Su Xinyi looked at the information with an indifferent expression.

The eight men below were all nervous, not daring to breathe. A cold pressure enveloped them, making them very uncomfortable.

Su Xinyi was very confused.

In the past few years, her Nanlong District was the safest area, and there were few demons. It was also rated as the safest city in Tiannan Province for three consecutive years.

There was no demon in three years, and when it appeared, it was a fierce one, and it was on the occasion of her wedding.

Was this intentional?

She couldn't even take a few more days off!

This demon must be cut into pieces!

"Seven days, I'm not here for seven days, and you're useless?" Su Xinyi threw the information in his hand on the table.

His subordinates lowered their heads in shame and dared not speak.

"Shang Lisi. Su Xinyi said

""The subordinate is here."

A woman with long wine-red hair and a very beautiful face stood up in a hurry.

She was Su Xinyi's most valued and trusted subordinate. With the strength of a ninth-grade warrior, she was just one step away from becoming a master.

"You immediately take people to seal off the Jinzhou area. Block it completely and no one is allowed to enter or leave!" Su Xinyi said coldly.

Everyone's expression trembled and they subconsciously looked at Su Xinyi.

"Minister, Jinzhou belongs to the port area.

Cargo ships come in and out from all over the world every day.

If it is completely blocked, I am afraid it will cause resentment!

"The middle-aged Mediterranean man Zhang Baihan said anxiously.

The reason why they dare not make a big move in this area of Jinzhou is because the port area is an open area.

Countless ships come in from all over the world every day.

The mobility is very large.

There are no ordinary people doing port business now.

There are shadows of other alliances in it.

Once it is blocked, it will definitely cause great losses.

"Yes, Minister, once Jinzhou is blocked, the citizens will definitely notice something strange. When the news of the demons spreads, it will cause great panic, and it will be even more difficult to search."Another subordinate, Jiang He, also spoke up.

The news of the demons in the city will definitely be blocked, firstly to avoid unnecessary panic, and secondly, if it spreads, it will have a huge impact on the local economy. At that time, other places will not dare to come here to do business, nor will they dare to do business with the people here.

Each alliance or alliance branch is in charge of an area, which is equivalent to an independent government here. Economic construction, development planning, stability and prosperity must be grasped, and they must be responsible to the headquarters above.

If an area is managed in a mess, and the people are living in poverty and complaining, it will not be far from being removed.

If Jinzhou is in turmoil, it will definitely affect the entire Nanlong District.

Listening to the objections of his subordinates, Su Xinyi had a blank expression on his face and slowly said:"I will give you one hour to block Jinzhou. One hour later, the entire Jinzhou will begin a comprehensive search, door to door, without missing a single one! Check the entire district within five hours! One minute later, you should prepare your resignation report."




In Nanlong District, she is the queen, and what she says is what goes!

You can have objections, but you still have to do it!

The subordinates looked at each other. They naturally knew Su Xinyi's character very well, and she was a man of her word.

""I understand!"

The eight subordinates stood up at the same time and bowed to Su Xinyi.

Su Xinyi waved her hand, and her subordinates left quickly. She was the only one left in the meeting room.

She stood up and walked to the window. Looking at the scenery outside the window, Su Xinyi's face was solemn.

For seven days, he ate one person every day, and they were all women.

He dared to act so recklessly when he was already being tracked down.

This is a sign of a breakthrough!

Su Xinyi can't wait any longer. If the demon breaks through to the realm of the demon lord, it will be even more difficult to deal with it.

At this time, you must be decisive and can't hesitate.

There will be economic losses, of course, but if If she allowed a demon to eat people and break through in the area under her jurisdiction, she would be seriously derelict in her duty and might even face sanctions from the alliance's laws.

She had just gotten married and had a husband whom she deeply loved, so it was absolutely impossible for her to be sanctioned.

Thinking of this, Su Xinyi thought of Fang Chen again and took out her cell phone. The screensaver was a photo of her and Fang Chen.

The two leaned against each other happily and made a heart shape to the camera.

Looking at the screensaver, Su Xinyi's cold face showed a warm smile.

Now Fang Chen is the motivation for her hard work! She wants to save enough money, then retire and live a free life with Fang Chen.

"I don't know what this guy is doing at home now."Su Xinyi shook his head and smiled, putting away his phone.


"how much is this?"


"Is it so expensive? How about 800?"

"Sir, if you don't want to buy it, please don't disturb us."

In a jewelry store, Fang Chen was bargaining with the salesperson.

He couldn't think of a good gift, so he passed by a jewelry store and went in to take a look. He saw a nice necklace, but when he asked the price, he instantly lost interest.

Now he only had 3,000 yuan on him.

Fang Chen walked out of the jewelry store, looked at the cars coming and going in front of him, and sighed.

"No, there is nothing good. I feel like I can't get it without tens of thousands of dollars. It seems that I have to make some money first before buying it."Fang Chen muttered to himself.

What makes money the fastest?

Of course, it is selling demon inner pills.

The higher the grade, the higher the price.

Fang Chen himself does not have any demon inner pills in stock, because his golden finger is to devour demon inner pills and then improve himself. In the past few years that he has been in human society, all his expenses have been sold by selling demon inner pills. A casual fifth or sixth-level inner pill costs hundreds of thousands.

Before getting married, he lived a very comfortable life and had no worries about spending money. After getting married, he stopped selling because he had no stock on hand and he was stuck with his wife all day and didn't replenish it.

So Fang Chen decided to find a demon now, take its inner pill and sell it.

But where can he find a demon? All the small demons nearby have been eaten by him over the years, so that Nanlong District has been rated as the safest city for several consecutive years.

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