin Ziyu was choked by the words of the two elders and was speechless for a while. Every word they said made sense, and it was also Qin Ziyu's own idea.

But she didn't want Qin Wei to be around. She originally planned to secretly replace Su Xinyi with the Nine Swords Cave, without anyone knowing. When Su Xinyi awakened the inheritance, Qin Wei would have no way to do anything.

But now it is not safe to enter the Nine Swords Cave under Qin Wei's nose!

"Yi'er just came back and needs to rest. Her current mental and physical state is not suitable for entering the Nine Swords Cave. Let's wait for a few days to recuperate."Qin Ziyu could only use this excuse to refuse.

Qin Weixu narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Ziyu. A vague pressure enveloped the whole scene, making people feel palpitations and difficulty breathing, as if a huge rock was pressing on their hearts.

""Since when did the Saint Lady take charge of this Nine Swords Island?" Qin Wei asked.

Qin Ziyu's face changed. She never expected Qin Wei to say such a thing in front of all the elders.

Was he going to accuse her of treason?

"I dare not."Qin Ziyu replied immediately.

She was not loyal to Qin Wei, but she was loyal to Nine Swords Island.

The reputation of the Saint was what she valued most, and she would never let Qin Wei use it to deal with her.

""Qin Ziyu, you should know that I can completely remove your position as the Saint because of what you just said! I should have replaced you as the island master, but because you are my eldest brother's daughter, I kept you in this position, but this does not mean that you can disobey me now." Qin Wei's tone became heavier. Su

Xinyi looked at Qin Wei with cold eyes.

Although she did not have much affection for Qin Ziyu, she was still very angry when she heard Qin Ziyu scolding and threatening her biological mother in front of her.

"I'll give you a day off. Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, wait for me at the Nine Swords Cave Altar on time. Otherwise, don't blame me, your second uncle, for not giving you the face of the Saint. Let's go." Qin Wei said this and turned around and left with his men.

After Qin Wei and his men left, Qin Ziyu seemed to have been drained of strength. He staggered for a moment and then sat down on the bed.

Su Xinyi looked at her distraught mother, feeling mixed emotions for a moment, and didn't know what to say.

"Fang Chen is right. Qin Ziyu murmured, then looked at his daughter.

"Have a good rest. This is my phone.

Qin Ziyu took out his own phone and placed it beside the bed, then got up and left.


Su Xinyi called Qin Ziyu.

Qin Ziyu stopped

"If you are not happy here, you should go back to Taiwu." Su Xinyi said.

Qin Ziyu's body trembled slightly, and she forced a smile:"Silly child, there is no turning back for some things. Okay, you should have a good rest."

Su Xinyi looked at Qin Ziyu's leaving back, bit her red lips with her pearly teeth, and then picked up the phone on the bed.

What she wanted to do most now was to contact Fang Chen!

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets!)

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