Shenyu Kingdom's change of attitude was faster than turning the pages of a book, which shocked the governors nearby.

Just a second ago, he was still begging for Fang Chen's forgiveness, willing to hand over the USB drive, and never mention anything about the Sword Emperor's inheritance from now on. This Yidao hadn't even shown up yet, but he turned against him immediately after hearing the voice?

"Senior Ren! Quickly capture this man! This guy has violated the imperial law and is lawless! He has killed many people from our Shenwu Alliance and wants to steal the secret of the Sword Emperor's inheritance!"Shen Yuguo shouted again

"The inheritance of the Sword Emperor?"

The old and majestic voice revealed a hint of surprise.

Then, the surrounding space seemed to fall into a quagmire, becoming extremely sticky, and everyone's movements and expressions slowed down several times.

An old man wearing a white Tai Chi suit and with a head full of white hair appeared in front of everyone.

Although this old man had a head full of white hair, his face and skin looked extremely white and tender without any wrinkles. He had white hair and a childlike face, and his eyes looked deep and calm like a pool of water. No emotion could be seen. It even felt that this person was a person from the outside world, with a floating fairy spirit, like an immortal, without a trace of mortal world.

With every step he took, a white and white aura rippled around his body. The mist, though very light, was still clear to see.

The old immortal's style made people know at a glance that he was extremely powerful, mysterious and intimidating.

After a few steps, the old man came in front of Shen Yuguo and took the USB flash drive in his hand.

Shen Yuguo was horrified. He watched Ren Yidao walk in front of him and stretch out his hand. He subconsciously wanted to retract his hand, but his right hand could not think.

If a knife followed you, you wanted to hide, but you could only watch the knife sink into your body.

This was the most shocking and terrifying thing. Even time was slowed down. How powerful was this emperor?

"Is it in the USB drive here?" Ren Yidao glanced at the USB drive and asked, without even looking in the direction of Fang Chen, as if Fang Chen had never existed from the beginning to the end.

"Yes... that's right……"Shen Yuguo responded hurriedly, his heart pounding.

At the same time, he quickly glanced at Fang Chen, who was still laughing!

He actually dared to laugh!

Even if you are really an emperor, so what?

Ren Yidao has been famous for a long time! It is said that there are only a handful of people in the world who can take his sword!

"It's just a broken inheritance, is there any need to fight to the death?" Ren Yidao laughed and put the USB into his pocket.

"What is the password?


Shen Yuguo now feels his heart twitching. He knows that Ren Yidao likes to show off, but this is the first time he has seen someone so pretentious.

You revealed the inheritance, why did you put it in your pocket right away? And you asked for the password right away?

"I'll give you the password later. Senior Ren, you still have to deal with him for now. This guy's strength should be at the emperor level! And the inheritor of the Sword Emperor is his wife. Maybe he has obtained the magic skills of the Sword Emperor from the inheritor!" Shen Yuguo said, staring at Fang Chen with resentment.

As the leader of the Ten Great Warriors Alliance, his subordinates were crippled like this, and they came to his door to ask for mercy! This is absolutely intolerable!

Moreover, there is an emperor-level strongman thinking about him. Even if he lets him go today, he will not be at ease. Who knows if he will come to kill him again one day when he is unhappy?

Therefore, Fang Chen's death is what he wants to see most.

It would be fine if Ren Yidao didn't come, but if he came, he would definitely let Ren Yidao help him! Anyway , he can't get the Sword Emperor inheritance, so he might as well go with the flow and do a favor to the pretentious Ren

"Oh? Emperor level?"

Ren Yidao raised his eyebrows and looked back at Fang Chen.

"Are you an emperor-level celestial being?" Ren Yidao asked

""No." Fang Chen grinned.


Shen Yuguo was stunned. Isn't this awesome a royal level?

Was he being cheated?

"Little son of God, you just like to imagine things. How can you be so scared that you dare not fight back and call me out? You should know that if I come out to help you this time, the resources for this year will be doubled."Ren Yidao shook his head and sighed.

Shen Yuguo's face turned green.

In his heart, he had already cursed Ren Yidao's whole family.

You took the USB drive, and now you tell me that the resources you provide will be doubled? Where's your face?

"Yidao, what you said is not right. I am in the Return to God Realm, but I am still a Return to God. How can you let a person in the Stage Realm fight with me? I will definitely need to find a backer for you." Fang Chen said jokingly.

As soon as Fang Chen finished speaking, the temperature around him suddenly dropped, and the ground was instantly covered with a layer of frost. A huge murderous intent enveloped the whole place.

Although Shen Yuguo was now cold all over and even felt that his soul was about to be frozen, he was excited in his heart!

Fang Chen called Ren Yidao like this, which was to seek death! And Ren Yidao was indeed angry! He could even foresee the scene of Fang Chen being torn into pieces by Ren Yidao.

"What did you call me?" Ren Yidao squinted his eyes and looked at Fang Chen and asked

"Yidao? Should I call you Ren? That doesn't sound nice. Fang Chen said with a smile.

A bright smile suddenly bloomed on Rendao's expressionless face.

"I remember the last person who called me this way died more than 50 years ago. Well, it seems that I am indeed old and have no reputation anymore. No one dares to call me this way."After

Ren Yidao finished speaking, he turned to Fang Chen and said,"Young man, you are also worthy of pride. After all, you are the first person under the emperor level who dares to call me this way."

After speaking, Ren Yidao slowly raised his right hand.

But the next moment, Ren Yidao's face changed drastically.

Fang Chen appeared directly in front of him, covered Ren Yidao's right face with his left hand, and then pressed it hard on the ground.


The ground within a radius of ten miles exploded instantly!

The earth shook!

"You little rubbish, are you trying to show off to me?"

(Please give me flowers and comments���Tickets wow! )

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