Fang Chen was stunned when he heard what Damen Ya said.

Natural disasters?

The Emperor's True Teachings before death?

Fang Chen instantly thought of the exile fifteen years ago.

""Qin Tian?" Fang Chen asked.

Daqian Ya's smug expression froze when he heard the name Fang Chen said, and then he looked at Fang Chen with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

"This… this… Master Fang, do you know about this?" Daqian Ya’s head was buzzing.

No more than ten people in the world knew about this matter!

And Fang Chen actually knew about it?

He directly said the name of the deceased emperor-level celestial being?

Who is this Fang Chen?

At this moment, Daqian Ya’s fear and terror of Fang Chen reached the peak, and even his limbs began to feel cold.

"I have heard that the only emperor-level celestial being who has the power to control natural disasters and earth disasters is Sword Emperor Qin Tian."Fang Chen said calmly.

How could Fang Chen not know?

Because he was right next to him!

Daqian Ya was so scared that he didn't know what to say, and his face was almost distorted.

"How do you know that Su Xinyi had received Qin Tian's true teachings when she was a child? This news should be very secret, right? Even if this happened, it would be impossible to spread it out. Moreover, if it was really spread out, Su Xinyi would not be safe now. The people of the Ten Major Alliances don't have to worry about the Taiwu Alliance if they want to get the natural disasters and disasters."Fang Chen asked.

If his wife really had received Qin Tian's true teachings, and Da Fang Ya knew the news, she would have been abducted long ago. How could she still be the minister in Nanlong?

Su Yaotian, a small Taiwu Alliance, could not protect his daughter at all.

Da Fang Ya smiled bitterly. He originally wanted to scare Fang Chen and tell him not to know so much, but now it seems impossible.

People guessed that it was the Sword Emperor Qin Tian at once, how could he be scared?

Da Fang Ya had thought deeply about Fang Chen's identity before, but now it seems that it is not enough! Think bigger.

"I really don't know why. I also wonder why the Fengyu Alliance and the Shenwu Alliance are so hesitant and dare not kidnap Su Xinyi directly. Su Yaotian is only a ninth-grade master. There is no need for those big alliances to be afraid."

Danisha shook his head and sighed, his face full of confusion, and then he said:"There must be other things I don't know about. I am also looking into it, but I have no clue yet."

Fang Chenxu narrowed his eyes and looked at Danisha, and asked in a low voice:"Then where did you get the news?"

Danisha's face froze, and then he smiled and said:"To be honest, my main business is reselling information, and my side job is a businessman. I spent a lot of money to get this news. I got it from a demon."

"So you sold this news to other people?" Fang Chen asked with a smile on his face. Daqian

Ya shook his head fiercely and said,"Impossible, I haven't sold this news yet! Natural disasters and disasters! There may even be Ten Thousand Swords! These are all top magical powers in the world, and if Su Xinyi really got the inheritance of the Sword Emperor, then there must be other powerful magical powers. She is a big treasury. How can I sell it without a suitable price?"

"Moreover, this news is too hot to handle. If I sell it to this grandmaster, the other grandmasters will hold a grudge against me. If I sell it to that grandmaster, the other grandmaster will definitely want to kill me. So I can only find an emperor-level person to sell it to. I have not dared to reveal a single word of this news. However, I am not at the level of the emperor yet, and I don’t know if I can sell this news."

Fang Chen still kept a smile on his face. He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. He slowly said,"So the news that you knew where the Sword Emperor’s inheritance was was known to the people of the Yuhua Alliance. They wanted to come and blackmail you, using your cooperation with the demons as a threat, and wanted to get the identity of the inheritor from you, right?"

Big Big Tooth’s face turned pale, and he glanced at Fang Chen with some fear in his eyes, and nodded.

This matter could no longer be hidden, and there was no need for him to hide it from Fang Chen.

"Master Fang, I'm just a businessman who only cares about profits. I know that humans and demons are irreconcilable, but it's impossible for humans to be destroyed just because I cooperate with demons, right? You won't report me just to make a living, will you?"Danish Ya asked worriedly.

Once the news of his cooperation with demons gets out, even the black market won't be able to hide him, and he will surely die.

Fang Chen ignored Danish Ya's question and asked himself:"Who is the demon who gave you the news? Where is he?" Danish

Ya was stunned for a moment, then laughed awkwardly, and said in an awkward tone:"Master Fang, I can't say this, it's against the rules... and if I say it, I won't be able to live."

Fang Chen chuckled.

"If you don't tell me, you and the demon in your little room will die."


Danishiya was so frightened when he heard Fang Chen's words that he stood up suddenly, his face full of fear.

Fang Chen lowered his head and chuckled, saying:"Come out, don't challenge my patience with your own life."

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets!)

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