Su Xinyi's appearance made He Luocheng and the others cast their eyes over to her, looking at her with a playful look.

He Luocheng also took back the hand that was on Su Yaotian's shoulder.

Suddenly, the pressure that made Su Yaotian's soul tremble disappeared like a tide, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

""Father, who are these people?" Su Xinyi came over with a suspicious look on her face.

In fact, she had already guessed the identities of the other party. The only people who could make her father so embarrassed and frightened were the people from the Shenwu Alliance.

The speed at which the other party came also surprised Su Xinyi. According to the distance, it would take at least the afternoon for them to arrive.

Unless, the other party was on the road at full speed!

"These are the leaders of the Shenwu Alliance. This is the Deputy Alliance Leader He Luocheng, this is Governor Chen Yuxiang, and this is Governor Liu Wenshan."Su Yaotian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and forced a smile to introduce

"I have met Vice Alliance Leader He, Governor Chen, and Governor Liu."Su Xinyi remained calm and neither humble nor overbearing.

He Luocheng narrowed his deep and gloomy eyes and stared at Su Xinyi, laughing and saying,"I have always heard of Miss Su's reputation. She is the youngest Grandmaster, unprecedented and unparalleled. Now I finally meet her in person. As the rumors say, she is absolutely beautiful."

""Deputy Alliance Leader Liao Zan." Su Xinyi replied calmly.

He Luocheng looked at Su Xinyi deeply, then looked at the car parked beside Su Xinyi, and asked:"There seems to be another person in that car?"

"It's my husband, Fang Chen." Su Xinyi replied


He Luocheng frowned:"You got married?"

Su Xinyi teased:"Deputy Alliance Leader He, are you shocked that I got married? It seems that there is no martial arts law that prohibits me from getting married?"

He Luocheng's face looked a little ugly, and his eyes flickered.

Chen Yuxiang next to him sneered and asked:"As the eldest daughter of the Taiwu Alliance, you didn't even have an invitation to get married. Alliance Leader Su, you are so estranged. We are also uncles. How can you not give a red envelope? People who don't know think that my Shenwu Alliance is very stingy! I didn't even attend the wedding of the daughter of the leader of the lower alliance."

Su Yaotian's face was full of bitterness.

Not to mention your Shenwu Alliance, he, as a father, didn't attend his daughter's wedding. He only found out yesterday.

He has only one daughter, and his daughter's wedding must be grand, but she got married secretly and didn't even notify her old father. How can he invite everyone?

"I just found out yesterday that my daughter is quite willful and didn't even tell me, her father, that she got married."Su Yaotian said helplessly.

After hearing what Su Yaotian said, He Luocheng and the other two looked even more gloomy.

It's not that they didn't believe Su Yaotian's words, but at this critical moment, Su Xinyi suddenly got married without saying anything, and then something happened to the Yuhua Alliance. It was hard for them not to associate the identity of Su Xinyi's husband with him.

"As for love between men and women, it's fine as long as Miss Su likes him. I just don't know who Miss Su's husband is and how he can be favored by you? I'm a little curious. Why don't you ask your husband to come over to have a chat and get to know him?"He Luocheng said with a smile, his eyes never leaving Su Xinyi's car.

As a grandmaster, he naturally saw everything in the car clearly, and saw Fang Chen's appearance. He even used his spiritual sense to investigate when he was talking just now.

An ordinary person, not even a warrior.

This is the most suspicious!

Who is Su Xinyi?

How could she marry an ordinary person?

Either the other party has hidden his strength, or the other party has a very powerful background, so powerful that he can easily deal with the grandmaster!

No matter which possibility it is, He Luocheng began to pay attention to Fang Chen.

The destruction of the Yuhua Alliance has become a foregone conclusion. Now Xiang Tianyi and Shen Cangming are both going to take it back. On the way to the autonomous area of the Yuhua Alliance, his main purpose of coming here was to find out who destroyed the Yuhua Alliance and whether it had anything to do with Su Xinyi. What the Shenyu Kingdom wanted was to see if Su Xinyi had a master behind him and whether he had defected to other major alliances.

He Luocheng felt that he was about to solve the case.

As long as the background and strength of the guy in the car were investigated, the matter of the Yuhua Alliance could be answered, and the question of whether the father and daughter of the Su family had a backer could also be concluded.

Su Xinyi frowned slightly and said in a light voice:"My husband is just an ordinary person. He has nothing to do with the world of warriors and is not qualified to meet and talk with the leader of the Heluo Alliance."

He Luocheng chuckled a few times and said,"If I say let's talk, then let's talk. I don't mean to ask for your opinion."

After that, He Luocheng stretched out his right hand, with his palm facing the car, and then rotated his fist and pulled it back in the air.


The car parked not far away moved sideways and stopped steadily in front of He Luocheng.

(The computer was fixed, it cost me 40 yuan TT! Please give me flowers, comments and monthly tickets~)

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