He Luocheng couldn't make any sound. At the same time, the true energy in his body was completely blocked and suppressed. He couldn't use any magic or supernatural power.

This was what he feared the most.

Now he felt like a mortal. Being strangled by Fang Chen

, he couldn't make any resistance. He had never heard of the ability to imprison the divine energy.

Even if the gap in strength was huge, at the level of Grandmaster, he could still fight for his life, but this was completely untrue for Fang Chen.

He Luocheng really wanted to know how strong Fang Chen was. Could it be that he was already at the emperor level?

But there were only so many emperor-level powerhouses in the world. Could it be possible that Fang Chen, who looked so young, was at the emperor level?

Or was this guy an old monster?

Fang Chen looked at He Luocheng, whose face was blue and purple and his eyes were wide open, and said in a light voice:"In general, in novels, after the young ones are killed, the old ones come, and after the old ones are killed, the older ones come, and it's endless, allowing the protagonist to constantly upgrade."

"I think this is inappropriate and too slow, so I decided to kill them all at once."

Before He Luocheng understood what Fang Chen meant, he suddenly felt a chill in his lower body.

Then he looked down in horror. He saw that his lower body was cut off alive by Fang Chen!

Looking at his lower body, He Luocheng was stunned, and the expression on his face was incredible.

I was cut in half?

I didn't feel anything at all?

When did the Grandmaster's body strength become so fragile?

He was cut in half in an instant?

He Luocheng's mind went blank.

The physical strength of the Yuhua Grandmaster has reached a point where it is almost indestructible, just like He Luocheng flipped in the air just now, rolling and bumping for more than ten miles, leaving a long gully, but his body was not damaged at all. Even if a

Grandmaster fights a Grandmaster, it is extremely difficult to destroy the other's body, not to mention Fang Chen's ease.

He Luocheng didn't even see how Fang Chen made his move.


Fang Chen threw He Luocheng to the ground.

"Your lower body will be left here. I won't kill you this time. I'll let you go back and call for help. Remember, I'll only keep your lower body for one day. If you don't come to take it after one day, I'll destroy it."

Fang Chen picked up He Luocheng's lower body and said in a calm voice.

Regeneration of broken bones is not an ability that a great master of Yuhua can possess, but if the broken parts are treated in time, they can still be connected.

But if Fang Chen completely destroys his lower body, He Luocheng's life will be ruined.

His current strength has dropped by as much as 30%. The longer the time is delayed, the more it will drop, until it is completely ruined.

He Luocheng hurriedly used his true energy to seal his wounds and stop the bleeding.

"You! Who are you? I have no grudge against you, why are you so cruel?"He Luocheng asked fiercely.

He came here just to investigate, and relying on his speed, he was not afraid of any strong enemy, but who knew that he would be defeated by Fang Chen.

The pain of his body was nothing to him. The pain of broken hands and fingers was the same as having his hair pulled out for a grandmaster. What he couldn't accept the most was that Fang Chen abused him with his Yuhua grandmaster cultivation. He even doubted whether he was an ordinary person now. Otherwise, why didn't he have the strength to fight back? He was really at the mercy of others.

"Su Xinyi's identity is not something you scumbags can get involved in. Fang Chen said slowly with a harmless smile on his face.

"Su Xinyi's identity?" He Luocheng's breath was choked.

Fang Chen really came for Su Xinyi's identity! Alliance leader Shen Yuguo's guess was right. The Su family father and daughter found a powerful backer! And a very scary one at that!

He Luocheng now just wanted to quickly escape from Fang Chen, the devil. As long as he went back to Shen Yuguo and told him everything, he would still have a chance to take revenge!

"What? Don't want to leave?" Fang Chen chuckled.

He Luocheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he turned around and left directly. With a wave of his hands, he flew dozens of miles in an instant.

He was still hesitating and asking why he was let go. Wasn't he crazy?

After Fang Chen said that, He Luocheng didn't hesitate at all, without any more words, and turned around and ran.

But this guy seemed to be even faster without his legs!

Fang Chen shook his head with amusement, and then threw He Luocheng's lower body directly into the air.


With an explosion,

He Luocheng's entire lower body instantly exploded into a bloody mist.

He would not be so idle as to really help He Luocheng preserve his lower body. He did not have that kind of habit.

Fang Chen hummed a little tune and followed behind He Luocheng.

If you kill the young ones, the old ones will come. If you kill the old ones, the older ones will come, endlessly.

Fang Chen planned to follow He Luocheng directly to their headquarters and destroy the Shenwu Alliance, putting an end to it all.

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets)

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